Chapter 8
Seeing Harper with kids the age of my own son just makes me feel like some freakin’ old pervert, yet I can’t help that I like her, I think I like her way too much. It’s not just that she’s simply stunning but she is smart too and so damn nice. Polite as well and it can’t be easy looking after her mama and her younger sister. She’s got it so rough that I honestly want to take her under my arm and protect that girl, offer her some help and sure I like her a lot. Like I said, it’s not natural to want to be with a girl who is eighteen years younger than you. Some would seriously frown on that.
Hell, I know, I know there are plenty of folks out there who are in age-gap relationships but honestly, could I seriously actually date Harper? Fuck’s sake she’s my son’s ex-girlfriend and how do you suppose Dylan would react if he knew I had some massive crush or whatever the kids call it these days?
Heat rises inside my loins just seeing her in those tight jeans of hers and that cute ass high and pert waiting to be spanked, oh fuck that shouldn’t even be crossing my mind right now. Fuck me, I’m in such big fucking trouble already.
I ride away from the college that Dylan and Harper attend, it’s good to see that Dylan has moved on from Harper and is with the other girl, I forget her name, but I know she and Harper are close friends. The three of them used to come round a lot to the house a few years back and hang out, you know when it was cool to do that. Now they’re all about parties and nights out with their friends. So, I guess I’m not the cool guy anymore except maybe to Harper who has made it perfectly clear that she wants me. This is fucked up, if anyone found out that she is after me and I actually reciprocate how I feel about her, fuck me, the entire town will be talking and where would that put Dylan? My own kid would be right in the middle of the gossip around town and at school I shake my head. I have got to do something about keeping my distance from Harper, there is no way in hell I want to subject Dylan to that kind of shit.
It feels good to be out on my bike, I love the freedom, the exhilaration of just me and my bike. I take the country roads to my other bike garage where I’ve got a customer who is taking home a 1960’s BSA Rocket Gold Star bike that I’ve had for a while now and have been working on. It has been a labor of love and to be honest, I was considering not selling it and keeping it, but you know the price tag is pretty hefty, it’ll fetch me in over twenty K dollars. I could push for more since only around fifteen hundred were manufactured but I don’t need to be greedy, man I have enough cash from my garages and we live a nice, comfortable life.
“Good morning, Levy.” The guy who wants to buy it is already waiting, I’m not surprised I bet he’s excited to take this baby home. I can see his trailer on the back of his pick-up truck. “Nice morning to be out on the bike, right?”
“Sure is, Dan. You still want to buy this baby?”
“For sure, I do. I’ve been excited to take it off your hands since I saw it online. You wanted to keep it?”
“I thought about it, but you know she needs a new home and she’d only be getting ridden every few weeks if I keep her. She deserves more than that.”
“My wife is kinda excited too. She’s in the car, wait let me give her a shout. She’s always on that Facebook but hold on.” I kick at the gravel whilst I wait for him to go get his wife.
I’m taken aback when I see her, since I was expecting a woman more in line with Dan’s age. He’s in his early forties, I happen to know this as I had to process his paperwork and registration, he’s got sandy blonde messed up hair, wears an old grey Linkin Park T-shirt and currently sporting denim cut-offs. He apparently used to be a surfer in California but now is retired and pretty much does what he wants. So, yeah back to his wife, she’s a stunner that’s for sure.
Her large green eyes the color of moss look at me from dark lashes framing them, her smile broadens, and her white teeth could light up a dark sidewalk at night, they’re startling white. I guess most of the girls from California looks like that. “Hi, nice to meet you. I’ve heard nothing but about this bike from Dan for the last few weeks.” I chuckle and take her delicate hand and shake it. “I’m Lori-Ann, real nice to meet you, Levy.”
I’d place her at possibly nineteen or twenty, and it didn’t go unnoticed that she is sporting a platinum wedding band, one that matches Dan’s, only hers has three pink diamonds in it.
“Good to mee you, Lori-Ann. Well, what can I say? The bike is a doozie, she’s a classic and only around fifteen hundred made back in the sixties. I was lucky enough to pick her up a few years back and work on her. I’m really glad someone is going to give her some loving.”
“Oh, don’t you worry about that,” she giggles, it sounds so young and reminds me of Harper. “He’ll be giving her more loving than me, won’t ya Dan, honey?” He pulls her into his chest and kisses the top of her honey-colored hair, it strikes me that even though there is a huge age difference they look like they’re suited. Hell, she’s even in cut off denims to the knee and a matching-colored shirt. So then why do I feel so darn bad about liking Harper so much?
We go through the final details of the paperwork, I hand Dan the keys and whistle over one of my guys, Jake to give Dan a hand and I to wheel the Gold Star onto the back of the trailer. Dan shakes my hand and tells me he’ll keep an eye on my sight for any more precious bikes that come on the market. I give him a nod and thank him for his business. When they’re safely in their pick-up, I watch as Lori-Ann leans over and kisses her husband full on the lips. It looks sweet and adorable, but still, it makes me feel so bad for fancying and wanting Harper so damn bad that I swear that girl is going to kill me with the way she keeps letting me know how much she wants me, and my balls are going to be permanently blue and aching.
My mobile rings I see it’s my assistant Lou-Rae and pick up. “Hey LR, what’s up?”
“Just checking you got over there okay and if you’re coming back in the office today or you want me to hold fort?”
“Nah, I’ll be back over, just checking some bits out over here. Say, can you pencil me in a site tour for all the garages, I’m aware I’ve not been out to see some of the guys for a while and it’d be good to catch up with them all. Maybe we could also organize a get together, what do you think?” I always like to run shit by Lou-Rae, being a bit older than me, wiser and you know just great at her job, she’s a fantastic sounding board for a man like me. I have to admit that ever since Lilly died, I have been a very lost soul. You don’t love a woman like she’s the moon, stars and sun all rolled into one then lose her and get over it in a hurry.
“Boss, I think you’ve got an idea there. Let me run with it. I’ll find us a barn somewhere and we can have us a proper ole shindig, bring our families, have a BBQ, a live band.” Way to go Lou-Rae.
“I love where you’re heading with this, LR, go fly with it. Spend as much as you like, I want the guys all round to have a good night. Shall we say in two week’s time and send them all an email when you get a barn hooked up and a date so they can keep those calendars free.”
“You got it, Levy. On it.” I love how excited her voice sounds, if there’s one thing she likes to do, is play mother hen and take care of her boys.
I pick up a message from Dylan. Hey dad, can you come get us in the truck after school please, drive Harper and I to the lake we fancy going for a swim?
Sure, np. I’ll see you around three or do you have free classes?
Three sounds good, we’ll be ready oh and she needs to go pick up her swimsuit sorry it’ll mean running us back to hers then to the lake and oh yeah, can you come pick us up around six.
And… there is always an And with Dylan, it’s like I am his own personal taxi. What I need to do is buy him a car, only he’s a stubborn boy that one a bit like his old man and wants to save for his own vehicle. I gotta admire my kid for that.
Can you make us some food so we can eat at the lake too? That’s it, thanks Dad.
Got it.
I gotta say, that running around after Dylan whereas it is still a highlight for me that my kid loves and respects me so much, it just highlights how young he and Harper both are. Hell, just the thought that she has slept with my son makes me shudder and there I was fisting my cock the other night thinking all sorts of dirty things I could do with her. Holy Fuck. BIG. TROUBLE.