Chapter 5: Blocked
"In 3 days, Nathan will pick you up so you can meet Harry, then you sign the papers and get married as soon as possible," he announced, leaving his daughters shocked and frustrated. As the girls left their father's residence that day, they were anxious, especially Carina,
She didn't know how she was going to explain to her father that she was no longer with Deon but was with his child. Maybe everyone was right about getting rid of the child, it was her safest option now, with Deon no longer in the picture, why was she still holding on to his baby?
In the taxi back home, Carina finally decided that the best option would be to let the baby go for the sake of her peace of mind and her family. It was a hard and painful decision, but she still had to let it go.
"I've decided to let this baby go," she broke the news to Claudia, who was surprised to hear that coming from her,
"Are you serious?" she asked as Carina burst into tears, nodding her head.
"I have to," she sobbed bitterly, "There's no place for this child in this world. They will forever be rejected by Deon, by our family, and by everyone else. Dad is forcing this marriage on me because of his position at work, and if this child becomes the reason this marriage never happens, Dad will never forgive me."
Claudia felt sorry for her sister and started to think of how to help her, she kept thinking till she felt a smart idea pop into her head,
"Have you gone to the hospital to check how far gone you are?" she asked.
"Yes," she nodded, "It's a month now."
Claudia did the math, if she was a month pregnant then it was still early, and from the conversation they had at their father's place, it looked like the wedding would happen in no less than a few 5 days, Claudia's eyes lit up, this was an opportunity do something mischievous.
"I'm not being evil but I think I have a brilliant idea, in the end, everyone wins and we are all happy," she said,
Claudia looked at her, searching her eyes for some clues to this big idea of hers, but Claudia only smiled,
"Let's get home," she said.
This made Carina impatient, she could feel pressure build up in her stomach due to anxiety till they got home. When they finally got to their apartment she didn't even sit down, she banged the door shut behind her and started to demand answers,
"What's the big idea? Hurry up and share" She was desperate to hear it because deep down within her, she felt that Claudia's plan could help save her baby.
"Hmm," Claudia sighed and sat on the couch, Carina sat in an armchair eager to hear her idea,
"I'm listening," Carina urged her sister,
"The impromptu wedding... I think it could be a blessing in disguise... the pregnancy is still in its early stages, if you sleep with someone else you can make them think that it is theirs," she said with an uncanny smile on her face,
"How? One month is already gone, 8 months remain, he will do the math and the truth will surely come out." Carina said. "I thought you had a good idea.
"You can get the injection to prolong the pregnancy nobody will know except you and I..." Claudia said,
"Is there something like that?" Carina asked and her sister nodded in response.
"But won't it affect the baby?" she asked again and Claudia shook her head.
Carina trusted her sister because she was a midwife in training and knew a lot about these things so how could she not trust her judgement?
"But...I don't know this guy, how do I get him to sleep with me?" Carina asked again.
"It shouldn't be hard, you are very beautiful, who can resist you? All you need to do is get him a little drunk for the night, it will happen naturally." Claudia replied.
"How do I get him drunk?" Carina asked again
"Oh come on Carina! Don't act like you don't know these things, weren't you the one dating Deon for two good years, how did you bag that man if you didn't know all these things?" Claudia queried her sister.
"I didn't chase Deon, he came after me; he kept coming till I gave in, I never had to seduce him, he was on fire for me, I don't know... I don't know when it all started going downhill" Carina lamented.
"Maybe it was because he got tired of seeing you every day at work, he wanted something new," Claudia stated oblivious to the pain she was causing her sister.
"Let's stop talking about that... let's talk about this issue right now. I don't know this guy, I don't know if he drinks or not, how do I get him drunk enough to get in bed with me?" she asked her sister.
"It's simple, you two are going to be husband and wife, and you will need to know each other, so right after the wedding, set up a date with him, that very night. Trick him into getting drunk, and pretend that you are drunk too. Then... get it done, you get me right." Claudia said,
Carina felt horrible, how was she going to name someone else as the father of the child when clearly he was not? It was the most horrible thing anyone could do to another human being and should be punishable by law,
"Claudia this is evil, I can't do it, I just can't. What will I do when later it is discovered that I committed paternity fraud?"
"Don't you want to save the baby? You have to choose between this and the abortion." Claudia replied.
Again, Carina had a sleepless night, she only thought about the unborn baby and Deon. She felt horrible about what she had planned to do, so she gave Deon a call. Maybe one last conversation could help save their relationship and bring them back together again. Then she would elope with him and avoid getting married.
To her surprise, she found out that she had been blocked when she called him, she couldn't believe it, so she searched all over all over social media and realized she was blocked everywhere. Deon had moved on and gotten rid of her like it was easy, maybe Claudia was right, it was okay to name someone else as the father of the baby!