Chapter 3
It sure was fun watching Levy suffer like that. He's a man, I know he's tempted and best of all he's an older man, a man with experience. All girls like that, right? A man who'll know exactly what to do, not like boys. I love his broad shoulders and those sexy, black tattoos he has running up his arms, let me tell you he is such a turn on. I wonder how big his dick is and cannot wait to get home later tonight to play with my vibrator thinking about Levy fucking me.
"Earth calling, Harper. Where's your head at?" Dylan asks as he turns to look at me coming through his bedroom. It's painted in sky blue with a double bed on the right, his writing and study desk on the left wall and he still has his dinosaurs on display from when he was a kid. Some things will never change.
"Oh, nowhere." I tell him as I flop myself down on the bed, dumping my bag with my books in it on the floor.
"I know that look, is it a boy? Tell me, are you seeing someone new."
"Hell no. Are you seeing a girl?" It doesn't fuss me if he does, we dated for five years and it was good, you know we were best friends growing up and it just seemed natural that we became boyfriend and girlfriend so if he is seeing another girl, I say good for him. Dylan deserves to be happy especially having gone through what he went through when his mother died. My heart was ripped apart for him, but he's doing much better now and has been to counselling and is dealing with the grief. Thankfully he never turned to drink or used drugs like some kids I know.
"Nah, I need to focus on my studies, Harp. Too much riding on it. I want to do well and get myself a good job."
"Your daddy does well, can't you go into business with him?" His father owns a chain of motorcycle stores across the country, he's no billionaire but he has a lot of money. I can't lie it's another reason he turns me on because he is a self-made man, and he rides a bike. I'd sure as hell love to get on the back of it and go for a ride with him, fuck I'd like to ride Levy that's for sure. I go dreamy again, wondering about his touch on me, how his fingers would feel inside my pussy. I squeeze my thighs together.
Dylan looks at me weirdly. "What you looking at me like that for?" I ask him.
"You look fucking goofy is why, Harp. Who you thinking about? I know it's a guy, spill already." Shit, I can't let him know I'm having wet dreams about his daddy, fuck that'd really harm our friendship and since Dylan is like my best friend in the entire world, I can't risk him ever finding out.
"Ah, you know just day dreaming, Dylan. So, tell me, are you going to Lacey's party tomorrow night? I hear there will be a live band playing. I'm so excited to finally go to a party all this studying is giving me a headache."
"I wasn't going to but you know, I think we both need a break. Let's do it." We high five and I love to see him smile, he's going to be alright I can feel it.
"What shall I wear? Thinking maybe my torn black denims, a rock T-shirt with my bright pink bra underneath and some chains around my neck." He raises his eyebrows and chuckles.
"You trying to look like my dad?"
"What? Does your dad wear a bright pink bra now?" I chuckle. Dylan throws a cushion at me.
"No, the whole black outfit thing."
Oops maybe I'm giving myself away a bit too obviously. "I just fancy a change is all."
"Well, whatever you do, don't go dying your hair. It's so pretty all that blonde color and natural."
"I'd never dye my hair; I love it too much."
"Yeah, it's real Blake Lively on you." He turns and starts opening one of his assignment books. "You should start dating again, Harp. You know I'll always love you, right? Just I've noticed you haven't been out with anyone since we split in the summer."
Oh, hell. How do I tell him that's because I don't want a boy anymore, I want his daddy and his daddy alone. I can't stop thinking about Levy and I know that I started thinking differently about Levy over the summer. Maybe it's all the changes my body has been going through lately, my hormones or maybe I'm just growing up.
"Yeah, maybe." I shrug my shoulders, and let my hair fall slightly over my face as I can feel myself blushing.
We study peacefully next to each other, cramped on his study table, just like we've always done. Dylan has a playlist on, it's mostly grunge because that is what he's into. Me I like all sorts of music, currently I'm into Taylor Swift but Dylan can't stand her. We have had many an argument over Miss Swift let me tell you. He always gives in though and lets me listen to her, so yeah, today I'll let him play his grunge music.
His dad calls up to announce dinner is ready. I close my study book quicker than a bat out of hell, causing Dylan to glance up at me then bolt downstairs like lightning. "Hey, wait for me." He calls after me.
Levy's muscles flex as he places the heavy dish of food in the middle of the table, I want to run my fingers up his arms and squeeze his bicep. "Take a seat young lady." Oo, I like it when he calls me lady. Dylan throws himself in a chair next to me and his daddy takes the chair the other side of me. As Dylan stretches over for the serving spoon, I take the opportunity to move my chair closer to Levy, without Dylan noticing.
I can feel the heat coming from his body as I allow my thigh to brush up against his. Levy drops the bottle of beer that was about to hit his lips. He starts coughing. I slap him on the back. "Are you okay, Levy?" My voice all sweet as sugar and candy.
"Yeah, yeah just went down the wrong way is all." He recovers himself and picks the bottle of beer up. Dylan hands him a cloth he retrieved from the sink behind us.
"Here you go, Dad. I'll get you a fresh beer."
"Thanks, Son." Levy glares at me, his dark eyes are brooding. I slide my hand under the table and squeeze his thigh. He grabs my hand, my pulse is racing at the intensity of the heat and the scorching feeling from his large, calloused hand on mine. Dylan is chatting away completely oblivious to what is going on under the table.
Levy almost hurts my hand as he squeezes it and removes it from his own thigh and places it on my thigh. "Stop it." He hisses in my ear, his warm breath sending tingles up and down my spine.
Not fucking likely I think to myself. I want this man and if it's the last thing I do I will have Levy one way or another.