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Chapter 4:She Knelt Between His Knees

Angela POV

Once they left, I slammed the door to my office behind me.

Few hours later,I pushed through the headache and finished organizing the papers, then headed to Sean's office.

When I pushed open the door, I froze.

Christina was on her knees—right between Sean’s legs!

I never expected them to do something so shameless in the office!

Sean’s head snapped toward me, his expression a mixture of shock and panic. He scrambled to his feet, nearly knocking over the chair behind him.

“Wait, this isn’t what it looks like!” he blurted out. “Christina accidentally spilled coffee on me, and she was just—”

My gaze flicked to his pants. A dark stain spread across the fabric, confirming part of his story. But I wasn’t interested in explanations. Who knew what had actually happened before I walked in?

Cutting him off, I stepped forward and placed the report on his desk with a sharp thud.“Here’s the report you need for this afternoon’s meeting.”

The room swayed slightly as I straightened, but I forced myself to remain steady.

"She's clearly unwell," Christina murmured to Sean.

I turned to leave before either could see how deeply the words had cut, but Sean's voice stopped me.

"Angela, wait—"

"If there's nothing else?" I kept my voice professionally neutral, not turning back.

His sigh of frustration followed me out the door.

But Christina called out to him, "Sean, there's something I need to discuss with you."

Sean didn’t chase after me. Instead, he went back to Christina.

"Don't get upset," I told myself. I should've seen this coming two years ago, right?

Back in my office, the pounding in my head had intensified.

"Angela?" Emily's concerned face swam into view. "You really should lie down. You're white as a sheet."

"Just need to finish...".

I blinked, trying to clear my vision, but the office kept tilting at odd angles.

The last thing I heard was Emily's startled gasp as the world went dark.

The gardens of Phillips Exeter Academy stretched out before me, perfectly manicured and dotted with graduating seniors in their formal wear.

I smoothed down my own dress – pale blue silk that had cost more than some people's monthly rent – and tried to steady my nerves.

Tonight was the night. After years of careful friendship, of being the perfect study partner and confidante, I would finally tell Sean Shaw how I felt.

The timing was perfect – we were both headed to Ivy League schools, both part of the same social circle. It made sense.

I spotted him near the fountain, surrounded by his usual group of friends. My heart did that familiar flutter as I watched him laugh.

"Did you hear about Christina?" One of the boys was saying as I approached. "On that yacht last weekend—"

"She saved my life." Sean's voice carried clearly across the garden. "I still can't believe she knew exactly what to do when I started having that reaction. If she hadn't been there..."

"Sounds like fate," someone else chimed in. "The perfect meet-cute for the perfect couple."

"There will always be a place for her by my side," Sean agreed, his tone soft with something I'd never heard before.

I backed away before they could notice me, the blue silk suddenly feeling like it was choking me...

The scene shifted, blurred, reformed. Sean's face loomed over me, but older now, harder.

"Be reasonable about this," his voice echoed strangely. "Or don't blame me for taking matters into my own hands."

Christina stood behind him, a white-clad angel of mercy with a devil's smile.

"It's for the best, Angela. You understand, don't you? Some things are just meant to be..."

I jerked awake to find myself in the back of a car, the privacy partition raised. My head was resting against something firm – Sean's shoulder, I realized with a start.

The familiar scent of his cologne mingled with Christina's perfume, making my stomach roll.

"She's awake," Christina's voice came from my other side. "Thank goodness. We were so worried when Emily called down to say you'd collapsed."

I tried to sit up, but Sean's arm kept me firmly in place.

"Don't move," he ordered. "We're taking you to hospital."

"No." I pushed against his hold. "No hospitals."

"This isn't a negotiation." His tone was pure CEO – the one that brooked no argument from subordinates. "You're burning up with fever, you collapsed at work, and—"

"I said no." I managed to put some space between us. "Just take me home."

"Angela, be reasonable," Christina interjected, "We're only trying to help."

The dream fragments swirled in my mind – young Sean declaring Christina's place at his side, older Sean threatening... what?

The memory slipped away like smoke, leaving only a vague sense of dread.

"Home," I repeated firmly. "Or I'll get out at the next light and take a cab."

Sean made a sound of pure frustration, but I saw him signal the driver through the partition.

The car smoothly changed direction, heading toward Central Park West instead of the hospital.

I closed my eyes, not wanting to see the looks passing between Sean and Christina over my head.

"You know," Christina said with confidence, "I graduated from the best medical school, you should listen to me."

I didn't respond. I knew she wasn’t really concerned; she was just trying to flaunt her credentials.

"Enough games, Angela." Sean’s voice cut through the air-conditioned silence. "Why are you refusing to go to the hospital?"

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