With hesitation, Scarlet entered the mansion, feeling as though the cold marble flooring were soaking into her bones. The spacious entryway, where she had once dreamed of a future with Tucker, now felt more like a cage. The lavish chandeliers and the lofty ceilings all seemed so empty. She ought to have been thrilled. Being here should have made her happy. But instead, every inch of this space felt like it was closing in around her.

There was only one lamp in the study, and Tucker was already behind his desk. His back was to her, his gaze fixed on the papers in front of him. Her arrival had gone unnoticed by him. Or had he decided to overlook her?

She waited for him to recognize her at the threshold, but he didn't. Between them, there was a thick, oppressive quiet. How did it get to this point? How had it gotten to the point where she was entering his mansion but not beating his heart?

She no longer knew the man she had loved.

She felt this way for reasons other than the house's coldness. He was the one. The man who had kissed her as if he needed her to breathe was no longer him. She scarcely recognized him; he was someone else. Now a rich CEO, he was untouchable to the outside world, encased in a wall of apathy and icy ambition.

The faint sound of her footfall was drowned out by the lavishness of the room as she approached him. At last, she paused at the edge of his desk and fixed her eyes on his face while he wrote without ever raising his head.

A ticking clock was present.

"Don’t you think it’s rude not to acknowledge someone when they walk in the room?" At last, Scarlet spoke in a tight yet controlled tone.

Tucker looked up, his gaze briefly sweeping over her face, but his gaze was filled with cold, stony indifference rather than warmth or a flash of recognition.

He responded bluntly, "I don't have time for small talk, Scarlet," letting go of the pen he was holding and reclining in his chair. "You're present. We both understand why.

Her pride and rage prevented her from speaking further as she stood there with her eyes flaming. She refused to plead with him. She refused to let him see how much this was hurting her.

He got up without saying another word and made his way to the big windows that looked out over the expansive property. She could only see the walls that were gradually enclosing her, despite the breathtaking scenery outside. A business agreement was the decision she had taken. This was the central issue at hand.

Tucker's voice broke the quiet. "Remember, this is a business arrangement. "Nothing more."

The words struck her like a slap, causing her breath to catch in her throat. a contract for business. Now he saw her that way. No affection. No love. Just a bargain. a way to achieve a goal.

She made herself turn and go out of the room. She had never imagined the ways in which her heart was hurting. She had once desired this man for eternity, and he was the one she had loved.

The cold persisted into the following morning. It had gotten worse, if anything. All that could be heard in the vast estate was Scarlet's footsteps. She was no longer at home here.

Although they were aware of her existence, the staff never acknowledged her and instead moved like shadows. The glass windows and glossy walls made the residence feel like a jail. Similar to the life she had entered, it was both lovely and empty. Her shoulders felt the pressure of everything.

As she passed the security area, she noticed the little cameras fixed on the walls. Tucker was so careful that she knew he had made security arrangements. Nothing was ever left to chance by him.

Scarlet's chest grew constricted. She had not envisioned this existence. She wasn't a visitor. In fact, she wasn't even married. She was just a piece in a game that she didn't yet completely comprehend.

She sensed a presence behind her as she made her way to the kitchen, the soft tread of footsteps that she had been all too accustomed to. Tucker.

"Do you like everything?" He had a calm, impersonal voice. When he spoke, he wasn't even glancing at her. His hands were folded neatly over the morning paper, and his eyes were fixed on it.

The inquiry struck her like a blast of frigid air. She was stuck. There was no way out. She had meticulously planned everything. The home. The safety. The wedding. He had planned everything to maintain his control over her.

The quiet was broken by the gentle clink of Scarlet's heels on the kitchen floor as she paused in the doorway. She said the words, "I'm not your prisoner, Tucker," just before she was able to stop herself. "I don't require your authority."

At last, his eyes raised and met hers. His eyes lacked warmth, simply a chilly distance and a determined stare. "After that, depart. You won't get very far, though.

A beat skipped across her heart. She understood his meaning. They were watching the home. They were watching her.

The decision's weight was too much to bear that night. She stood before her room's mirror, gazing at the dress that hung behind her. The dress in question was her wedding gown. Tucker chose the wedding gown without consulting her first. It wasn't hers, but it was beautiful, perfect even. She didn't dream about it. He owned it.

The delicate silk slipped between her fingertips as they touched the fabric, reminding her of all that she had lost. She had changed from the woman she had been.

She turned to see Tucker standing in the entryway as the door behind her cracked open. Despite his casual shirt and pants, Tucker's presence dominated the room as always.

Without saying a word, he entered, his eyes darting to her face and then to the dress draped behind her. He responded, "Tomorrow," in a voice that was laden with words she was unable to read. "We formally announce this tomorrow."

Her mind was racing as her heart pounded hard in her chest. What had she done? It was more than just a wedding. It was a trap. It was a gilded prison wrapped in a dream come true.

Scarlet's voice was forceful but gentle as she said, "I'm not sure if I can do this." "This isn't what I had in mind for my life."

A little smile flickered across Tucker's lips, but it was as icy as the steel walls around them. "Scarlet, you have no other option. Now, this is your life.

She could not have predicted how much the weight of his words would weigh on her. Now this was her life.

Her chest tightened in unexpected ways as she realized how final that fact was.

The air was heavy with tension as he took a step closer and halted just behind her, his breath grazing her skin. She could feel his presence behind her like a shadow, looming and unavoidable, even if he didn't touch her. Although he spoke quietly, there was no mistaking the command in his voice.

“I’ll make sure you understand who’s in control here.”

The words were a promise and a declaration. However, they felt like a sentence to her. She began to realize that she had no choice but to enter this new reality as she stood there, confronting her future.

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