Shadows and Secrets
"Don't eat or drink anything," Elijah's voice hissed through Aidan's earpiece.
Aidan's hands shook as he set down his fork. The food might be poisoned. His own father might be trying to hurt him. And Asher—or whoever that was across the table—watched him with eyes that looked both familiar and strange.
"I need to use the bathroom," Aidan announced, standing up.
"Maya will show you," Victor said with a smile that didn't reach his eyes.
"I know where it is in my own house," Aidan snapped.
"Your house?" Victor raised an eyebrow. "You haven't lived here in years."
Maya moved toward the door. "I'll accompany you anyway."
Aidan followed her into the hallway, his mind racing. As they passed a large window, he saw headlights flash twice from a car parked down the street—their signal.
"Maya," Aidan said softly. "You've known me since I was a kid. You know I'm not crazy."
Something flickered across her face—doubt? Guilt?
"Everyone needs help sometimes," she replied carefully.
"Is my father forcing you to do this?" Aidan pressed. "Whatever he has on you, we can fight it together."
Maya checked her watch. "You have two minutes. Then I'm coming in after you."
She unlocked the bathroom door and stepped aside.
Once inside, Aidan quickly opened the small window and slipped out into the garden. He ran crouched through the shadows until he reached the street. Elijah's car door swung open before he even reached it.
"Drive!" Aidan gasped, jumping in.
Tires squealed as they sped away from the Carter mansion. Aidan looked back to see Maya standing at the front door, watching them go. She didn't raise the alarm.
"Are you hurt?" Elijah asked, eyes fixed on the road.
"No, but I'm confused," Aidan admitted. "That person at dinner—he looks exactly like me, but you said the DNA doesn't match Asher's records."
"Because he's not Asher," Elijah replied grimly. "And I don't think your real brother is dead either."
"Then who was that? And where's the real Asher?"
"I have theories, but we need a safe place to think."
They drove in tense silence until they reached downtown. Elijah pulled into an underground parking garage beneath a sleek office tower. He led Aidan to a service elevator that required a key card.
"Where are we going?" Aidan asked as they rode up.
"Somewhere your father doesn't know about."
The elevator opened directly into a large office. No sign on the door, no name plate. Just empty space with basic furniture, a few computers, and walls covered with maps and photos.
"Welcome to my secret office," Elijah said, locking the door behind them. "No cameras, no listening devices, and the best view in the city."
Floor-to-ceiling windows revealed the glittering skyline of New Haven. Somewhere in that sea of lights was Carter Enterprises headquarters, where this whole mess started.
"You planned all this," Aidan realized. "How long have you been watching my family?"
Elijah walked to a small fridge and pulled out two bottled waters. He handed one to Aidan.
"Long enough to know your father is dangerous," Elijah replied. "And that you and Asher were his victims before you were ever his sons."
Aidan dropped into a chair, suddenly exhausted. "Why should I trust you? You dated my brother. You lied about that. What else are you lying about?"
"I didn't lie—I just didn't tell you immediately," Elijah corrected, sitting across from Aidan. "Yes, Asher and I were together. It ended badly. But that's not why I approached you."
"Then why did you?"
Elijah took a deep breath. "Because your proposal wasn't just stolen—it was sabotaged. The version Asher presented had fatal flaws that will cause it to fail spectacularly. Your father wanted it to fail."
"But why?"
"Because success would threaten his other business interests—the illegal ones. The ones that make the real money."
Aidan rubbed his temples. "This is insane."
"Look at these," Elijah said, opening a laptop. Photos appeared on screen—pictures of Victor meeting with known criminals, documents with signatures that matched his father's handwriting, bank transfers to offshore accounts.
"How did you get these?" Aidan whispered.
"That's not important right now," Elijah said. "What matters is that your father has been playing you and Asher against each other your whole lives. And now he's taken it to a new level with this imposter."
"So what do we do?"
"We find the real Asher. We expose Victor. And we take back what's yours."
Aidan stood and walked to the window, staring out at the city. "It's not that simple. My father has an army of lawyers. He has people everywhere."
"So do I," Elijah said, coming to stand beside him. Their reflections overlapped in the glass.
Aidan turned to look at him. In the dim light, Elijah's eyes seemed to hold secrets Aidan couldn't begin to understand. But there was something else there too—determination, and maybe even care.
"Why are you really helping me?" Aidan asked softly.
Elijah hesitated. "Let's just say your father hurt someone I cared about once. This isn't just about you."
"Maya mentioned a psychiatrist—Dr. Mendelson. Does that name mean anything to you?"
"Actually, yes," Elijah moved quickly to a filing cabinet and pulled out a folder. "Dr. Rachel Mendelson died in a car accident three years ago. The official report says brake failure."
"But you don't believe that."
"No. She was investigating experimental treatments funded by Carter Enterprises—treatments involving twins and identity manipulation."
Aidan felt a chill. "You think my father had her killed?"
"I think she knew too much," Elijah replied. "Just like your mother did."
The mention of his mother made Aidan's heart ache. She had died when he and Asher were just ten years old. Another accident. Another brake failure.
"We should get some rest," Elijah suggested. "There's a couch that pulls out into a bed. I'll take the floor."
But neither of them moved. They stood side by side, looking out at the city lights. Aidan felt something shifting between them—the distrust giving way to something else. Something unexpected.
"Thank you," Aidan said finally. "For getting me out of there tonight."
"I wasn't going to leave you," Elijah said simply.
Their eyes met in the reflection of the glass. Aidan felt a flutter in his chest that had nothing to do with fear or confusion. Despite everything, he was starting to trust this mysterious man with the sad eyes and determined smile.
"Tomorrow we start planning," Elijah said, his voice low. "We'll need to be smart. Your father won't give up easily."
"Neither will I," Aidan promised.
Elijah smiled—a real smile that softened his face. "I'm counting on that."
They worked late into the night, piecing together what they knew, creating a plan to find Asher and expose Victor. As the hours passed, Aidan found himself watching Elijah—the way he moved, the intensity in his eyes when he spoke, the slight smile that appeared when Aidan said something clever.
It was nearly dawn when Aidan finally stretched out on the couch. As he drifted toward sleep, his phone buzzed with a text.
Unknown number: I know where the real Asher is. Meet me alone. Tell no one, especially not Elijah Hart.
Attached was a photo of Asher—the real Asher—holding today's newspaper, looking terrified.
Aidan glanced over at Elijah, now asleep on the floor. Could he really trust him? Or was he just another player in his father's twisted game?
The phone buzzed again.
If you want to save your brother, come alone. Elijah Hart is not who you think he is. He's Victor's son.