Lita's Love for the Alpha Comments

  • April Borchers

    yes not a chance in hell

    09/04/2023 08:14
  • kg oh oh lhclh

    loved the new update! glad you are taking time for your self!!! keep up the great writing!!! 💘

    09/04/2023 08:14
  • Nice plot twist. It explains so much.

    09/04/2023 08:13
  • April Borchers

    omg so Max ,Coles dad has her what’s he going to do oh my

    09/04/2023 08:13
  • FOR LUNA IN LIMELIGHT: it’s moving to r3adict or amaz0n! I’m realizing they sensor comments and names of other apps. that’s why some comments never show up 😡😡 try to read the recent replies. send me a DM on IG for a detailed explanation.

    09/04/2023 08:13
  • Unlikely Optimist 🖤


    09/04/2023 08:13
  • April Borchers

    Very good chapter thanks for the information about Brian and her mother and the whole situation involving them in the scheme can’t wait for another update

    09/04/2023 08:13
  • such an amazing story! looking forward to reading the rest of the story 💙

    09/04/2023 08:13
  • Unlikely Optimist 🖤

    Hey lovely readers! I see a lot of commenting about updates so I figured I should come chat for a second. I unfortunately have a chronic health condition that gives me trouble from time to time and right now I’m struggling with pretty bad fatigue so the chapters are a lot harder to get through. i haven’t even been able to keep up with replying to your comments 😩 I hope you’ll bear with me during this slow time as I really am trying hard to get chapters completed for you. I’ve mapped out that we’ve got about 15 chapters left until the story is complete. Hopefully you’ll all stick around until I’m feeling better! As always, much love and thanks so much for your support xoxoxoxo

    09/04/2023 08:13
  • Unlikely Optimist 🖤

    ugh my comments aren’t showing up again 😩🥴

    09/04/2023 08:12
  • Lynn Hojnacki Lajoie

    does this writer update?

    09/04/2023 08:12
  • Lady Rachael De Nova

    The Chapter: 'Never F*ck With Nyx'?? Daaang, I loved it!!!💪🏿👸🏿👑

    09/04/2023 08:12
  • Bravo 👏👏👏 This was a great read!!! December can’t get here fast enough 🥰

    09/04/2023 08:12
  • April Borchers

    wow what a a**hole

    09/04/2023 08:12
  • Hernandez Giuliana

    any updates , no pressure but you said 1-2 chapters update a week so still waiting , thanks

    09/04/2023 08:11
  • Unlikely Optimist 🖤

    plz be patient!

    09/04/2023 08:11
  • Unlikely Optimist 🖤

    hey guys my comments are not showing up

    09/04/2023 08:11
  • Maureen Agnew


    09/04/2023 08:11
  • hey guys! I’m planning on a triple update this week to make up for going M.I.A. last week. I had a last minute vacation to Ocean City, MD 😩 anyway I’ll be posting the triple update on Friday 🖤 TTYL

    09/04/2023 08:11
  • Gayle Root

    I loved Luna in the limelight! I will be so sad if it’s gone forever...

    09/04/2023 08:11
  • well that was a twist

    09/04/2023 08:11
  • thank you for the update 😊. Come Nyx Lita needs you push forward and l can’t wait 🤣🤣

    09/04/2023 08:10
  • Alavina Lealiiee

    this is taking so long between chapters 😤

    09/04/2023 08:10
  • Unlikely Optimist 🖤

    I’m still here guys! Fatigue is kicking my brain but I’m still writing when I can! New chapter should be appearing any minute ❤️

    09/04/2023 08:10
  • can’t wait to see Cole l don’t think he will be able to control his anger and Nyx I’m waiting for her to kick in again too lol

    09/04/2023 08:10
  • April Borchers

    where are you at my favorite writing girl I’m in need of a update please

    09/04/2023 08:09
  • Andrea Aludden

    thank you for a great story! loved it! 🥰

    09/04/2023 08:09
  • Unlikely Optimist 🖤

    hey guys just letting you know I’ve been trying to update you for days but my comments weren’t working! I have a health condition and suffer from chronic fatigue and it’s kicking my ass. I’m working as hard as I can to get new chapters up! be patient with me

    09/04/2023 08:09
  • Unlikely Optimist 🖤

    hey guys just letting you know I’ve been trying to update you for days but my comments weren’t working! I have a health condition and suffer from chronic fatigue and it’s kicking my ass. I’m working as hard as I can to get new chapters up! be patient with me ❤️

    09/04/2023 08:09
  • April Borchers

    I’m a little upset with that but I understand and respect your decision,you can’t rush perfection ,with that being said this was a good chapter but I’m still biting at the bit

    09/04/2023 08:09
  • Hey lovely readers! I see a lot of commenting about updates so I figured I should come chat for a second. I unfortunately have a chronic health condition that gives me trouble from time to time and right now I’m struggling with pretty bad fatigue so the chapters are a lot harder to get through. i haven’t even been able to keep up with replying to your comments 😩 I hope you’ll bear with me during this slow time as I really am trying hard to get chapters completed for you. I’ve mapped out that we’ve got about 15 chapters left until the story is complete. Hopefully you’ll all stick around until I’m feeling better! As always, much love and thanks so much for your support xoxoxoxo

    09/04/2023 08:09
  • Jessica Carr

    utterly speechless!!!! loved every word

    09/04/2023 08:09
  • Nyx yes it’s about to go down 🤣🤣

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • nfau4714

    Have tour fun girl! Lita deserves it right now and honestly Ace is a BROOOO right now!

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • Iani328

    thank you so much for finishing the book. I was a bit disappointed at first because I wanted more in the sense of knowing who was Lita’s father as well as lita’s last confrontation with her mother, but then I thought the end was perfect. Lita ended up being happy in a place of light and leaving her past behind. that’s much more than a lot of people can hope for. thank you for in a sort of way using therapy as a beautiful way to let your forum know that it is ok to seek help and that it works. I can’t wait to see what else you have in the works for us.

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • Autumn Harvey

    omg I love it so much!!!! when is the next update????

    09/04/2023 08:08
  • Nancy Hunter

    omg that’s a horrible spot to stop ugh 🤦🏼‍♀️

    09/04/2023 08:07
  • April Borchers

    yes this is getting good

    09/04/2023 08:07
  • Ashley Foster

    That was some powerful imagery with those chapters. I can't wait to see what happens next. Nyx is brutal and I love it.

    09/04/2023 08:07
  • Tiffany Bryant


    09/04/2023 08:07
  • nfau4714

    😱😱😱😱💀💀 Did I call it or did I call it??!!! It was nice to meet you Erica, but byeeeeee!!

    09/04/2023 08:07
  • Maureen Agnew

    such a good update! I can’t wait for the next one!

    09/04/2023 08:06
  • Maureen Agnew

    such a cliff hanger....

    09/04/2023 08:06
  • Andrea Aludden

    oh no I am so sorry for Ace 😭💔

    09/04/2023 08:06
  • I love Nyx 🥰

    09/04/2023 08:05
  • nfau4714

    "Bright red gleam" in who's eyes???!?!?! I FREAKING knew it!!!!! Get 'em girl!

    09/04/2023 08:05
  • Jaz

    oh yes, she is shifting. i hope she kicks erica ass than drags her by the tail... and kicks maxim ass.. ohhhhh i can’t wait for more! i wanna know what happens next! love the book❤️

    09/04/2023 08:05
  • I seriously hope Lita bites Erica’s face off too!!!

    09/04/2023 08:04
  • Melissa McWhorter-Asberry

    I think that Erica let Brian know where Lit a is and who she is with

    09/04/2023 08:04
  • April Borchers

    omg what is going on Luna in lime light has been removed please don’t remove this book too I love both of them what’s on 😢😢😢

    09/04/2023 08:04
  • KeKe

    Aww poor Brody 😔 he deserves a mate too.

    09/04/2023 08:03
  • Bri

    I can’t help but get this feeling that Jaz was sent by Cole’s father a long time ago to keep eyes on Cole , and Maxim used Jaz to get Lita in a vulnerable position so he could kidnap her. I am agonizing over this one chapter a week update, might just be driving me a little crazy, but I’m happy for any chapters!!

    09/04/2023 08:02
  • April Borchers

    that was hot ,your mind is brilliant and I know you’ll come up with something great

    09/04/2023 08:01
  • Looking forward to an update!!! Really like this story so far!

    09/04/2023 08:01

    thank you!!! ahhh I wanna know what happens!!!!!! so obvi she will shift when something major happens.

    09/04/2023 08:01
  • April Borchers

    omg it’s so good

    09/04/2023 08:01
  • xaviera Ross

    it is messed up how Cole didn’t defend her at all. Everyone else was defending her especially Brody

    09/04/2023 08:01
  • Melissa McWhorter-Asberry

    cannot wait until next update when is it

    09/04/2023 08:00
  • April Borchers

    great update and nice getting to know each other scene your wonderful

    09/04/2023 08:00
  • Unlikely Optimist 🖤

    There’s always a lag but the new chapters are posted ❤️ they should appear soon!

    09/04/2023 08:00
  • kg oh oh lhclh

    Amazing book!❤

    09/04/2023 07:58
  • Melissa Asberry

    I can't wait for the next update. I still would like for her to make out with someone so Cole will realize he really wants her. like she stated it is a chance for her to make a choice for herself not her mom or the mate bond.

    09/04/2023 07:58
  • I seriously hope Lita bites Brian’s face off ijs

    09/04/2023 07:58
  • when’s the next update????

    09/04/2023 07:58
  • Viki_Royale13

    omg! I am so in love this story! ❤😘

    09/04/2023 07:58
  • April Borchers

    holy frisky yeah just how I wanted when you deliver your story you don’t hold back , I can’t wait for more

    09/04/2023 07:58
  • April Borchers

    OK dear thanks for the update

    09/04/2023 07:58
  • Unlikely Optimist 🖤

    sorry about yesterday guys I was celebrating V-day at a haunted house and forgot to post before I left 😩 I’ll try to write an extra chapter today to make up for it! A little smut for the holiday 😈😉 I’ll be posting at 5pm EST ❤️❤️❤️ Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!

    09/04/2023 07:57
  • Reader-774910

    loving the storyline. can’t wait to read more

    09/04/2023 07:57
  • Nichole83pa

    no update?

    09/04/2023 07:57
  • Melissa McWhorter-Asberry

    what time are you doing your next update

    09/04/2023 07:57
  • Georgia

    Erica seems so nice but I hate her 😂😂

    09/04/2023 07:57
  • April Borchers

    love this and I’m glad you updated as fast as you did , excellent!!!!!!!

    09/04/2023 07:57
  • Melissa McWhorter-Asberry

    wow that was amazing only if cole and the rest could see

    09/04/2023 07:56

    omg is Lita a born Alpha and they have her medicated so much that she has no idea she has a wolf?! I hate her mom!! I hope they stop her from going and he better not reject her. !! loving the story its keeping me on my toes!

    09/04/2023 07:56
  • Justmee

    I read the whole book in one day 🥺! My heart dropped when I flipped the page and there wasn't another chapter 🤦🏽‍♀️! This book is delicious 🤤! More please 😅🤣😂

    09/04/2023 07:56
  • Melissa McWhorter-Asberry

    I think the pills keeps her from showing her wolf and I really think she has alpha blood

    09/04/2023 07:56
  • Jenna Bergman

    I need more!!!!!!! please🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺

    09/04/2023 07:56
  • Reader-168203

    I swear I’m checking for this update every 5 minutes! I’m trying to see what kinda drama Ace is about to stir up.

    09/04/2023 07:56
  • Melissa McWhorter-Asberry

    when are you bringing lunain the limelight back I loved the storyplease

    09/04/2023 07:55
  • Nyx is about to have some fun w/Lita ☺️☺️

    09/04/2023 07:55
  • Wcha

    I threshing read so far I wonder if she has any wolf in her genes since she takes those pills for her aggression

    09/04/2023 07:55
  • April Borchers

    some of my comments are missing to

    09/04/2023 07:55
  • Maureen Agnew

    can’t wait for the next update! Hope there is one soon😊

    09/04/2023 07:54
  • Unlikely Optimist 🖤

    hey guys I’ll be doing my best to get back to daily updates by 6pm EST! I’ll let you know when I’m planning to take my vacation ❤️❤️❤️

    09/04/2023 07:54
  • Sarah Mutimer

    loving the story so far!

    09/04/2023 07:54
  • April Borchers

    good update on Litas love for the Alpha and I’m to hear about Luna in the limelight

    09/04/2023 07:53
  • Jaz

    who did that to lita?!

    09/04/2023 07:53
  • Bri

    I really hope Lita has a badass moment soon!!! she deserves some personal triumph, with everything that keeps happening to her. :)

    09/04/2023 07:53
  • Unlikely Optimist 🖤

    if I write a long comment it doesn’t work 😩

    09/04/2023 07:53
  • Iani328

    for Lita’s love for the alpha when are you going to have more updates?

    09/04/2023 07:53
  • hey gang! I’ll be taking a vacation from March 11th-15th so no posting during that time ❤️

    09/04/2023 07:53
  • April Borchers

    thank you for the update the story is getting juicy and I can’t wait to see it all play out

    09/04/2023 07:52
  • Ashley Foster

    How was your vacation?

    09/04/2023 07:52
  • Ashley Foster

    oh, a new house! That should give her something to focus on, huh? Hopefully in a healthy way that helps her move on and not a "I'm just gonna bottle everything up and use this as a distraction" kind of way.

    09/04/2023 07:52
  • Kari Shockley

    My new favorite story! Cant stop reading.

    09/04/2023 07:52
  • cmcrobb

    Thamk you for the update!! I've been checking every hour for an update!! God I hate Erica!! I'm dying to know what happens next!!

    09/04/2023 07:51
  • Melissa McWhorter-Asberry

    I love it I am so glad he claimed her finally

    09/04/2023 07:51
  • Chassielashes D

    I really like the story so far I have intuition that lita is a werewolf and the medicine she has been taking was holding her back I believe everyone is going to be shock but I could be wrong

    09/04/2023 07:51
  • Jenna Bergman

    I need more!!!!!!!

    09/04/2023 07:51