Chapter 7

“Whoa!” Henry jumped aside when Ethan’s door flew open. The younger alpha looked like he was on a mission, his strides long and hurried. “Where’s the fire, Ethan?”

“I’m late, Henry! I still have to pick Harper up.” Ethan threw up a hand and muttered a curse.

“Oh, no way, Ethan” Emma blocked Ethan’s  path, holding her arms out. “You are not picking her up for a date looking like that.”

The alpha glanced down at his clothes. He wore black pants, a light blue long-sleeved shirt. He had already taken off his blazer earlier today and he was currently carrying it over one arm. His navy blue tie was a nice addition.

Harper had picked it out for him that morning. Ethan shrugged. “It’s a nice suit, Emma come on.”

She rolled her eyes. “For a day at work, Ethan, yes it is nice. You’re going on a date, remember?”

“I didn’t forget, Emma.”

How could he? He and Harper finally found some time off from their busy schedules that had actually coincided. He had seized the opportunity and asked his mate for an actual date about a week ago. It’s been on his mind ever since then.

Even when he was occupied with work, it had been at the back of his mind. He felt as if the anticipation building up in him bubbled up and had finally overflowed because he just charged through his meetings today. And even then, he still finished later than he would have liked.

“Get changed, Ethan.” Emma shoved a brown paper bag at Ethan’s chest, not taking no for an answer.

“You’ll thank me later.” His admin winked at him after he swiped the bag from her and grudgingly returned to his office.

Ethan emerged a few minutes later, wearing  black jeans, a white collared shirt and a black leather jacket.

“Oh! My baby is all grown up and going on a date.” Emma feigned a dramatic sigh and touched a hand to her heart. “Tell him, Henry.”

Henry grinned and held up a thumb at the younger alpha. “Lookin’ good, Ethan. Very nice.

Definitely something I’d wear to a date. Good work.” He directed that last remark at Emma, who preened and nodded her thanks.

Ethan grimaced as he patted his shirt but had to admit that his admin had been right about the outfit change, even though it cost him a few minutes. The elevator doors opened before he could ask Emma where she got the clothes. He decided not  to , knowing he would have to wait for the elevator to make it through at least twenty floors if he missed it now.

“Oh, Ethan,” Mason stepped out as Ethan hastily entered the elevator.

“Sorry, guys, I really have to go. Thanks.” He waved and caught a glimpse of Mason pulling Emma in for a quick kiss before the elevator doors closed.

Ethan adjusted his jacket. He had always admired Mason. The man was hardworking and incredibly smart, and had risen to the top ranks of the legal firm that worked for the Reynolds Corporation. Ethan met him a few years ago, when he had taken up a case for his middle brother. That was probably when Mason had also met Emma, since Ethan had Emma on his staff since the earliest stages of his company.

He’d also admired what Mason and Emma had. They weren’t overly affectionate most of the time but you can still see that they loved each other, especially in the little things that they did for their mate.

Ethan got into his car and drove over to Harper’s best friend’s apartment. Harper had given him the address earlier and said she needed Anna to help her with something before they went out tonight. He cast one final glance at his outfit and raked a hand through his hair before knocking.

The door opened to a blond lady who smiled at him and extended a hand. “Hi, Ethan. Do you mind if I called you that? I’m Anna .”

“ Ethan,” he supplied as he grasped her outstretched hand. “I don’t mind. Nice to meet you, Anna. I saw you at the wedding. I’m sorry I didn’t have the chance to introduce myself back then.”

“Oh, that’s okay. Nice to meet you too, Ethan. Come in, come in.” Anna opened the door wider to let Ethan in. “Can I offer you a glass of water? Some tea?”

Ethan shook his head. “No, but thank you, Anna I’m fine m.”

“Alright then. Make yourself comfortable while I go get Harper.” The blond flashed a bright smile and disappeared down the hall, barely concealing a squeal.

Ethan probably would have laughed if he wasn’t this tense. He kneaded the muscles on his nape and was just about to sit down on the couch when Harper stepped into the living room.

“Wow. I mean... Uhm, yeah, wow.” the omega’s gaze did an appreciative once over and Ethan felt like he could kiss Emma for making him change his clothes—except Mason would probably gouge his eyes out if he did so he made a mental note to thank his admin properly tomorrow.

“Hi.” Ethan smiled as he took his mate’s hand in his. After  a week of hardly seeing each other despite living in the same apartment, he just felt like he needed to touch Harper. “You look,” he took in Harper’s white pants, pink shirt and black oversized cardigan, “amazing.”

Ethan watched as a blush stained his mate’s cheeks. He liked it. He liked knowing that he had such an effect on the omega and suddenly wondered if and where that color ended. He poked the inside of his cheek with his tongue, pulling his mind out of the gutter.

Harper fiddled with the hem of her shirt. “I didn’t know if it was appropriate. You didn’t say where we were going.”

“Aw, shit, I’m sorry, Harper, I didn’t think about it. But don’t worry.” Ethan squeezed the omega’s hand gently. “It’s an Italian bistro that I like visiting. It’s nothing fancy but the food is really good.”

“Okay,” Harper nodded and smiled up at him. “Let’s go.” Ethan turned and found Anna standing by the door.

“You have my friend back home by ten o’clock, Ethan.” The blond gave the alpha a scowl and pointed a v-sign at his eyes before jabbing it in Ethan’s  direction.

“Oh my god, Anna!”

Ethan pretended not to hear Harper’s horrified hiss and greeted his mate’s best friend as they walked out of the apartment. “Yes, ma’am , I swear I’ll have her back home by ten.”

“I like this one, Harper. You can keep him.” Anna called after them, making Ethan chuckle as he saw Harper cover her face.

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