The War God's Favorite Comments
Sherri Patterson
a6t8 love this book and the characters in it
09/04/2023 23:303e4r #3e4r The War God's Favorite is the reason why I initially joined AnyStories. I love this book so much and it's hands down one of my favourite books. I'm currently re-readind and it feels like I'm discovering new things as I go.
09/04/2023 23:29Rafael
3e4r I have not read the book yet. I have just added it to my library. From the introduction I think I am going to love it. I hope is good.
09/04/2023 23:29Mojgan GM
3e4r loved this book. Cassandra is a strong character, fearless and smart. I was hooked as soon as she caught the attention of the black dragon, I couldn't wait to see what would happen to this slave who is acting with such dignity and courage. it just keeps getting better.
09/04/2023 23:27Michelle Ryan
Cassandra is one of my favourite characters. How her character has developed throughout the story. I love Krai's nature and how he always wants Cassandra's attention. I like how smart Kareen is and how she knows how to get things done. To be honest, I love all the main characters in the War God's Favourite. I'm almost finished it and can't wait to start the next one.
09/04/2023 23:25Terrie Langford
she was destined die he wad born to kill not sure if that is intriguing or a warning?
09/04/2023 23:19Chika Brooke
3e4r This book sucks you in from the first chapter. It's littered with very intense plots ,suspense and intrigue.My favorite characters are Kairen and Cassandra.This is an absolute must read.It's difficult to put down once you start.
09/04/2023 23:19Christina Larson
3e4r This is my favorite book of all time. I've read it more times than I care to admit and I have convinced several friends to read it as well. Kairen and Cassi are just perfection.
09/04/2023 23:11Joey Jojo
3e4r Came across this book by accident and have now read it multiple times! A very happy accident and highly recommend!
09/04/2023 23:07Mariela7pita
3e4r This book means so much for me, excellent story I already read it more then 5 times I will continue to read it
09/04/2023 23:04Merethe Mostue
the name of book 2?
09/04/2023 23:00Julie Mejia Zertuche
3e4r story is very intriguing, bi haven't been able to put it down , I go ton work last exhausted because I stayed up all night reading it lol
09/04/2023 22:56Marisha Joseph
#3e4r# This book is an absolute must read. Every character is so well developed. Trust me, you will have no regrets. Jenny Fox is a truly gifted writer.
09/04/2023 22:56I absolutely love this book. I have a couple more chapters to go in order to finish and then I will start book 2.
09/04/2023 22:52Salma Ajaib
3e4r - Jenny Fox is a brilliant writer and I have read so many of her books. This book is so exciting, a tear jerker and brilliantly written!
09/04/2023 22:49Jonathan Moore
so I've read this book like 5 times. absolutely love it. all the cry/teary chapters always get me. but I have a question. what kind of dragons are they? do you have any pics? I'd love to see them. I seem to keep changing what they look like in my head lol.
09/04/2023 22:47Helene Halberg
I love this story. and I love how we get to know more of what the prince thinks 😍
09/04/2023 22:47Channie's Wifeu
3e4r A new book to read. Hope to like dragon shifter stories. Can't wait to read more.
09/04/2023 22:25Audrienette Mickey
I love the bond between Cassandra and Krai😍❤️✨️
09/04/2023 22:15Jenny Fox 🦊
Don't miss the Sequel, The White King's Favorite!! 💙
09/04/2023 22:04Wendy Mansfield
One of the best stories I've read. needs to be a movie
09/04/2023 21:54Ashtynne Davis
liking it better.
09/04/2023 21:29Crystal Marsh Greene
best story I have read in awhile. I am so excited to see what happens next.
09/04/2023 21:23Helene Halberg
I love this story! There’s so much thought behind every character… it’s truly a pleasure to read
09/04/2023 21:01Reader-496461
I loved this book SO much!! Now reading the second book!!!
09/04/2023 20:45Renée Rechichi
Cassandra better learn to keep her moaning down during sex. otherwise it’s completely inappropriate and unrealistic. You will also lose readers like myself.
09/04/2023 20:33Ashtynne Davis
really like it so far!
don't worry I read the end
09/04/2023 20:21Aida Torres
nice story
09/04/2023 20:19Amber Nicole Glover
which one is the first book? The White King's Favorite or the War God's Favorite? I'm confused
09/04/2023 20:17Laraib Hassan
favourite of all time
09/04/2023 20:15Mercedes Da Silva
09/04/2023 20:02Christelle Renelier
great story
09/04/2023 19:59Isis Salavantra
takes my breath away!!! must
09/04/2023 19:57As I’m rereading this for idk what # of times. I feel like Kari should’ve just said to hell wid emperor and laid the egg in the Onxy castle. lmao. This is truly an amazing book.
09/04/2023 19:56Lewis N Mayyer Yang
this is my favorite book of all time in Anystories! I loved it!!!
09/04/2023 19:53Reader-821096
love it , can’t wait to read more .
09/04/2023 19:50ana marangki
i cannot recall how many times i read this book, this has been by far my favorite sequel of ur books❤️
09/04/2023 19:45Lisa Pardee
This was an amazing book!!!
09/04/2023 19:40Lady LO
This was a great read! Thank you.
09/04/2023 19:35Sofie Parmentier
love the first 3 chapters
09/04/2023 19:34anoesjka griessel
I first read this in dream. When it was taken off I was devastated. Took me a long time to find it again. Now I have to unlock it all from the beginning. Luckily I know what is going to happen. You should read all Jenny Fox novels. All of them are amazing.
09/04/2023 19:29Kyrie Wise Smith
It said her leg was badly mangled/ broken. she wouldn't be running at all...
09/04/2023 19:22Reader-285531
please make this into a book I can actually buy!!! omg I love this story so much!!!
09/04/2023 19:18Lady LO
Totally in Book Hangover 😭
09/04/2023 19:11Barbara Paxson
This book is really interesting. It keeps me very interested in all that is going on.
09/04/2023 19:09SUSAN MORRIS
I love this book so much, I bought the physical book.
09/04/2023 19:05Arnie Mercurio
....what wicker?..weaker it is right?...I'm enjoying this book so far, aside from the typho error here and there!...
09/04/2023 19:04Babalah Jr
This is brilliantly amazing, what the new generation like to read. You have structured the story perfectly, only for the dialogues. They are shallow and basic without creativity, and don't resonate with the communication style of this generation. But you can easily perfect it just like you have perfected the story if you were to know how to go about it. Just read more and more modern-day books and see their dialogues. You will realize here what the modern generation like in story dialogues.
09/04/2023 19:01kerri-ann Smith
jealousy is the first sign of love
09/04/2023 19:00Kyrie Wise Smith
Oh, that's fine. I have waaaay more enemies than that! Good deal.
09/04/2023 18:58Reader-731892
I absolutely love this story.
09/04/2023 18:57Gina Keller
love the story line so far
09/04/2023 18:55Nadine Gagne
can you do a chapter with everyone's reactions to Cassandra being back? your stories are amazing. loved the second book too ❤️
09/04/2023 18:52Raquel Alvarez de Castro
oh ,really love this story its different
09/04/2023 18:51Jessica Noah
This book got me very interested instantly! And I don’t find time to read much anymore!
09/04/2023 18:48Anna Skrini
09/04/2023 18:45haifa Mercado
I wonder the ending of this story... it seems too legendary...
09/04/2023 18:44E J
I want me a War God! 😁
09/04/2023 18:41Raquel Price
I absolutely love this book!
09/04/2023 18:40Josephine Vegare
Sounds familiar
09/04/2023 18:40Rosie Smith
one of the most moving, most enthralling, beautifully written stirrup I've ever read. And believe me, I read a hell of a lot. I cried and laughed, read and re read, I was able to lose myself in this world. I could envisage everything, every place, Palace, Castle and countryside, and the northen barracks and red room, the wild rivers and the lake. everything and everywhere. I'm going to let everyone I know about this beautiful story. I wish I had it as an actual book. my daughters would cherish it. And this would make an incredible film, just saying 😉
09/04/2023 18:38Anne Kaa
amazing love this book
09/04/2023 18:38Shersher Love
they should have an audio version of this book with great narrators that can brings the book to life
09/04/2023 18:36Khodani Negota
I've read so many books in love novels fiction drama and many other genre but a book this interesting intriguing and readable I haven't found till I read this one I love the whole story and I would really want to read their lives going further I mean right after Cassandra's return how their lives turned out and also missandras journey in love with the youngest of the prince's 🤴
09/04/2023 18:35Lisa Halliburton
I really like this story, the book is interesting.
09/04/2023 18:34Kellye Webster
chapter 12 didn't show anything 😪
09/04/2023 18:33Nicole Velox
I'm loving this book and how it progresses.
09/04/2023 18:33E J
Just taking out the trash. 🤣🤣🤣
09/04/2023 18:31E J
And yep. there it is. the reason behind the STOP! The way he spoke about her and saying he didn't need that was just so precious. 🥰
09/04/2023 18:28Khodani Negota
I've never read a book and loved it like this one
09/04/2023 18:18Shelly Berger
loved so much had to order the soft cover half way through just to save my eyes being on a screen all day…lol
09/04/2023 18:17Khodani Negota
for the love of God I've been reading this book over and over and I don't get tired. I want more I'm not getting enough would you please continue with the story I want to hear more of the war God's love for his concubine please
09/04/2023 18:16anna davis
this is a good book
09/04/2023 18:15Roshonda Miller
I am on chapter 89 and all my chapters have locked what is going on
09/04/2023 18:12Chrisie Parsons
WOW this book is hot but bloody
09/04/2023 18:12Reader-510706
can you write some more bonus chapters? i want to know how everyone else reacted to Cassandra coming back to life at the end, like her sister, and kairen’s mom and sister, anour
09/04/2023 18:11Lisa Morgan
Cassandra was there when dahlia died......are they possibly hinttling at a relation a family member even????
09/04/2023 18:11R.L.Marcelain
I’m curious if they’re both so young at the time why wasn’t Cassandra also giving us a prostitute since they were both very young and early were in the book and said they only choose the young ones and they were both close enough in age to be like twins. it’s too bad that her sister couldn’t have gone with Cassandra
09/04/2023 18:10Mister Berry
09/04/2023 18:09Mary Alice Keen
I have to admit this book is intriguing.
09/04/2023 18:09E J
I hope while they're at the palace they'll get the key to unlock Cassie's collar. Which I don't understand why Kairen hasn't already tried to acquire it. I understand that Cass belonged to the Minister who has been beheaded and Lady Lyria whom Kairen killed. So the key should be in the area of either of those two last residences. If not then they should look into the Palace's locksmith who specializes in those keys. Anyway, I'm ecstatic in the arrival of the day she gets that off her neck.
09/04/2023 18:09May Lee
this by far has been my fav book of all time here on AnyStories. along with its second book the white kings fav with their daughter. omg….I would read this again!!!
09/04/2023 18:08Natalie Berry
this is one of my all time favourite stories. I just keep rereading it
09/04/2023 18:08chereen molonyana
I really love this book. Can you make another book about their life's after she came back. How missandra, a our, shareen and Kareen are after she came back. The happiness of the changed
09/04/2023 18:08Marrie Mitipelo
Beautiful chapter. Home. Thank You author... Cassandras' life Journey. Krai and Kairen changed Everything for her. She was Ready to die...That revelation is what gets me. Krai knew it, but Knew She was meant to Live for his Master...
09/04/2023 18:06Ronel Koorts
Alrrady love the story can't wait for more!
09/04/2023 18:05Candy Achiriga
I've re read it five times, but still don't like the ending. I want to read more about Cassandra's reunion with her family and friends, about the changes that have taken place in and out side the palace. I have a lot of questions . please rewrite the ending
09/04/2023 18:04Chew Howell
cannot wait to read the next chapter
09/04/2023 18:04Anna Stolpa - Dedzo
Captivating story about strenght, resilience and love. it is interesting to see how the main characters evolve and change because of their love. definately worth the read
09/04/2023 18:04Nola Thorburn
very cool so far
09/04/2023 18:03Phyllis Moffat
this story is so amazing I need to finish this book
09/04/2023 18:03Reader-382519
nice story
09/04/2023 18:03Oyetoun Oluwaseun Olaoye
very intriguing book
09/04/2023 18:01I usually dont comment much but I just want to say how much I truly love this story. The relationship between Krai and Cassandra is the BEST! Everytime its brought up I laugh to myself, makes me think of the "How to Train your Dragon" movies🥰😂💕
09/04/2023 18:01Talaanna Schoonbee
grate I am enjoying
09/04/2023 18:01Olga Safronova
this is such a great story
09/04/2023 17:59Tara Stirling
bbbuuuuubhub b b bubbhbib b bìj u bjjn n b n i bjn j uj hj lijbpbj jn jlunlnuhph imhjhij ujini jnlnibmnuulnhljn h imhi b n uh8ji i nj bnj p in mn inj jjj i n nn b n ijn j n hm j b b nuhlbnhbo b 0 bn o but k j I jh no i i in nj bubbuu bbhubb bbbbbbu
09/04/2023 17:59Brandy Sylvester
20/10 I totally LOVED this book, it is my absolute favorite.
09/04/2023 17:57Victoria Donkin
What I love about this book and White King's Favourite is that as a paranormal romance, it isn't the usual basic storyline that most authors follow these days. Jenny Fox made it different/unique and with depth which is so refreshing. Highly recommend reading and good luck not becoming addicted. Thanks Jenny for letting me escape from everyday life into another world that captured both my imagination and heart ❤️
09/04/2023 17:57