Chapter 4

Ethan nibbled on the tip of his pen as he dialed his lawyer's number.

"Mason?" He greeted the other man on the line genially. "What exactly did you put in the contract?" He skimmed through the pages idly.

He choked and lost his grip on the pen as his lawyer recited some of the stipulations he put there. No wonder his mate barged in here, spitting fire,and nearly chopping his head off.

He had  initially wanted the contract to serve as a type security blanket since he was practically shoved into this marriage without a warning. His grandfather had been vague, telling him he was to be bonded to someone because of a blood pact between their families. His trade, his grandfather had said.

He hadn’t understood but he'd done his research. Harper Davis was the first daughter of a shipping tycoon. The omega was two years younger than he was and branched out on her own instead of entering the family business like her younger sister had done. She had set up her own photography company and worked mostly as a photographer but was also able to function as a coordinator and set designer.

Harper 's business thrived, well enough that she didn't need to touch her trust funds or the inheritance from her grandparents. The omega was able to live on her own comfortably but it wouldn't be the first time people have tried to use Ethan for his money. Most people were blinded by the prospect of money and the prestige that came with being tied to the Reynold's name. He had learned that the hard way and was careful about who he trusted.

What Ethan hadn't expected was that he'd be drawn to the omega, even before the bonding ritual had started. Harper was a red-haired, slender beauty a few centimeters shorter than he was and fit into the crook of his shoulder nicely.    She also possessed expressive eyes and a very charming smile.

Ethan found himself even more curious about Harper , the same woman who had stormed into his office now the timid woman he'd danced with at the wedding was nowhere to be found. This woman, despite being able to curse like a sailor, was extraordinary. Flushed, eyes blazing, wind-ruffled hair, with soft lips he remembered kissing last night. Ethan hadn’t been able to keep his eyes off her. She was so beautiful .

"No, I don't think I'll need a new one. Thanks, Mason. I'll call you again soon." He cut the line, pinched the bridge of his nose, and activated his intercom. "Miss Susan, can you buy me a..." He trailed off, wondering what his mate would like as an apology.

"I think flowers are a good start, sir," Susan suggested. "Flowers, yes, okay," he conceded.

"I'll buy you the biggest one I can find, sir."

Ethan could hear Susan’s smile through the intercom and rubbed a hand over his face.

He still had a few hours and knew he had a meeting with a small jewelry company that needed a major overhaul due to bad investments. "Can you reschedule the meeting with the Gems executives? I think I need to head home a bit early."

"Already done, sir."

"Thanks, Miss Susan . You're a lifesaver."

"Good luck, sir. And congratulations, by the way."

Harper hummed to an upbeat tune, feeling a bit better as she inhaled the scent of  noodles she made. She had tried opening her laptop and getting some work done after she took a walk around the block but she wasn’t able to concentrate well enough so she decided to try and cook something new.

Her earbuds were in her ears so she didn’t hear the front door click open. A light touch on her shoulder made her turn around and she immediately brought up her knee to knee the intruder, but was shocked when a searing pain flashed through her.

“Ow!” She doubled over with a sharp cry, butting heads with her mate, who had also bowed from the pain.

“I suppose I deserved that.” Ethan rasped after a couple of minutes. He was on his knees, still recovering from the blow. “This would be funny if it didn’t hurt so much.”

Harper let out a small laugh. Her spatula had fallen to the floor and there were oil stains on her shirt. She glanced up from where she had curled into a ball as she tugged her earbuds from her ears. “What are you doing here? I mean, I didn’t—” she wanted some time to think and didn’t expect to see her mate so soon after losing her temper like that. She was rarely ever confrontational and remembering the terms of the contract made her cringe.

“Here, let me help you up.” The alpha slid over to where she was and pulled her upright. Harper  found herself staring at her mate’s lips when they straightened. Their faces were only a few inches apart and they both seemed to realize this at the same time.

Harper quickly spun around and busied herself with washing her spatula.

“I’m sorry, Harper.” Ethan spoke up, hovering over the omega’s shoulder. “I didn’t know what Mason had put in the contract. I’ve signed a lot of non-disclosure agreements and figured it might have been more or less the same. I know it’s not much of an excuse but I’m sorry, I really am. Please forgive me?” He held out a bouquet.

Harper gawked at it. There had to be at least three dozen flowers in it.

“You don’t have to make an immediate decision,” His mate forged on. “Let me make it up to you. Can I take you out on a date? Let me court you properly. Please say you’ll give me another chance.”

She took a tulip from the bouquet and took a whiff. The gesture was sweet and her heart melted just a little. “You’re very lucky I didn’t think of whacking you with the frying pan, Ethan Reynolds.”

Ethan grinned, making Harper think of a cute bunny. “Please say that means I’m forgiven and you’ll let me take you out.”

Harper  scoffed and didn’t respond immediately.

“Please, Harper?”

The omega’s brows popped up at the sweet way he called her name and made the mistake of looking over at her mate. Damn those puppy-dog eyes and that bunny-like smile.

“Please, please, please?” Ethan wheedled. “I promise not to control your schedule or to interfere with business transactions. I never meant for it to be an insult. Just... I really admire what you’ve done with your company. I really want to get to know you better. I would really, really like to take you out on a date.”

Harper  groaned, amused despite trying to hold on to her anger. She bit his lower lip, gave another glance at the alpha and nodded.

“Yes, okay, fine, whatever... Now go away and let me make dinner.”

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