Book 1; Chapter 1
Harper glared at the intricate tile design at her feet. Maybe if she glared at it hard enough, the ground would actually open up and swallow her up. If only...
“Please don’t look so unhappy, my dear,” her mother took her hand into hers and patted it gently. “The Reynolds are a good family. Give your mate a chance, will you?”
Harper’s gaze moved to the man they were speaking about on her left. A 28-year-old alpha CEO and founder of Aurora Ventures International, a company under the umbrella of the Reynolds Corporation that lucratively flips small businesses and turns it to gold.
Before their bonding day, Harper had never met the man, but his reputation preceded him. He was young, good-looking, and was apparently a ruthless businessman.
He seemed to have an excellent sense when it came to choosing the companies he swooped in on and reshaped from the ground up. They blossomed under him, so Harper had heard.
She was now bonded and married to this man. To Ethan Reynolds.
Harper tugged at her dress. She honestly hadn’t given it that much thought before.
“I will try not to, Mother.”
Despite undergoing the age-old ritual of bonding between an alpha and an omega, the bond between her and Ethan was fragile at best.
Harper’s gaze was involuntarily drawn to her mate’s lips, lips that had quickly and so impersonally grazed her cheek after the bonding ritual was completed. The alpha was taller than most , he was broad- shouldered, had coal-black hair, dark eyes, and a strong jawline. His navy blue suit was cut in an Italian style and molded to his frame splendidly. He was a very handsome man, Harper had to admit.
She moved her gaze away and cleared her throat, touching the tips of her auburn hair self- consciously. She had absolutely no idea what to expect from her mate. The arrangements for the ceremony had been made by their families and apart from their vows, they haven’t had much of a chance to actually talk to each other.
Her mother seemed satisfied with that response and gave her a warm hug before greeting Ethan with one of her many hugs. Harper’s father’s smile contained just a hint of wistfulness as he clapped each of them on his shoulder before wordlessly moving from the receiving line.
“Congratulations, Sis.” Her sister, Mirabel, threw her arms around her neck.
Harper felt her tension lessen just a bit. “Hey, chick,” she caught her in her arms, laughing when
she slapped her arm for referencing her favorite movie when they were little. “Thanks.”
She turned to Ethan and opened her arms. “Come here and give your new favorite sister a hug, Ethan.”
The alpha obliged, giving Harper an amused glance over his sister’s head. Harper was struck by how much the look in his mate’s eyes lit his whole face up. She found himself preferring it over the blank expression Ethan had throughout the bonding ritual.
Her sister grinned at her and flounced off toward their parents.
Harper saw Ethan’s family approach them and bent from the waist giving a small bow. Ethan’s grandfather, Theodor Reynolds, passed them by with barely a glance. Harper gritted her teeth as she heard Ethan let out a sigh. The Reynold patriarch had just brushed them off.
“Sorry about that, Harper. Grandfather is, ah, well……., isn’t very,” Ethan grimaced, “expressive.”
Harper bit her lower lip and fought very hard not to roll her eyes. She was nouveau riche, she understood that. Her grandfather had been lucky enough to have invested in a profitable shipping line and her father now owned a major part of the company. She was also aware that the Reynolds were on a completely different level. Old money sort of level and to be bonded to one of them was quite something, as evidenced by the grand reception hall and the sheer number of guests that comprised mostly of Reynolds corporations associates.
She didn’t have time to reply because Ethan’s older brothers came up to them and offered their congratulations. “Thank you.” She murmured and made sure her head was lower when she bowed to her brothers-in-law.
Harper zoned out when Ethan exchanged a few quiet words with his eldest brother, and turned to her best friend who was brisk-walking toward her. Anna pulled her into a tight hug, smacking her palms onto Harper’s back a few times. “You know you can always call me or talk to me if you need anything, Harper.
Me and Knox, we’re here for you.”
“Thanks a lot, Anna, really.” Right now, she couldn’t help but feel just a little bit envious that her best friend was bonded to a man who loved her just as deeply as she loved him. She was grateful that the other omega understood the predicament she was in and hadn’t congratulated her on being bonded to a complete stranger.
“I’ll talk to you and Knox later.”
Harper felt Ethan touch the small of her back, she turned to the alpha after waving Anna off, and froze.
“Harper, this is Ronald Sterling and his son, Lucas . Mr Sterling is in the winemaking industry and does business with the Reynold’s Corporation sometimes.”
Harper bowed mechanically, struggling to keep her emotions at bay. It was just six weeks ago that she had last seen Lucas but it felt as if it was a lifetime ago. Lucas smiled at her as he moved from the receiving line, a smile filled with hate, and her heart felt like it was breaking all over again.
Her parents had literally dropped the bomb on her eight weeks ago. Apparently, her grandfather had promised to marry off his first omega grandchild to the Reynold’s family through a blood pact. She was shocked and speechless. A blood pact was unbreakable and to be forced into an arranged marriage in this day and age was almost unheard of.
She and Lucas had already been dating for about a month before she was told about the blood pact. It took her about two weeks to muster up the courage to break up with the other man.
She ran. She couldn’t even tell him the real reason for the break up, she was too ashamed to say it.
And here she was, six weeks later, shackled by a shiny silver band on her left ring finger and silver vines and lines wrapping around her wrist indicating she was bonded , and accepting well wishes for a marriage she was forced into, with her ex-boyfriend present in the same building.
Harper ran a shaky hand through her hair as her lips flatted to a tight line. This was a disaster just waiting to happen, she could feel it.
“Shall we dance, Harper?” Her mate was holding out a hand. The guests were all inside and the music was starting. As the host and mated couple, they had to have the first dance together. Harper slipped her hand into the alpha’s, her breath catching when she felt a flood of warmth flush through her on contact. She cursed the bond as the alpha led her out onto the dance floor.
They swayed lightly, Ethan’s arms circling Harper’s waist.
“I know this isn’t what either of us expected, Harper, but I would like for things to be at least civil between us. Friends?”
Harper glanced up at the alpha, who was now staring at her intently. “I would like that too.” She nodded and smiled, feeling a little spark of hope blossom in her chest. Maybe, just maybe, this marriage wouldn’t be so bad.
“May I cut in?”
The song was fading and Ethan’s arms loosened around his waist. Harper felt an odd sense of loss. She just chalked it up to the effects of the bond again. Anna told her that bonded couples were likely to feel more at ease when they were near or touching their mate