Chapter 07: Lupin and a shock.
It's today.
School day. The day I will be attending a school with hundreds of Lycans as colleagues. How interesting... Ironically.
"Hey, cheer up sis.. It's gonna be fun!" Issy coos from beside me as the Audi hit the road, heading towards our destination. "You'll meet so many new people, you might even make some friends!" She adds, smiling brightly.
I only wish her excitement is contagious. No, it is not. If anything, I'm nervous.
After all, it's been a long time since I last attended school. Even longer since I've had friends at all. I sigh, trying not to think again of the fact that I left the palace this morning without even seeing Kael. I raise my fingers to my face, looking at the ring there. How would the students even take it that I'm married to their Prince? I look out through the window.
My jaw falls to the ground as we pass a low stone wall with the name Lupin College in white letters painted on it, with an ornate bronze wolf statue etched on a gate that opens up into a larger compound with some shrubbery surrounding it. I have to hold back from shouting something in surprise. There’s so much detail about this place. The architecture is all so elegant and aesthetically pleasing to look at... So unlike Lyria.
Issy continues driving until we arrive at another gate. This one is larger and seems to lead to what looks like a main entrance hall where several cars wait outside. We drive inside, before coming to stop at a pair of large oak doors. Issy turns to me before opening the door for us.
“Come on sis, you can do this! You’re going to have loads of friends and learn lots about our culture here! It won’t be that bad!” she reassures me, giving me a small smile.
“Yeah, yeah… I know…” I mutter, taking a deep breath as I grab my backpack. As I open the car door and get out, I take a moment to survey my surroundings. A giant clock stands in front of us, its bell hanging above our heads.
Two massive columns support the roof of the building and they curve upward like wings. On either side of the entryway is a series of double doors with arched windows on both sides. In front of these doors are two marble staircases leading up, curving along the walls.
The ceiling itself is made of stained glass, the colors shifting in different patterns and designs. I feel myself getting swept away by the beauty of it all. "Come let's get you to the Dean first" Issy says before putting an arm around my shoulders, ushering me towards the stairs.
I follow obediently behind Issy as we head towards the large doors at the end of the hallway, which were already opened wide enough to allow a single person to enter. We both enter the room where a young woman with red hair is standing.
The woman smiles warmly at us and beckons us over to where she stands at the far corner, near the fireplace. "Hello girls! I am Professor Rana. It's great to finally put a face to your name," she says to me, extending her hand toward me. I shake her hand briefly.
"So you are a special student. It will probably take a while for you to get used to how things are done here, but you will definitely catch up." I don't have to think twice before I know what she means by a special student. The almost hidden glint in her eyes says it all; I am an human amidst Lycans.
"Also, His Majesty has insisted That no one in the school know of your relation with the Royal house," she says making me raise my brow questioningly.
I am about to talk but Issy beats me to it, "Why?"
"For her safety, you should know that Princess Isabelle"
Issy snorts, rolling her eyes "The name's Issy, Professor."
"Moving on-" Professor Rane continues, totally ignoring Issy, she picks up a tablet and starts to scroll through it. "You have been entered into the system here. I’m just arranging your school schedule. What do you want to be your major?”
My major? I glance at Issy but she is not even looking at me. I am staring back at Professor Rayne, still unsure of what to say. "What.. What are the options?"
She hands me the tablet and I start to scroll.
Lykae Education
Lykae Surgeon
Lykae Therapy
Lykae Administration
A lot of Lykae(s). I hand it back to her. "Do I have to choose?"
She frowns and then covers it up with a smile as quickly as she can, "You can attend all the minor classes and come back to register your major in three weeks, how is that?"
I smile genuinely at her, "That would be great thank you."
She finally drops the tablet on her desk and gives me another tablet she had just picked from inside her drawer.
"In here are your schedules and the school map and other minor materials you will be needing. According to your schedule, your first class is Lykae history, Isabelle will lead you to your class."
"It's Issy! Professor Rane," Issy retorts through gritted teeth. I don't think she likes the professor.
It is normal, just like the colleges at Lyria. What was I even expecting? Wolves purring around the class? I guess not. The lecture hall named Fenrir hall is quite large and has very nice wooden furniture. I find a seat by a window, the view of the mountains being magnificent.
I pull out my phone and turn on some music. Music and books help calm me down. I close my eyes and let the gentle sound of classical music wash over me. After a few moments, someone sits next to me. I open my eyes to find a young girl, looking at me.
"Hi" I say quietly, feeling shy, despite her appearance.
"Hi!" she replies brightly, "You're the human girl right?"
"Yea..." I reply cautiously. "How do you know that?"
"I'm Kira. Everyone's talking about you, we've never had a human attend school in Lycania before, and I wanted to introduce myself. Do you mind if we sit together?"
I nod mutely.
"Okay," she responds with a smile before reaching inside her bag to pull out her tablet. "You haven't told me your name yet though." She raises her brow at me expectantly.
"Lilac. My name is Lilac," I reply.
"Ah... Lilac, I wonder what a human like you is doing in Lycania." The new voice is stiff, unwelcoming. I look up to see a girl standing before me. She is blonde, taller than me but shorter than Kira. I notice she has cat ears on top of her head. She wears a dress similar to Kira's, except hers is dark brown instead of black. Instead of a necklace, she wears a small silver pendant. It appears she is also wearing makeup. Two girls are standing behind her, who look like twins, each dressed similarly to the girl in front of me. They are watching me intently, seemingly annoyed.
I clear my throat, trying to ease the patchness I am suddenly feeling. This scene looks all too familiar . And not in a good way.
"Um.. I'm here, that's what matters right?" The girl — the leader laughs at my response, her eyelashes batting with disdain.
"You are not welcome here, human. You better know that!" she yells loudly, before glaring menacingly at me. The leader then points a finger at me, shaking her head "Go back to wherever you came from, or you will fucking regret it!"
Right, very familiar indeed. This is a typical scene from the popular cheerleader brat and the nerdy girl. Only she is wrong. When I was in Lyria, I was in the shadows, but here I am a part of the royal family even if they do not know. I finger my ring and then I stand abruptly and in a low voice, I tell her ; "I'll like to see you try to make me regret it!"
"Bitch!" She growls and my eyes widens as I see fur start to petter over her arms. Drat! I forgot she is a Lycan and we should never annoy them. My legs are shaking but I hold my stance and then she lunges for me. I close my eyes, expecting the hit but it doesn't come, instead I am pulled away by a firm grip on the collar of my shirt and then I am flushed flat against a hard chest.
"What the hell is happening here?" The voice is familiar and even his scent. No it's not him.
"Professor," I hear Kira say. I peak my eyes open and my jaw drops, because it is him—my husband, holding me to his chest, and Kira just called him, 'Professor'.