Chapter 8

Harper had needed her best friend’s help in picking out what clothes to wear on her and Ethan’s  first date and it had nearly slipped her mind so she had to reschedule the last two photoshoots she had scheduled for the day and hightailed it over to Anna and Knox’s apartment.

There was part of her that wanted to impress her mate and she knew Anna would not hold any of her opinions back.

Knox had decided to stay late to take care of a project, seeming to know that Harper and Anna would be just fine arguing about clothes without him in the middle of the fray.

However, Ethan hadn’t mentioned where they were going and so Harper really didn’t know what to wear.

After about an hour and going through practically every piece of clothing that she had brought over to her best friend’s apartment, Anna had assured her that his outfit would fit both an upscale and casual dating scene.

A smile flitted across her face as she cast a tentative glance at the alpha before turning to look out the window, biting her lower lip. She hadn’t been able to stop herself from voicing her astonishment and awe when she saw her mate standing in the middle of the living room, looking even better than the professional models she worked with.

She had seen Ethan in a formal suit, in business wear and in pajamas, and seeing him in casual clothes took her by surprise. Harper reached for her phone in his pocket. She should snap a picture of her mate when she has the chance.

For purely artistic reasons, of course.

Ethan brought her to a small Italian restaurant where they were seated in a secluded corner. “So, you come here often?”

The alpha chuckled, his eyes turning into crescents, as Harper’s eyes widened. “No, I’m usually too busy with work to eat out.”

Well, that was embarrassing. Their first date and she was spouting cheesy pick-up lines already. Way to go, Harper. Way to go. She cleared her throat as a waiter brought them the menu, thankful that it gave her a minute to think about what to say next.

Ethan asked her about work after they ordered. She latched onto it since it was something she was actually comfortable with and talked about her current projects. She was just about to launch into talking  about her new project with Casey Storm when their food arrived and she realized that she was practically doing a monologue.

She stopped abruptly and even when Ethan assured her that he loved listening to her talk, she coaxed the alpha to tell her about his work too.

Harper realized, between all the business terms Ethan was using, that the alpha had a melodic voice that was very pleasing to listen to. Not too deep, not too high-pitched. She could see why Ethan’s clients could just hand over their businesses to him when he spoke so well.

Never mind that she didn’t really understand half of what the alpha was saying. Maybe she cared more about the fact that she liked listening to her mate talk about the things that were important to him.

Dinner was over in a matter of minutes and they seemed to have spoken about many things but she still had a lot of questions she wanted to ask her  mate.

“Do you want to go for a walk, Harper? I know a good coffee shop not far from the bridge by the park.”

“Sure.” Harper smiled. She wasn't a coffee-drinker but the sparkle in Ethan's eyes was difficult to say no to.

They drove to the park  and strolled toward the riverside as they talked more about their families, friends, and work. Harper found it easier to share details of her life with her mate as the night wore on. Ethan was attentive and nonjudgmental, and seemed to like listening to what she talked about.

The alpha had also shared things about his childhood and things that he probably thought would make Harper laugh.

Ethan invited him to sit down on a bench just by the river’s edge. “I’ll be right back, Harper.” Her mate gave her one last lingering stare before striding off to get coffee.

Harper closed his eyes, tilting her head up to the night sky, savoring the slight chill that came with autumn wind. She felt an arm slide across her shoulders and started to smile but realized that Ethan hadn’t been gone long enough to bring back the coffee and the man’s scent was both familiar yet strange to her. A different alpha.

She recoiled but Lucas grabbed the edge of her cardigan and dragged her closer. “Isn’t this just charming, Harper sweet? Just the two of us while your mate is obliviously buying you a drink.”

Harper gritted her teeth, swiping Lucas’s hands off her cardigan and staggering as she backed away. She rubbed her hands on her arms, desperate to try and erase the alpha’s scent from her clothes. “Leave me alone, Lucas.” He grimaced, hating that her voice shook.

Lucas  stood and seemed to enjoy Harper’s discomfort because he smirked when the omega took another step back. “Oh, but I’m having so much fun watching you, Harper sweet.”

“What do you really want?”

“I told you, Harper. I want you back.”

“Stop this, Lucas. That’s not going to happen. I can’t be with you. I’m bonded.”

Lucas' smile was cold and didn’t reach his eyes. He flipped his hood up and jammed his hands into his pockets as he started walking away from the omega. “You’ll see, Harper. You’ll come back to me soon enough.”

The omega wrapped her arms around her stomach, trying to ward off the cold fear those cryptic words spurred in her. She stood that way for what seemed like an eternity, trying to hold herself together. She jerked when she felt someone touch her shoulder.

“It’s me.” Ethan’s  warm smile as he held up two coffee cups Harper put a hand  to her hammering heart. She took the cup her mate held out to her and wrapped her ice-cold fingers around the cup. She hoped her mate didn’t notice that her hands trembled as she grasped the cup.

“What happened, Harper? Are you okay?” The alpha’s brows furrowed, probably sensing her fear.

Harper shuffled closer, her tension melting away gradually. She knew it may be because of the effects of their bond but she had recently come to realize that she actually kind of liked her mate. She  found herself captivated by the things she learned about her mate, even her flaws.

Ethan was intelligent, ambitious, had a cynical streak, and a sharp sense of humor. He was also really good at reading people, which was probably why he was able to ruthlessly swoop in on the companies he took over and swept them off their feet, literally.

But the alpha had been patient with her, almost indulgent, and seemed fine with letting Harper have her breathing space. Ethan had, after all, seen her at a weak point and she didn’t hear a word of it from the alpha after that.

“Just let me stay with you like this for a minute, Ethan please.”

Harper glanced up when Ethan’s hand settled at the back of her neck a few seconds later, her inner omega unwinding like a cat stretching languidly as the alpha’s scent surrounded her. Her mate’s hand was warm, his grip firm, but there was uncertainty in his gaze.


Her name sounded like a prayer from Ethan’s  lips.

She wasn’t  sure if she was the one who moved up or if her mate had been the one to lean down.

The kiss was feather-light, probing, as if the alpha was asking for permission. Ethan’s  arm circled her waist when she didn’t draw back, pulling her flush against his body as the alpha slotted his mouth over hers, deepening the kiss. She gasped, her hand sliding up to Ethan’s  chest as she clung to the alpha. Ethan took advantage, licking a corner of her lips and slipping his tongue into Harper’s mouth.

Harper whined low in her throat when Ethan pulled back a moment later, nearly forgetting that they were in a public place. The alpha rested his forehead against her, their breaths mingling, hearts still racing. Her mate massaged her nape gently.

“We should get going.”

“Ethan, you—”

“I want you, Harper.” The alpha murmured, his lips just centimeters away from the omega’s ear. Harper shivered, her body responding immediately to Ethan’s statement.

“But we have time, Harper. I want to court you properly and I don’t want the bond to interfere with whatever might happen between us. If we get together, I want to know that it was your choice.” Ethan’s  hand fell from her nape.

Harper held back a groan when the cool autumn air and a sense of loss curled around her. She straightened, drawing her lower lip between her teeth. She didn’t miss Ethan staring at her lips when she did that.

She was just a bit disappointed even if she understood and appreciated Ethan’s sentiments. Her mate had voiced his concerns accurately. Right now, they were both still unsure if what they felt was because of the bond.

“Besides, Anna  will kill me if I don’t bring you home in ten minutes.” The alpha tilted his head, smiling mischievously.

Harper tugged her sleeve up to check his watch and burst out laughing. Never mind that her best friend wasn’t very good at keeping time but Anna will probably call her at exactly ten just to poke fun at her and ask her how the date went. “Okay, let’s go.”

Ethan caught her wrist as she turned and yanked hard so she crashed back against her mate’s chest. Before she could ask what he did that for, the alpha grabbed her neck, tilted her face up and planted a Deep, fierce kiss on her lips. “I’ll be waiting, kitten.”


Her mate just grinned, threading his fingers through Harper’s and slipping both their hands into his jacket pocket. She allowed the alpha to lead her on the way back to the car, trying not to think of how warm and fuzzy she was feeling when her mate gave her nicknames  and how hers  hand just seemed to fit perfectly into Ethan’s .

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