Chapter Two
When I got to school, all I wanted to do was blend in as much as possible but of course my wishes went unanswered because as soon as I stepped into the gate, I was bathed with water that smelt like it had been left to marinate for days at room temperature, after it was used to wash fish or any other seafood.
“There’s our favorite little stupid puppy, I didn’t think you’d have the nerve to come back to school.” A familiar voice said and a bunch of other voices around her laugh.
I let out a sigh as I sat down on the floor, afraid to look Allison in the eye. That would probably only result in a beating and I was getting tired of being beaten up.
Allison was the daughter of the Beta of the Black moon pack and she was one of the people my father wanted me to please to get good graces from her father. She was the most beautiful girl on campus and the most entitled. She got away with anything due to her beauty and popularity and it irked me but I couldn’t do anything about it.
“What’s the matter? Cat’s got your tongue, huh?” One of them asked
I didn’t so much as raise my head because I knew that they were going to taunt me even more if I dared to look them in the eye.
They continued to poke fun at me, laughing as they pulled my hair from behind and slapped my face. I felt humiliated and angry but I didn’t dare show any of my feelings to them.
“I think she smells great, what do you think Allison?” One of her friends asked in a mocking tone.
“A befitting smell for a riffraff like her.” Allison smirked.
They all laughed at her unfunny joke. It wasn’t long till I heard the voices of four very familiar people behind me.
*What is going on here?” The first one asked. I Instantly knew who he was.
Chad, an Alpha along with his three other brothers were behind me. I trembled at the thought. What were they doing in class so early? The last thing I wanted was to be seen like this by the most popular quadruplets in school.
They were handsome and the Alphas of the most prestigious pack. They had shifted at 16 and ever since then girls had flocked towards them like bees.
“Just having a little fun with the little miss whore here, Chad.” She said in a wicked tone.
I thought at the time that Chad would save me from this mistreatment. He was after all my first love and we had dated for a while until Allison had spread a rumor that I was my father’s friend's whore.
He'd broken up with me without asking questions and I didn’t blame him. I would have broken up with me too.
“Ah, I see.” Blair laughed. He was the last of the quadruplets and was known for his antics, pranks and playboy tendencies. He had more girlfriends than his brothers and some of the girls even knew about each other.
“Interesting.” It was Logan who spoke this time, the second eldest and most reserved. He barely spoke but when he did, it was always either cutting harsh truth or stone cold reality. I had only seen him laugh once.
“Not really brother, more like funny.” Killian said. He was the second to the last born and more violent than all of them. He’d gotten into more fights than the number of days that he had been a college student.
“Stop it Allison. There’s no reason to be so mean so early in the morning and on the first day too “ Chad to my surprise was the one to speak up for me.
“Oh, I thought you’d be very happy seeing your whore of an ex-girlfriend getting the treatment she deserves or are you still in love with her?” Allison taunted and her friends burst out into laughter.
“Shut the fuck up Allison, I’m not in love with her. Never have.” His words stung but I didn’t let it show otherwise, I’d be made to look stupid again. I couldn’t show my emotions to these people or they’d taunt me with it.
“Prove it then. Here,” Allison handed him a bucket of water. “You know what to do,” she smiled wickedly.
Chad growled and took the bucket of dirty water from her without batting an eyelash and poured it on me. The girls laughed out loud at my sorry state and I sat there as the tears mixed with the dirty water.
"Nicely done," Allison purred, running her hands over Chad's chest. "You're almost as alpha as your brothers now."
Chad looked about ready to punch her but Logan stopped him.
“Calm down buddy, it’s best we go to class, bro.” Logan patted Chad on his chest from behind and Chad nodded as if coming to his senses.
“And you, I better not see you taking any of the classes I’m taking or I swear to the moon goddess, I’ll fuck you up.” Chad glared at me before storming off. I sat there in a pool of dirty water and cried before eventually pulling myself up and going to the bathroom to clean up.
I stared at my reflection in the bathroom mirror as I washed up, not only did I stink, I was soaking wet. Suddenly, I didn’t feel like going to class anymore. What was the point? I’d just be bullied more by Allison and her bands of bullies and I was too tired to take any more beatings or humiliations. I needed to cool off, even if it was just a bit.
After cleaning up, I entered one of the toilet stalls to hide until I had collected myself enough to attend classes and signed up for them.
Less than five minutes after I had hidden, Allison and her bands of bullies walked in, laughing hard at something. Or maybe someone?
“It would be so cool, wouldn’t it?” One of Allison’s friends quipped.
“I know,” Allison responded with a burst of pride in her tone.
“Anyway, Chad is definitely going to be the one I marry. He has no freaking idea that I’m no longer a Virgin but I could always just lie to him. He’s not the smartest tool in the shed, you know? “
I gasped at her revelation. She was sleeping with other people apart from Chad? Why?!
Chad was the most handsome guy on campus along with his other brothers. It was hard thinking of any reason why Allison would have sex with someone else.
“Someone is here!” One of Allison’s minions yelled out and my eyes widened as I realized I was someone.
Before I could think, the door flung open and I gasped at the look on Allison’s face.
“You dirty whore! What are you doing here?” She grabbed me by my hair, dragging me out of the stall and pushed me to the ground.
I screeched, as the pain spread all over my scalp.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to eavesdrop.” I begged, tears spilling from my eyes from the impact of their blows.
She kicked me on my stomach and ordered her minions to beat me up, there on the bathroom floor.
My screams, I knew, could not be heard by anyone and even if they could be heard, they wouldn’t bother trying to save me because it was me. I was the school dustpan and as long as Allison was in control, I was fair game to everyone.
“Please, I didn’t hear anything,” I tried to save myself by lying but that was a terrible move because Allison pulled me by the hair again and hit my head against the tiled ground.
Pain seared through my entire face and I screamed.
“That’s enough!” Allison finally said, her voice echoing in the bathroom.
“Take her to the pool area.” She commanded and I felt myself being dragged by multiple hands towards the pool that was behind the bathroom. The hallway was awfully quiet except for a few people and none of them even tried to help me. They all just watched as Allison and her band of bullies dragged me through the ground like a rag doll.
I was so badly beaten that I couldn’t even ask for help.
As soon as we got to the pool area, I began to protest even though my voice was merely a whisper because of the fact that Allison had stepped on my throat.
“Dunk her head in the water,” Allison commanded with an icy cool voice and two of her minions did as they were told.
Without hesitation, they dunked my head into the pool water, I shook, trying to get them to let me go but they wouldn’t let go.
I tried holding my breath but I was unable to for very long as I was starting to suffocate under water.
As I let go of my breath, the pool water rapidly moved into every orifice in my body and slowly, I began to drown. I started to drift away into darkness.
This was really it? I was going to die? Surprisingly, I didn’t feel anything but peace. Maybe dying wasn’t so bad after all.
My lungs were already filled with water and I was already almost passing out when by a miracle, I was pulled out of the water.
“what the hell do you think you are doing Allison?!”A familiar voice bellowed. I was barely conscious but I could tell the owner of that voice anywh
ere even in my sleep. It was the same voice that I had listened to for two years before our break up.