The boys arrived and we could feel their excitement, they were very young, they must have been finishing high school like me. We would dance to three songs, we all knew the choreography by heart. They were the same when we were american clients: Halo by Beyoncé, Wildest Dreams by Taylor Swift and The Heart Wants What It Wants by Selena Gomez.
The curtains opened and we walked like a parade to the front of the stage, crossing the sides and then going to our spotlight. Now, amidst whistles and screams, we started to dance. There was a lot of energy in the air, but I kept my gaze on the back of the stage, aiming at a point above everyone's heads and looking into the void, but this time, there was someone there. Exactly where I aimed, on the right side, at the back of the small theater, a boy, standing, with blue eyes that hypnotized me.
I couldn't look away, I couldn't blink, he had captured me with what it was, or rather who he was. My body moved mechanically, but I was stuck as if there were a magnet.
I didn't even want to have gone to that place. When my cousin, Liam, invited me to go out with his team, I thought we were going to drink and talk about hockey, but they wanted to go to some brothel to watch girls dance. I went to tell John where I was, in case he wanted to show up, but he said he was going to have dinner with the team.
I went to sit down, the show had started and she came walking all in gold as if she were the sun and I froze there, standing, at the back of the audience trying to understand what that feeling was.
I had to make a huge effort to break our gaze, they were the greenest and brightest eyes I had ever seen in my entire life.
She had a beautiful body. I don't think I had ever looked at a woman like that. I felt goosebumps all over my body. I managed to sit down and preferred to stay alone there at the back, almost unable to breathe.
I felt cold and pain, when he was no longer there. A feeling of emptiness took over me and I almost couldn't breathe.
Suddenly I felt his comforting warmth, and my eyes found blue again. I was slightly embarrassed because I had to look at him. I felt my cheeks burn.
I wanted to get her out of there. Or throw every boy in that theater out the window. What was happening? Goddess! I needed to control myself.
I clenched my fists and clenched my jaw. I had to get out of that place. I almost had to rip my feet off my body to get out of there.
I needed to breathe. I went to the sidewalk. My wolf out of control. John realized something was wrong and called me.
"Hey, is everything okay?"
"I don't know. Can you come pick me up at that address?"
"Sure, I'll take a taxi right away."
When the song ended I couldn't feel him anymore. Did he leave?
Of course! What did I want, for him to come to the stage, pick me up and save me from that place? From my difficult life and take me to his castle?
I was an idiot. Or was I hoping to get into a Jane Austen book. My emptiness returned and I normalized. I went to change to leave. I went out the back, like always. Who did I think I was? I never wanted to be in a show like that again. I had to stay in the aquarium. There I knew how to defend myself and the glass protected me.
I got home tired and sad. Well, that was normal for me. I just didn't remember it hurting so much. Every other day I was on autopilot.
I made as little noise as possible and went up to my room. But before I reached the door, Daiki appeared in the hallway and tried to touch me. I had to run and slam the door in his face. I quickly locked it and threw myself on the bed. What a day!
John wanted to know what had happened. I said I didn't know. I didn't really want to say anything.
— It was a panic attack, I think. Thanks for coming.
— Of course, always, alpha. — He spoke softly.
We arrived at the hotel and I went to take a shower. And I didn't get the peace I wanted. My body was burning. I threw myself on the bed and closed my eyes. Flashes of images of her shot through my mind. Her eyes, her mouth, her belly button.
I wanted her and it was hard to accept that. Now I needed to get her out of my head. She was a whore. Seriously, was this what my first time would be? Had I waited so long to find someone who had something more and would give in to desire?
No. I was an alpha and I was going to take care of myself. But not tonight. Tonight I would allow myself to dream about her.
I memorized her entire dance and every inch of her body. The golden dress matched her hair, brown with golden threads. Her round green eyes formed a perfect set. She could be framed in a painting.
My breathing became labored and I could almost smell her, I wanted her and this was going to be an obsession for me now.
My wolf and I wanted her. Goddess what is this? She's just a human... maybe, a prostitute. I shouldn't be feeling this. Or is this just wishful thinking? Damn, I should know more about this. I've never felt such a strong attraction, she's not even a werewolf. Must I be high, or was it this place? It's like the mist, the heat, I don't understand.