I have not chosen this assignment yet; it has chosen me, Akiyarah thought to herself. With only a week to get set and ready, she was about to go on this undercover operation. She has been on two other undercover assignments in the past, but those have just been for about a week, and they were considered pretty minor assignments as she wasn't a full agent yet; she was just a rookie. This assignment, however, is different because there is no definitive duration. You can't put time on "love."

The NBI was working on creating a new identity for her with a completely different background, residence, and job.This new cover is basically a waitress at a coffee shop located close to Asher's office. Investigation has shown that Asher was a frequent customer at the shop, so that would provide the perfect opportunity to stage a meet. Akiyarah was not even going to lie that she's not a tad bit excited about this, but with that excitement is a little bit of nervousness at what she could uncover about the disappearances and the fact that this could be potentially more dangerous than it appears. What if he is a psychopath and a serial killer who actually kills his girlfriends once he is done with them?

According to the profiles of the missing girls, Asher had a clear type: cute brunettes from lower socioeconomic backgrounds. He is known to spoil them with gifts and expensive dates. Great thing that he's not her type of guy, she thought. Material possessions don't move her and she didn't consider herself as a girl from a wealthy home but she has lived a very comfortable life. She likes her guys to be smart, intelligent, and with a great sense of humour.

Akiyarah sat quietly in her office as she packed up her belongings for her temporary departure. For the duration of this investigation, she is not to come close to the organisation's building to avoid raising any suspicion from Asher or anyone close to him.

Her undercover residence comes with its own underground office, which has been equipped with the necessary gadgets so she can communicate smoothly with the organisation. So, basically, she can get work done from there. As much as she could enjoy working from home, it felt like now she has to work over time as she has to work at the coffeeshop whilst also working for the organisation, good thing it comes with an extra pay.

A coffee shop consultant has also been hired to train her on every skill needed to secure a job at the coffee shop, and an interview has already been secured for her. How the NBI managed to create a vacancy at the shop, she'll never know.

Her new identity: Kiya Cole, a 23-year-old who had recently relocated to Ohio after losing her parents. Her backstory included a degree in Business Administration, a passion for entrepreneurship, and a dream of one day owning her own coffee shop. She works as a barista at a coffee shop and lives in a simple two-bedroom apartment in a humble neighbourhood. The only aspect of Akiyarah's life that's not going to change is part of her name, "Kiya.". The NBI felt it'd be harder having to respond to a completely name that she's not used to hence why she was allowed to use a shortened version of her name. She didn't mind it as her best friend and some other people already called her that.

As she exited the office, she was given all her new documents and forms of identification. Along with that, she got the key to her new apartment and a key to a small car, a Kia Picanto, as it wouldn't be appropriate for her undercover identity to be driving a Benz, which she has.

She'd never admit this out loud, but she was actually the perfect candidate for this role, seeing as her family lived outside this city, and aside from a few of her work acquaintances, her social circle was minimal. Her only close friend is Amarah. All she has to do is explain to Amarah and get her to sign an NDA so she'll maintain the charade and keep Kiya's real identity hidden.

As she got to her place, Amarah was already there waiting. She had called her to come over earlier so she could brief her on all things.

"How long do you think this assignment is going to last for?" Amarah asked, her voice tinged with concern.

"I really don't know, Amarah; no one does. It all just depends on how long it takes for me to investigate and get the truth behind the disappearances."

"But isn't your life at risk here too, Kiya?" she asked with so much worry evidenced in her voice.

Kiya nodded, matter-of-factly. "Yes, it is. But it comes with the job."

"Then why not just reject this assignment and let them give it to someone else?" Amarah said.

Kiya, however, shook her head. "I wish it were that simple. As an agent, I have supervision and a duty to fulfil. I don't get to pick and choose my investigations."

Amarah groaned, frustration etched on her face. "I hate your job so much."

Kiya responded with a smile. "I know you do. But I love it."

At that, Amarah's face then turned to a teasing one as she said, "Aren't you worried you'll fall for him for real? Like, I've seen his pictures, and I sincerely get the hype." Kiya rolled her eyes playfully at her best friend. "Come on, Amarah, this is simply a job, and I won't let myself get caught up in his charm or fall for him," she said.

Amarah's voice trembled. "Okay, but I'll miss you so much."

Kiya smiled, trying to reassure her. "I'll miss you too."

She went over the plan with Amarah, ensuring they could still be in communication despite the distance. She also gave her the contact details of her new identity.

After they'd gone through every detail, Amarah wrapped Kiya up in a long hug, and she collapsed into it because she didn't know when she'd have the opportunity next.

"You know, Amarah," Kiya said, breaking her hold on her, "if you ever need me, just swing by the coffee shop and act like a customer; I'll be the one serving you."

She zipped up the last of her suitcase and loaded everything into her little car. She gave Amarah the keys to her apartment, letting her know she could use them anytime.

Once again, they hugged each other tightly and said their I love you's and I'll miss you. Then Amarah whispered just slightly in Kiya's ear, "Please, and please be safe, Kiya".

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