Chapter 14
I can’t stop staring at Levy, even the way he eats pizza is a turn on, and don’t even get me started on him licking his lips and savouring every bite, damn he is a panty dropping guy that’s for sure.
“You want us to come round later, too?” Dylan asks between mouthfuls of pizza. I shake my head, I kind of want Levy all to myself not that anything can happen. Look, I’m not that dumb okay, my ma will be around, and my sister should be back from practice in any case. But Dylan being around when I have fantasies about his daddy, it, well even I admit it feels wrong. Not guilty, I don’t feel that, but just awkward.
I didn’t set my way on fancying Levy it just happened, I would notice him in his tight, black jeans the ones I love with tears in them and the way he wears a T-shirt makes me go weak at the knees and giddy. I bet Levy when he fucks a woman, he brings her to a firework, stars and bright white lights type of orgasm. Okay, now I have to clench my thighs together.
Lacey looks strangely at me, “you okay, you’ve got some weird ass look on your face.”
“Yeah, sure of course I am. Just you know, thinking about my mamma and how I can help her.” She nods and gives my hand a squeeze.
“Maybe you need to have her properly admitted you know to the hospital and have treatment for her, my aunty knew of a woman who had problems and they hospitalized her and after a month she was on the road to recovery.”
“Knowing my mom though, Lace, she’ll only discharge herself, some days I think she is too far gone.” I lick the dripping cheese off my lower lip, embarrassed that I’ve got cheese down my face and on my chin, nice look. Not. Jeez-us the man casting looks my way with his smouldering eyes is enough to make me forget to even open my mouth.
Levy smiles and points to his chin, great I missed it. I try again and manage this time to wipe the cheese off my chin. That smile of his makes me literally ache in my core, I squeeze my legs tighter, knowing that as soon as he’s gone from mine later, I’ll have to change my panties. Seriously, every time I am around him, I’m a freaking hot mess. I wonder if he knows how he impacts me. The skin around his eyes crinkles as he continues to grin. I love how his man bun sits on top of his head and the fact that he hasn’t shaved for a few days, the stubble is rugged and sexy, and you’ve got it, I am wondering just how it would feel going down on me, would it tickle? Would it be soft as silk? Now all I want to do is run my fingertips over it and feel the fuzz.
“Lacey, you want me to drive you home later, or can you stay?” I hear Dylan’s voice.
“I think I ought to go home, my folks are expecting me and we’re up early for track tomorrow, by the way are you going to track practice tomorrow?” It’s kind of sweet how these two, my ex and my bestie are now an item. They’re almost joined at the hip, in fact the three of us are and there is no awkwardness. Besides, I have more important fish that I want to hook, namely Levy. But jeez-us can you imagine how Dylan would react? Shit, it wouldn’t be good, and I dare say that Lacey probably wouldn’t get it either. They might think I’m weird and looking only for a daddy figure.
I swear that’s not it though, yeah, I know my daddy took off when I was a kid and I’ve had a series of uncles over the years, every guy my mom slept with, thankfully none of them were creeps. There’s this one girl at college and it saddens my heart and then some. Her mommy has had a lot of boyfriends, she isn’t an addict like my mother, but she likes to put it around a bit, I feel sorry for the girl – her name is Sandra Lee, she’s sweet, smart and a bit geeky, always studying – a bit like Dylan and I. Anyways, her mother sleeps around a lot. A LOT. And apparently this one time, one of the jerks she was fucking tried it on Sandra Lee. I mean could you imagine? It would freak me out, I’d have had to punch him and report him. She said it happened a few years ago, so by my reckoning she was just in High school. Sandra Lee pretty much keeps to herself, she ain’t interested in guys at all, I reckon personally that the fucker who tried it on with her, has scarred her mentally. It’s sad, right?
“Ready whenever you are, Harper.” Levy’s low, manly voice hits my ears, my stomach goes into overdrive, them pesky butterflies are having a field day inside my gut right now. I put my hand to my stomach to quell the tingles of excitement, to no avail.
“Son, clear up please and Lacey don’t stay too late. You’re not to walk home either, have Dylan ride you back.”
“Yes, Sir,” she replies.
“Dad, what do you take me for? Of course I’ll be driving Lacey home. Honestly.” Dylan is a bit huffy, it’s funny to see him getting in a huff, his bottom lip sticks out and he looks like he’s five again not twenty. Lacey gives him a kiss on the cheek and starts to take our plates to the sink.
“I’ll put them in the dishwasher, Lace no need to do anything. Go stick a movie on or something on Netflix.” Dylan was always sweet to me too, he’d never let me lift a finger, he’d run around after me like the sun shone from my face every second of the day.
Do I wish we’d never split up? No, not really, he doesn’t regret it either. We were always best friends then we started dating and we loved each other, we had fun together, we studied together but after a couple of years it just seemed, I don’t how to explain it, Different, that’s all.
I watch Levy as he packs a brown bag with some vegetables, he takes a pack of chicken from the large stainless-steel fridge and grabs some waters and places them in the bag too. “Okay, Harper let’s go cook your ma some dinner.”
I move my stool back and get up, say my goodnights to Lacey and Dylan and go to follow Levy out the door. “Ladies first,” he says and steps aside so I can move out in front of him. I am sure to sway my hips a little more than usual, I can feel the intensity of his eyes on my ass, I know, I just know he’s catching a look. I mean what man would resist?
“Can’t you walk normally?” he asks me as we step outside into the cool air, the sky is now dark and you can make out a few stars, the moon is like a fingernail, it’s still real pretty.
“What’s up with my walk? It ain’t funny, I walk like a woman.” He raises his eyebrows.
“Is that so, well you seem to be moving those tiny hips of yours a bit too much, don’t you think you should you know, just walk like normal?”
I push out my chest and watch as he casts his eyes down, damn he is so fine and sexy, the tatts running up and down his arm that I want to trail my fingers along them.
“Are you checking out my tits, Levy?” He coughs and composes himself.
“No, only it’s a bit difficult with the way you keep moving that cute ass of yours and pushing your chest out. Do not tease me, Harper I told you I’d not be able to help myself.” His voice is low, dangerous, almost a growl. He is HOT. Any minute I might self-combust, my nipples are erect and straining against my top, fuck I want him to take them in his mouth, I bet his breath is warm, I wonder if he’d suck on them or flick his tongue across them and tease me until I put my own fingers inside my soaking wet pussy and get myself off for him.