Lita's Love for the Alpha Comments
Jenna Bergman
Wow!!!!!! all I can say is WOW!!!! I can’t get enough of this book! you are amazing!!! thank you for sharing your talent with us!!!
09/04/2023 07:51April Borchers
good chapter how often do you think you might update this is excellent
09/04/2023 07:51April Borchers
Oh the girls are going to get in trouble hopefully not have some 🤩 fun
09/04/2023 07:51Nichole83pa
Ahhhh!!! Ohhh so will Ace put the moves on Lita? Amazing chapter as always but I’m dying for Cole to man up and just be with Lita!!!!
09/04/2023 07:51Mary M Collier
Loved it!! Wondering when someone will notice her red eyes!
09/04/2023 07:51Georgia
loveeeeee👏🏻👏🏻 dying to know what her parents are hiding
09/04/2023 07:51Reader-319735
this paintball interaction was beautifully written!! it wasn’t choppy or filled with too many fluffy adjectives which distract from the action sequence. that was a lovely chapter <3 can’t wait to get the next one tomorrow
09/04/2023 07:50So, Lita's eyes turn red.... 😘 I just have to say I love your books! ALL OF THEM! Each one brings something different to the table. (this one, I do hope brings Brian and Lita's mom one or more nasty surprise)
09/04/2023 07:50Merje Kravtšuk
I really wanna know how her wolf looks like! 🐺
09/04/2023 07:50Melissa McWhorter-Asberry
I want cole’s dad to eat his words because of lita
09/04/2023 07:50kg oh oh lhclh
Dear Author, is The Cabin the last chapter of this book or is it still ongoing? Thank you!
09/04/2023 07:50Sophie Easton
I'm loving thus book, but I need.. no correction, MUST HAVE updates. PLEASE!! 😀
09/04/2023 07:50THE WAZ FAM
thank you for the updates!!! I feel so bad for her. glad she's off her medication. hopefully she will meet her wolf soon
09/04/2023 07:49Maureen Agnew
will the next update be posted sometime this weekend or maybe early next week?
09/04/2023 07:49Tiffany Bryant
I feel so bad for Lita and her wolf, and no need to apologize I'd wait weeks for chapters to this book!
09/04/2023 07:49April Borchers
waiting anxiously for updates on all of your books
09/04/2023 07:49THE WAZ FAM
loving the story!!! can't wait for the next update!
09/04/2023 07:49Melissa McWhorter-Asberry
please update both your stories soon I am having with drawls
09/04/2023 07:49Nichole83pa
Please let one of them see her like that! I don’t think people will believe it if they don’t see it. So glad she knows what she is!!!
09/04/2023 07:49Jaz
to be clear: is she guilty for killing erica? or is she confused about her feelings for not feeling guilty for causing erica death?
09/04/2023 07:49Jenna Bergman
yessssssssssss!!!!!!! I can’t wait for the next update! please tell me she ends that b!tch Erica?!
09/04/2023 07:48Maureen Agnew
I keep checking for the next update 😬
09/04/2023 07:48nfau4714
This first encounter with Erica is E-VER-Y-THING I was hoping and then just a lil more. Cole did her dirty and he's a dumby but I feel he's not gonna hold out much longer... mans wolf is not having it🙏🏽🙌🏽
09/04/2023 07:47Maureen Agnew
Will there be another update soon 🤞🏻
09/04/2023 07:47Jessica Carr
When is the next update 👀👀👀
09/04/2023 07:47Maureen Agnew
can’t wait for the next update!
09/04/2023 07:47Chassielashes D
omg that is a horrible spot to stop bit I love it she is keeping us on our toes you guys and I love it keep it coming
09/04/2023 07:46Sweets32
Yeeeeeeeeeessssssssssssss she finally shifted omg..... I AM SO HOOKED!!!!!
09/04/2023 07:46OxAmarok
I can't wait for the next chapters! I AM SO HOOKED!
09/04/2023 07:46Justmee
Happy Valentine's Day Optimist ❤
09/04/2023 07:46Unlikely Optimist 🖤
whew comments are back to being fully operational again! yay! it’s been so weird seeing your comments and not being able to reply! I’m back to my writing schedule too so I’d say I’ll post every other day or so ❤️
09/04/2023 07:46Maureen Agnew
Loved the double update ❤️ so glad they are starting to talk things out
09/04/2023 07:45comments are still funky. tech team is working on it. plz be patient!
09/04/2023 07:45shona king
loving this story so far ! Edge of my seat waiting for the next chapter 😍
09/04/2023 07:45Maureen Agnew
we were so spoiled for the few days of double updates! Can’t wait for the next update! I read this update so fast I had to go back and re-read it
09/04/2023 07:45April Borchers
When is the next update waiting anxiously
09/04/2023 07:45Melissa McWhorter-Asberry
I wish you had did 2 chapters now I can't wait until her wolf starts to show up
09/04/2023 07:45April Borchers
pins and needles here pins and needles it’s so good
09/04/2023 07:45Greyskies223
Ooohh Ace is bad! I love it 😻
09/04/2023 07:44Is this encounter going to trigger Lita's rage? 🤔 I can't wait to find out 😜
09/04/2023 07:44April Borchers
waiting for midnight
09/04/2023 07:44Ariesbaby89
It keeps saying there’s an update but there’s nothing and I keep checking
09/04/2023 07:44April Borchers
this is so good I hope you update regularly and soon
09/04/2023 07:44OxAmarok
amazing story love! hooked on it😍
09/04/2023 07:44Glen
awesome story I love it
09/04/2023 07:44Nichole83pa
I just started reading this last night and I’m up to date. The story is AMAZING! Cant wait for more updates! How often do you do updates?
09/04/2023 07:43Andrea Aludden
reuniiiiited *singing along in the bloody chaos*
09/04/2023 07:43Jenna Bergman
just read the updates, anxiously waiting for the next update! lol this is such a great story! can’t wait to see what happens next!!!!!
09/04/2023 07:43Emily von Pfahl
I knew it! the next chapter can’t come quickly enough!
09/04/2023 07:43April Borchers
loved it all but I hate the fact that she’s giving Brian control over herself thank you for the update and can’t wait to see more again, also what are your other books,I’d like to check them out to
09/04/2023 07:43Nancy Hunter
I cannot wait sh!!t about to go down
09/04/2023 07:43Greyskies223
Love it so far!
09/04/2023 07:42can’t wait for Lita and Cole to get together and tear Maxim and her family to shreds!! love a strong female lead
09/04/2023 07:42Maureen Agnew
wow I think I’m actually addicted! yesterday I kept checking until I finally saw the upload and even today with the double update (thank you for that 😉) I still want more!!
09/04/2023 07:42oh man come Nyx and Cole
09/04/2023 07:41Way to Go Nyx ☺️🖤
09/04/2023 07:41Unlikely Optimist 🖤
Cole is coming to get his mate next chapter y’all! 😏
09/04/2023 07:41I have no idea why all my comments are not showing up 😤😤😤😤😤😤
09/04/2023 07:41Tiffany Bryant
😱😱😱😱 this book is just sooooo great. very well written. such an amazing author!!!
09/04/2023 07:41Tiffany Bryant
I just love this I need it all 😍😍😍😍😍 man I cannot wait for her to kick Brian's ass
09/04/2023 07:40April Borchers
wow that’s so freaky great,now get to the steamy parts,I’m begging you!!!
09/04/2023 07:40Maureen Agnew
will there be an update soon?
09/04/2023 07:40Melissa McWhorter-Asberry
what time is the next update
09/04/2023 07:40Melissa McWhorter-Asberry
please do two more chapters tonight please
09/04/2023 07:40Maureen Agnew
urgggg a cliff hanger like that😩....
09/04/2023 07:40They don’t know NYX it about to go down 🤣
09/04/2023 07:40Unlikely Optimist 🖤
basically, be patient w/ me I’m updating as quickly as I can!
09/04/2023 07:40KeKe
Ok so I'm side eyeing 👀the Dr. now!! 😒
09/04/2023 07:39Nyx my favorite love her!! Cole is going to go nuts
09/04/2023 07:38Awesome update!!! ♥️♥️♥️
09/04/2023 07:38April Borchers
I felt that about Ace to and I hope Cole steps up soon and that Litas wolf comes soon to since her eyes and all
09/04/2023 07:38Nancy Hunter
how often does this story get an update? love it so far.
09/04/2023 07:38KeKe
Oh Lita! The girl just can't catch a break!🥺
09/04/2023 07:37Merje Kravtšuk
Please! I need to know what happens next! 🙏
09/04/2023 07:37Georgia
so intense 😱 I’m hooked
09/04/2023 07:37Emily von Pfahl
can something good please happen soon?
09/04/2023 07:36Ashley Foster
Oh snap! Getting into some heavy conversations here. 👀
09/04/2023 07:35Nyx is going to destroy Brian & I can’t wait to read about 👊☺️
09/04/2023 07:35Jaz
i have a question how many chapters are left? do u already an idea? if not, no problem i just have to wait for the next chapter. i cant wait for the secrets all to spill🧐🧐💖😊
09/04/2023 07:35Tiffany Bryant
it can't be ending soon please tell me no 😭 I need Lita and nyx to become one 🥺
09/04/2023 07:34April Borchers
very good I loved the whole getting to know her wolf is going poor Lita and Nyx they’ve been though alot
09/04/2023 07:34Jenna Bergman
ohhhh things are getting spicy!!!!
09/04/2023 07:34April Borchers
keep it coming lady your doing good
09/04/2023 07:34Nancy Hunter
omg yeas now I can’t wait till she puts maxim in his damb place
09/04/2023 07:33April Borchers
ok you had me crying,now I’m going to investigate a little on my theory did she actually eat Erica or did someone else remove her
09/04/2023 07:33Unlikely Optimist 🖤
Hey lovely readers! I see a lot of commenting about updates so I figured I should come chat for a second. I unfortunately have a chronic health condition that gives me trouble from time to time and right now I’m struggling with pretty bad fatigue so the chapters are a lot harder to get through. i haven’t even been able to keep up with replying to your comments 😩 I hope you’ll bear with me during this slow time as I really am trying hard to get chapters completed for you. I’ve mapped out that we’ve got about 15 chapters left until the story is complete. Hopefully you’ll all stick around until I’m feeling better! As always, much love and thanks so much for your support xoxoxoxo
09/04/2023 07:32April Borchers
oh no is it Coles dad ,biting my nails in anticipations
09/04/2023 07:32Daddy Dearest?
09/04/2023 07:32uh oh they don’t know Nyx 🤣🤣🤣 it’s about to go down🤣🤣🤣
09/04/2023 07:32April Borchers
So did Brian find her or did her mom find her or the guy in the bar
09/04/2023 07:32Kaila Clifton
please keep writing this story I love it. its different then most and I love that its refreshing.
09/04/2023 07:31Greyskies223
Ooohhh was it his daddy?
09/04/2023 07:31omg 😳 cliffhanger 🤣🤣🤣
09/04/2023 07:31Reader-774910
please tell me how I am supposed to support the author so that I can unlock the chapters. now have two books I would like to finish reading but I can’t. really frustrating me as they are good stories
09/04/2023 07:30Melissa McWhorter-Asberry
wow he was upset about her staring but forgets how he had Erica in her face. I just hope he gives her the chance
09/04/2023 07:30Tiffany Bryant
I loooooovvve it!! can't wait for the update, I think those pills do alot more than what they say...🤔
09/04/2023 07:30omg this is so good!! Oh Nyx is going to tear up her mom and Brian 🤣🤣
09/04/2023 07:30Ashley Foster
Uh oh. Cole just HAD to go and say that. Nyx is going to be less than happy. Poor Lita.
09/04/2023 07:30omg love Cole and Lita
09/04/2023 07:30April Borchers
omg it’s getting deep I hope he kisses all her booboos
09/04/2023 07:30