Chapter four

Roger, the town's shut in, just stood there. It seemed as if he wanted to leave but at the same time, he had to buy groceries so he walked awkwardly over to pick up a basket.

"Well, you two will make a perfect couple. Maybe you can reject him, you will have three other schmucks to choose from." Cassie teased.

"Cassie, instead of being such a b*tch, why don't you focus on figuring out who your mate is, and from the looks of it. You might not have one."

Everyone's mouth fell open at the words Naomi said.

"What the hell?" Cassie pushed at her shoulder.

"I'm not picking a fight, but I'm speaking facts. You don't have to be a b*tch all the while and for no reason at all, we are all grown now. High school was two years ago, don't you think it's time to put those childish behaviors behind us?"

Avery and Laura looked at each other, not believing what they were hearing. Meanwhile Daniel stood there looking between her friends, clearly enjoying the sh*t show that was unfolding.

"You are the one to talk to, your mate is dead." Cassie said, her voice raising to a pitch higher than normally no doubt she was hurt by her friend's words.

"Yes, and that is why I'm not mocking Avery. She is lucky enough to have four mates, while mine is forever and you might not even have one. Again, instead of being a b*tch, try to be nicer."

Cassie growled, Avery could see her balling her hands but instead of picking a fight or prolonging the argument, she left the supermarket.

"Wow Naomi, you just-" Laura trailed off.

"Take it from me Avery, you are lucky to have four mates. I have to live with the pain everyday of not having mine anymore."

"I don't know if I'm lucky because I'm stuck with a tough decision, and..." Avery got choked up.

Naomi offered a small smile, "don't worry about it. I'm sure you'll make the right choice."

Avery shook her head.

Naomi walked off, killing any awkwardness before it could start.

"What should I do?" Avery whispered to her friend.

"Go talk to the guy, maybe you'll learn why he doesn't talk to anyone then come back and tell me.'' Laura nodded in the aisle Roger was in.

Avery gave her a look.

"What? I want to know what's up with the guy. Now go." Laura pushed her gently.

Avery followed her nose, until she got where her other mates were. She paused to watch him as he decided if he should take chicken breasts or chicken thighs.

"Are you just going to stand there?" His smooth voice came.

Avery blinked, trying hard so that her mind didn't go down the path it was going.

"Hmm, hey there Roger."

"You are trying too hard." He turned away from her.

Avery stared after him, not knowing what he meant.

"Ok, hmm."

"Why don't you just put both of us out of our misery and reject me like those she wolves suggested."

"I'm not going to reject you, I would never do something like that."

"Well what do you do? Because I'm sure it's not to get acquainted."

"Well, it is. I have to choose between you and the others."

"Good, don't choose me."

Avery walked behind Roger talking as he shopped.

"Do you ever shut up?" He snapped at her.

"Why are you such a grouch?"

"Because... just leave me alone."

"You are not making this any easier on me."

"I'm sure you don't want me." Roger glanced back at her.

Avery stopped beside him.

"Truth is, I don't want anyone but I have to choose so we don't die."

Roger paused mid-air as he was taking up a bottle of milk.

"Come again?"

"Oh yeah. I don’t think I’m ready for a mate yet, but if I don't choose then the five of us will die."

"Oh wow, so I'll die either way. Be it rejection or if you don’t choose. Anyway, like I said. Don't choose me."

"Honestly, why are you like this?" Avery tried to reach for him.

"Because of this pack, I hate every single one of you."

Avery looked down, hurt by his words. She had thought that just like with Alpha Grey and Cruz, it would have been just as easy.

"Now, do both of us a favor and get lost. I'm sure you have your job to do." Roger said.

Avery grabbed his hand, he froze and went rigid.

He turned back to Avery with a sad look on his face. "You won't want me Avery."

She felt like crying for him, she wanted to know why he is this sad and what caused him to be shut in.

"You aren't going to give up, will you?" Roger asked.

When Avery shook her head, he cracked a smile.

"Well d*mn. Fine, can I at least finish shopping?"

Avery moved closer to him, went up on her tiptoes to press her lips to his. At first Roger was unresponsive but soon she dropped his basket to circle his arms around her waist, and deepened the kiss.

"Avery! This isn't what I'm paying you for!" The manager yelled.

The two pulled apart, with Roger giving a wide grin.

"I wasn't expecting that." He said, still unable to hide his smile.

"Neither was I." Avery breathed out.

"Avery Wh-" Laura covered the manager’s mouth from behind, and dragged him away.

"You really don't want to ruin the moment James" She whispered in his ear.

"Hmm, I would like to invite you to dinner... to- tomorrow because my mom would need time to prepare." Avery said nervously.

Roger bit his lip, seeming to think about it.

"Fine, but only because I know that you won't leave me alone."

"Good, I'll see you tomorrow then."

Avery left him so he could go back to his shopping, both of them had huge smiles on their faces.

"I saw that, so I'm guessing you just t-"

Avery squealing cut off whatever Laura had to say.

"Ok then, I guess you like him.''

"Like? I love him, he's my mate and that kiss was so magical. It felt as if I want to heaven.'' Avery squealed out.

Laura just stood there listening to her with an amused look on her face.

Just as Avery did a twirl, she gave a scream after coming face to face with Roger.

"It was that good, huh?''

"I b- I..."

He chuckled at how tongue tied she was.

Avery stood there, just gaping at Roger.

"Avery, I know you are having a moment but you have to move, he needs to check out." Laura tapped her shoulder.

"Oh, yes. Of course." She stepped to the side, causing the stack of gums to fall over.

After Roger was finished, he walked over to Avery, held her face in his hands and gave her another kiss.

She moaned into him and that caused him to pull away, he nodded his head as if confirming something.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Avery."

When he left, Avery leaned on the counter for support, fanning her face.

"Ok, so..."

But Avery didn't hear Laura, she was too busy biting her lips and daydreaming.

"Avery, back to work!"

The yelling of her boss got her to come back to reality, and also caused her to bump over more gums.

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