Chapter 9


Oh boy is Levy hot right now. His arm is hanging out of the truck, and I can see the veins literally popping in his forearms and those tatts and that dark ink that runs up to the bottom of his T-shirt sleeve is sure making me want to squeeze my thighs together. “Are you okay? You look, well like red, are you blushing or something?” Dylan asks me.

“Huh? What?” I stammer, fuck am I giving myself away. And yes, I am hot and steamy not to mention I bet if he were to look, he’d see my nipples behaving like beaming headlights as they are straining against my lace bra and my thin, worn T-shirt.

“You, dummy, you look like you’re hot and bothered.” He glances at me again; I shift on my feet and bite my lower lip as Levy pulls the truck to stop in front of where we are standing. I notice as his intense eyes scan me up and down, oh fuck, now I’m really blushing that kind of beetroot blushing. I am supposed to be playing it cool but trust me there is no way I can play cool around this man. I wonder if his cock is as wide as his forearm, they say a man’s forearm is a good measure of his cock. Of course, that could just be some weird bit off rubbish trivia on the internet. Who knows but if is, then fuck me, I want Levy’s cock inside my wet pussy. Now my panties feel wet and sticky, great.

Dylan looks from me to his dad. “Is there something going on with you?” He asks suspiciously. Thankfully, Lacey comes running towards us.

“Hey guys, wait up. Can I come the lake with you?”

“Hell yeah,” Dylan tells her and places an arm around her and pulls her in for a kiss.

“You guys want this lift or not? I’m not a damn taxi and I got stuff to do.”

“Oh yeah, like what, Dad? A cold one and ESPN.” Dylan chuckles as he leads Lacey by the hand towards his father’s truck, I follow behind keeping my eyes on Levy and those fat lips of his imaging what they’d feel like against my warm core. I cannot stop thinking all kinds of dirty thoughts about Dylan’s daddy. Do I care? Not really, personally I think it’s perfectly normal for a girl my age to have thoughts about older men and besides nobody said anything about that Catherine Zeta Jones getting it on with old man Michael Douglas so why the fuck should I care if my cunt wants to have a bit of Levy action. Only, I know it would kill Dylan, I think it would be the end of our friendship and even though Dylan and I are not boyfriend and girlfriend anymore, we are still best friends. That we will always be. Lacey is cool with it, I am cool with her being his girlfriend but me actually doing anything with his daddy, that would destroy our friendship.

Only, the way my pussy is aching for his throbbing cock inside my legs and my clit drums, it’s like a bone ache - I think right now if he were to lay me back and spread my legs open wide to see my wet, dripping pussy for him, fuck I’d do it in a heartbeat. That is how much I want this man.

“To the lake and you want picking up afterwards?” I hear Levy’s deep, husky voice bringing me back to the moment. Fuck, what I about to touch myself here in the back of the truck right next to Lacey and Dylan. Jeez, I have got to get a grip on myself. The man is dangerous, so fucking seriously dangerous to make my mind completely forget what the hell is going on around me. There’s being a horny teenager who can’t stop touching themselves and let’s face it, my fingers were always riding my pussy and touching my clit when I was in High school. But now I’m twenty, I should be able to concentrate a little more and not get too carried away. The man is addictive, I could sit and watch him for hours. Just glimpsing his strong, thick fingers on the steering wheel is making my squeeze my thighs together, imagining what havoc they could wreck plunging deep inside me. My thighs are sticky from my own pussy wetness.

“Yeah, come get us in a couple of hours please, Dad that would be awesome. Er, could you drop Lacey off too afterwards? Hey, Harper you want to eat with us tonight?” Dylan’s such a sweetheart he knows my mother wouldn’t have gotten her ass up off the sofa to eat and my sister, Taylor has hockey practice tonight. She’s pretty good, they’re talking about putting her on the college programme, I keep everything crossed for her to get a sponsorship because our sorry asses cannot afford to send her away.

“Sure, why not, thanks a lot. I’ll need to go check on my mamma first and make sure there is food for Taylor when she gets back in.”

“I’ll order us all pizza in, Lacey honey you’re more than welcome to join us instead of shooting straight home. I’ll order extra Harper and you can take one home for Taylor to nuke. After her hockey practice she’ll be ravenous.”

“Thanks so much, Levy, I really appreciate that.” I wish I could stop blushing every time he speaks to me. I glance up at the rearview mirror and catch his electric blue, intense eyes looking straight at me. I squirm in my seat, oh fuck, I think I’m going to make his back seat wet.

Dylan is showing some random YouTube video to Lacey about the pyramids, those two are obsessed with ancient Egypt, I mean I get it’s fascinating and I’d love to go but that will never happen for me. Lacey and Dylan are planning to go next summer, his daddy said he’d pay half the cost of the flights for Dylan and his hotels if he saved up the other half. Could you imagine having a daddy and or even a mommy who would do that for you? I’d be in heaven.

Levy has money, it’s no secret. The man has worked his business from the ground up and now owns so many garages around here and other counties and a franchise out in Michigan and one in New York. Yet, he doesn’t go round acting like a super-rich man. Their house is still humble although Dylan did say that once he was at college his dad was looking to move out into the country by the big lake. That makes me sad because I’d not be able to watch Levy working out front in the yard on his bikes, with his top off displaying those fuck off big ass shoulders of his, all gleaming tan skin with ink on his shoulder blades, and beads of sweat trickling down his back to the top of his jeans.

He gives me a wink, I catch my breath and cock my head, then bite my lip. He smirks and glances out the window to break whatever that just was between us.

We arrive at the lake fifteen minutes later; truth be told we could have walked from the college but it’s a warm day and we’d have just frazzled. Levy waits for us all to get out and I can feel his eyes on me. Am I imagining it? Or is he really watching me, should he be watching me? I mean he is thirty-eight, he’s eighteen years older than me and that’s some difference but fuck it’s making me sizzle all over.

“Be safe guys and I’ll see you all in a couple of hours. Dylan if you need anything you give me a call. I’m heading over to the workshop to check on things there, then I’ll be back home doing paperwork in the office.”

“Great, thanks, Dad. We’ll be fine just gonna fool around.” Levy nods and starts to pull away.

“Come on guys last one in is a dingbat.” Lacey is already pulling her top off over her head to reveal a cute bra top, white with blue daisies on it. I follow suit after dropping my backpack to the ground. I strip off my T-shirt and then realize that holy shit I still have my lace bra on, oh fuck it, it’s not like Dylan hasn’t seen it all before and coming to the lake was a last-minute call by us both. He is sweet and doesn’t check me out, which would just be so holy uncomfortable. In fact, I think I’ll just put my T-shirt back on. Why did I even bother wearing some sexy bra this morning?

The water is cool and gives me goosebumps, Lacey is free paddling and Dylan jumps in off a rock and splashes us both. Before long we are dunking each other and horse fooling around. It feels so good to be free and liberated, none of the pressures of college and studying on me, none of the pressure of being around my mom and the constant worry of whether or not she will be okay or if today is the day she drinks herself to death. No need to worry about Taylor right now, she’s in school and is a grade A student, I’m damn proud of my kid sister. Despite the challenges we’ve both had to face growing up, she is doing an amazing job and I pride myself too because I have literally had to bring her up and take care of my mamma.

“Say, let’s go sunbathe on the rocks for a while.” Dylan says and starts to get out of the crystal green water. Lacey follows and links arms with him, you know I am really pleased that he has moved on from me and is with my bestie, I couldn’t think of a nicer girl for Dylan to hook up with. It’s kinda surreal but it is what it is and I’m happy for them. I get up out of the water and go sit by them on one of the bigger rocks and lay back absorbing the sun’s heat into my skin loving the way it feels on my body and on my face. This is the life; I just wish it could always be this carefree and easy.

“You ready for the exams next week?” Lacey asks me as Dylan props his head on his backpack.

“Yeah, some studying still to do but almost there. It’s been hard at home right now getting Taylor read for her classes and you know looking after mom. I’m a little bit behind but nothing major.”

“Me too, I’ve been way too busy going out most nights when I should have been studying and this one,” she points to Dylan with her head, “he keeps me distracted.” She giggles.

“Ah, but you gotta remember, Dylan doesn’t need to study he’s so smart it kills me. You gotta stay on top of your studies, Lacey you want to grad, right with good grades.”

“Yeah, I know but I’m bored of studying I just want to go out and get a job now. First school, high school and now college, it sucks.”

“It’s the best most carefree days of our lives, I know we don’t think so bestie but truly it is. We have to make the most of it. Before you know it, we’ll all be in jobs from nine til five, then having chores to do, shopping to get the whole nine yards and only something like twenty-five days holiday a year.”

“Fuck, that sounds depressing, but we will be earning good money.”

“Sure, if you keep on top of your studies. How about less partying Lace and more studying.”

“Yeah,” Dylan pipes up. She swats him playfully on his toned abs, the guy works out more than any man I know, I wonder if he gets it from his toned daddy.

The two hours go by like wildfire when we hear Levy’s truck horn go. We scamper up and get our shit together and make our way to where his truck is parked by the edge of the tree line. “Did you have fun?” He asks, and all of a sudden, I am conscious that I look like I’m entering a wet T-shirt competition with my nipples jutting out against the thin T-shirt. So what do I do? You got it, I push my shoulders back and my tits out. He notices and glances away quickly a red flush creeping up his neck.

“It was fun, Dad thanks for riding us around. I owe you one.” Levy hops out and opens the back door for us, Lacey gets in first, Dylan goes round to the other side. As I go to get in my right breast brushes against Levy’s inked arm and holy fucking smoke, my tits go into overdrive, my nipples harden even more, my pussy contracts. I stay there like that for a few seconds and push my tit into his arm making sure that Dylan can’t see me.

“Harper,” he hisses with warning at me. I mouth what at him but holy Maloney, does his arm feel good against me. I know he felt it too, and what are we going to do about it?

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