Once again I dreamed of a black wolf, he is giant, a monster and I am very scared. In fact, it's a nightmare. Since my mother, in her delusions, says that I am the daughter of a werewolf, I have become afraid of them. I never met my father. Everyone thinks my mother is crazy. Deep down me too. But I'd rather be with her than in an orphanage.
I'm in a hurry because my teacher stopped me today after remedial class to talk about me sleeping in regular classes. How could I explain to him that I left school and went to work late and then only managed to sleep when my mother's boyfriend left my house? I wouldn't even know where to start
I enter the club and quickly change my innocent uniform for a short silver dress and high-heeled sandals. I tie up my brown hair and put on a wig with short black hair down to my ears. I put on a blue contact lens. I don't want anyone to recognize me. Only that idiot knows who I am. And I'm not excited about him always being the first customer.
I put on discreet headphones and let my selection of favorite songs play. Nothing to do with the sensual music that plays every day, but my body sways on its own in a repetitive manner, already accustomed to the mechanical choreography. I look at a fixed point above any client's head and pretend to be looking at them.
Some men are polite, rare, they just smile. Most of them are dirty and I've even had to witness masturbation there, that's how I learned to pretend to look, but not see anything. Just the repulsion of seeing that man, every day, being the first one there, made me feel really bad. This wasn't what I thought was a healthy adolescence, but it was what I could do to save my money and get away from there. It could have been worse, I knew what happened to my grandmother and mother.
Today was difficult. Daiki, my mother's boyfriend, was running his hand across the glass as if he was touching me. Then his tongue right at the height of my thighs. I tried to ignore it as much as possible, but it was different with him, he was even more excited by my contempt.
When the curtain closed I closed my eyes and tried to calm my anxiety. Heavens, because he wasn't going to fuck his wife and leave me alone. Disgusting idiot. It was because of him that I couldn't sleep early in my own house.
I took a deep breath, soon the curtain would open again and I would start all the mechanical movements again. It would be five more times tonight.
I really preferred this to prostituting myself. It was hard to find a job at only 17 years old that paid so well and we needed it for rent and food. The big problem was that my mother was an addict and that had a cost. But, despite the problems, I believed that this was better than going to an orphanage.
I knew a little about this world, my mother had already lost custody of me once, when I was little, so I tried to keep us both well, so that I wouldn't have to go back to a place like that. It was very sad.
I would never have believed that in this place I would meet a man who would change my entire life, nor that one day I would experience such an overwhelming passion. This was not the kind of thing I considered for my life.