Chapter 2: Lilith P.O.V.

The guard threw me back into my cell with a white dress, “Change. Now.” he ordered, ripping the chains from my wrist and leaving me under the eyes of everybody. There is at least twelve different men in this room and I’m about to show every single one what I looked like naked underneath the layers of fabric. I looked back at my sister, but she held no remorse or guilt for what she was doing. I went to the corner furthest away from everybody, “What do you think you are doing?” My sister chuckled, my mouth gaped trying to come up with a reason for what I was doing.

She nodded at a guard and he pulled a device through the cag and shocked me. My body hit the floor while the shocks went through my body, “Try again sweet sister you are changing into an appropriate dress for your soon to be mate, Cain.” She crossed her arms over her plump chest. Would I look like that to if she didn’t starve me?

“Yes, sister.” I said, looking at the ground. I moved into the center of the cage and looked at Cain, the only man who gave a damn about me in the ten years I have been in here. I put on my bravest face possible and tried to make my shaky hands steady while I removed my top and then sports bra. They moved the device towards me more, “I’m sorry. Ill do better.” I said, taking in a deep breath and watching Cain. He nodded his head and I took off my sweats. The only thing left on my body was a pair of grey panties and a thin grey sports bra.

I grabbed the dress, when I was hit with the electroshock device, “What did I do?” I asked, shivering and squirming on the floor.

“Leave her alone!” Cain shouted, his hands grabbing onto the bars of his cell.

“Give him more Vervain.” Dahlia said in her usual bored tone.

“No!” I screamed. Vervain to vampires makes them more blood thirsty and incapable of controlling their urges.

In seconds I watched them load up Cain with Vervain, “I’m so sorry.” I whispered, holding onto the bars and crying.

“It’s okay.” He smiled, lightly while they poked him with at least two more vials of the vervain before he laid down on the floor.

“Change. Now.” My sister ordered. I took off the bra first and then my underwear,leaving them in a pile on the floor with my Shirt and sweatpants. Then I pulled on the sheer dress, “better?” I asked, numbly.

“Much. Guards throw her in the cage with Cain.” She said, running up the stairs of the room and into the control box. The guards unlocked the cage and pushed another dose of wolfsbane into my sister and threw me violently into Cain’s box.

I went to where Cain laid on the floor after the third lethal dose of vervain, “Cain? Cain, are you okay?” I whispered, trying to not look like I cared to much. That was the point of the control box, she could watch as she tortured me without getting any blood or residue on her perfect outfits.

“You need to get away from me.” he clenched his jaw. I know I smelled, but I didn’t think it was to the point of disgust. I backed away from him and moved to the furthest corner away from him, “I’m sorry, I know I probably smell disgusting to you. I wanted to make sure that you were okay.” I murmured, trying to be as quiet as I could be.

“It’s quite the opposite wolf.” He snarled, his fangs elongated while he looked at the blood dripping from my neck. I quickly pulled my hair forward, doing anything I could to mask the blood covering my body, “I’m sorry.” I whispered, looking away from him.

He took in a deep breath and let out another, “Are you okay?” he asked, his voice sent another shiver running through my body. My nipples hardening against the dress, “Yeah, I’m okay. What do you think happens if we don’t…” I asked, unable to finish the question.

“Whatever you think isn’t going to happen is happening. They pushed a high enough dose to kill a vampire and I’m really fighting it.”Cain shook his head, fighting with the urges to contain himself.

“Cain.. I- I haven’t..” I tried to put into words what my sister has already told everybody in this room.

“I know and trust me. I wouldn’t if I had any control here.” he grabbed the bars of the cell and looked at the vampires around us.

Walking across the small space of the cell towards me, he cornered me, “I will try to be gentle with you but I don’t know that I can.” He clenched his jaw again, fighting against the urge to throw me on the ground and do what he wanted with me.

I took in a deep shaky breath, “Well can we try and go slow while you still have some form of control?” I asked, biting the inside of my cheek and looking up at the giant vampire in front of me. He was already a whole foot taller than me and twice my size in just muscles alone.

“Yeah, I think I could do that.” he smiled at me. His dark brown eyes taking me in while he wrapped his arms around my waist.

“Have you been kissed before?” he whispered in my ear. My cheeks turned an even darker shade of red, “N-no.” I stuttered getting stuck on my words. He smiled and pushed a piece fo hair behind my ear, “Good girl.” he whispered, licking his lips while he looked down at me .

His finger’s went from behind my ear to my jaw and tilted my head up until I was looking at Cain. His pale skin matching mine while he pushed his lips against mine, “Cain.” I moaned, feeling his finger’s intertwine in the strand of my dark brown hair. His tongue slipping into my mouth and battling for control with my own.

He finally broke the kiss, “Come here princess.” he groaned, his gruff voice reverberated through the cell and make every hair on my body stand still.

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