The Last Spirit Wolf Comments

  • Reader-678757

    good so far

    09/04/2023 08:41
  • Georgia Harrison

    ok! I read all 88 chapters of the first book,and the first 6 chapters of this one…IN ONE DAY!!!!You are a tremendous writer! Looking forward to more chapters, Thank you!

    09/04/2023 08:41
  • Tahiti_650

    ooohhhh this is getting good

    09/04/2023 08:41
  • she’s probably pregnantπŸ€·πŸ½β€β™€οΈ

    09/04/2023 08:41
  • Aw Noooo!! Now What?? 😳 Can only try & guess what happens but with all these cliffhangers, I'll probably guess wrong πŸ˜…

    09/04/2023 08:41
  • Xixi

    09/04/2023 08:41
  • Belinda Christine Spasic

    I am wondering why I can't read any further it just stops, I absolutely love this story I want more.

    09/04/2023 08:41
  • any more updates...last ch 36?

    09/04/2023 08:41
  • I am really enjoying this book. this is my first time using this ap and I am bummed we are waiting for future chapters but other than that this is ok format.

    09/04/2023 08:41
  • Shelby Brown

    I really love this story, very well written for how fast this writer gets her chapters out compared to other writers. Great job!

    09/04/2023 08:41
  • Callie RenΓ©e

    Absolutely love this story! Wish there was a way to earn more bonuses!

    09/04/2023 08:41
  • Brenda Strickler

    can not wait for more one of the best stories I have read in a while

    09/04/2023 08:40
  • omg yessss!! Alpha King Noah πŸ‘‘

    09/04/2023 08:40
  • Allison Elizabeth Patel

    Yes, Noah show then who is truly KING. Looks like the witch is going to have her hands full with NOAH. I hope he rips her apart! I hope Noah gets to meet his grandma and find out what is within him. such a great story.

    09/04/2023 08:40
  • Jenn Britt

    I can't stop reading this story! The chapters keep getting better and better.

    09/04/2023 08:40
  • Carrie Harwell-Turpin

    you have done really well can't wait to unlock the next chapter

    09/04/2023 08:40
  • Alicia Wilson

    interesting well written so far

    09/04/2023 08:40
  • Im loving this Book

    09/04/2023 08:40
  • Mele Longani Takai

    this book is getting very interesting

    09/04/2023 08:40
  • Natalie Proctor

    hey, sorry i know this has probably been asked before but how often do you update? im literally hooked, ive read the whole thing in 1 day πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ absolutely in love with this story & the characters, hoping noah & v get a happy ending. ive read so many books with great storyline & then right at the end they've killed off 1 of the main characters, its actually put me off rereading them i know im sad before anyone says it lol but what can i say i get invested in the characters xx

    09/04/2023 08:40
  • ohhhh man I whinge every time something super exciting happens and I have to wait for the next chapter!!

    09/04/2023 08:40
  • Tina Marie Lampton

    one chapter at a time?? when I finish this book I won’t be back! I read too much to have to wait for a chapter every 2-3 days! Finish writing the book before putting it as available!

    09/04/2023 08:40
  • Georgia Harrison

    You have been busy! I have been working so much I haven’t checked in. I was so thrilled!!!!! Glad my girl Vera won. Is it weird that Jeremy is the one I don’t trust? Thank you for all the updates.πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»

    09/04/2023 08:40
  • I hope Cassia don't betray her

    09/04/2023 08:40
  • When I'm "halfway" (not hallway)

    09/04/2023 08:40
  • beautiful❀️. cried a little reading the happy vision with little Noah. next chapter pls

    09/04/2023 08:40
  • loving this book

    09/04/2023 08:39
  • omg 😳 l love this story. I sure hope that wasn’t Lucus that just hit her like that. Noah will lose it.

    09/04/2023 08:39
  • Stacey Bell-Summers

    draws you in so good. cant tear away from it

    09/04/2023 08:39
  • shanika meeks

    how often do the author update???

    09/04/2023 08:39
  • Allison Elizabeth Patel

    Vera deserves the respect! She needs to put them in there place and show then how strong she is and submit to her!

    09/04/2023 08:39
  • Elaine Wilson

    I know she doesn't like sugar coating but woo! she was like there is no sugar today y'all! talk about straight to the point πŸ˜‚

    09/04/2023 08:39
  • William Fischer

    This story is addictive……I need more

    09/04/2023 08:39
  • JOM Reader

    I’m willing to bet it’s Ellie Goldmoon’s original husband?

    09/04/2023 08:39
  • noooooo I need more 😭😭😭

    09/04/2023 08:39
  • Gracee

    oh please vera should kick violets arse including cecil!cant wait for their duel!lucas wont be happy thou!πŸ˜‚

    09/04/2023 08:39
  • Hiawatha Brown


    09/04/2023 08:39
  • Amanda Andresen

    I think Noah should marry Vera... I don't know why they never talked about marriage in first place. I mean what's the point of fighting a battle for rights to marriage to the king in the first place when you win and then the king says he's not taking in a wife... just kind of weird feeling. He needs to propose first though and that would make it perfect... that's the only thing that frustrates me.

    09/04/2023 08:39
  • Glenda Jones

    so far so good an getting better

    09/04/2023 08:39
  • っッッッッ

    09/04/2023 08:39
  • I'm glad things worked out in their favour: Lucas can get the girl, the little witch and Vera can start teaching each other and Noah still has his queen. Cecils warning is rather forebolding though. Vera escaped easily enough but things wont be as simple with the larger more powerful houses. I doupt they will confuse a harmless plant with wolfsbane for starters. And different poisons will be the least of Veras worries. I wonder how is Noah going to solve this problem considering all the houses are meeting with him only because they think they have a shot of being the house of the next queen. Marrying Vera is off the table untill their trek is done. Maybe his newfound alpha aura will help him to make them submit... So many possibilities 😁

    09/04/2023 08:39
  • Keri Linsey-Renfro

    I read all 19 chapters in 1 day. lol. when is the next update?

    09/04/2023 08:38
  • Stephanie Mercado Nieves

    when is the next chapter coming????

    09/04/2023 08:38
  • mercy A

    time for the real action!

    09/04/2023 08:38
  • Reader-001044

    I was enjoying the book then I finished chapter 17 and it just stopped😫

    09/04/2023 08:38
  • JBP Fam

    Yea great book. I wish I could buy it

    09/04/2023 08:38
  • Loyda Saguindang Osterhout

    I love that the lead isn’t a weakling female that knows who she is this is the story I would love to read over and over …I’m tired of story that girls /female always the weak as of we female don’t have the ability like men do …power on Girlssss!!! FYI: love the author can’t wait for book 2!!!

    09/04/2023 08:38
  • don’t leave me hanging!! I need more!

    09/04/2023 08:38
  • ε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆ0ι—¨ε£η­‰δ½ ε§οΌŒζˆ‘δ»¬ηš„θ―θ―΄θ―ε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆε“ˆ

    09/04/2023 08:38
  • is Vera pregnant maybe..? πŸ€”

    09/04/2023 08:38
  • Jessica Ware Daniels

    Really enjoying this book

    09/04/2023 08:38
  • Oh boy I'm so ready for this beat down! I bet they don't believe she killed Alistair or that it was a fluke. Have fun with it Vera!

    09/04/2023 08:38
  • lovetoread789

    on chapter nine and I love it can wait to keep readin!!

    09/04/2023 08:38
  • Tina Hicke

    we need more ways to earn more chapter's

    09/04/2023 08:38
  • Dear Author, You have created a wonderful, thrilling and sometimes a little heart wrenching story! Thank you. Please have this proof read, there are correctly spelled words that are wrong... a good proof reader will catch them. Hugs and I am looking forward to finding your books published 😊

    09/04/2023 08:38
  • Pam Mayhugh

    gah! more please!

    09/04/2023 08:38
  • I think Vera is pregnant

    09/04/2023 08:38
  • Sydney Smelko

    I cannot wait until more chapters are updated!! I'm reading the book from the beginning just to pass time!!

    09/04/2023 08:38
  • oh no…poor Lucas ☹️

    09/04/2023 08:38
  • Bonib2

    I have a hunch Cecil will be so foolish and that figure Vera saw the previous night has something to do with the magic around Violet.

    09/04/2023 08:38
  • Amanda Scarberry

    I Need more of this story

    09/04/2023 08:38
  • This is a great story, but Lord, it is dragging out. please finish this!!

    09/04/2023 08:38
  • Marija MarkoviΔ‡

    the story is great! I didn't expect that witch mother will appear so soon, but there is probably good reason.

    09/04/2023 08:38
  • Em Marwan

    wen will the next update be?

    09/04/2023 08:38
  • ahhh he felt whatever happened to Vera 😭 Thanks for the update!

    09/04/2023 08:38
  • Abby Marrisett

    plz update love the story. as soon as it is completed will be reading it all over again. so good love this story. my favorite story on here!!!

    09/04/2023 08:38
  • Bella Jersey 2

    this proves what a great friend and alpha Sof is. she could easily want to keep Vera she has a great power and she’s her bestie. but Sof does encourages he best friend to trust in goddess

    09/04/2023 08:38
  • love this book seriously

    09/04/2023 08:38
  • Ali Brady Nilson

    ohhhhh, not surprised they were trying to use magic to get Noah to marry Violet. I love Vera!

    09/04/2023 08:38
  • i KNEW IT!! gah!! I am on the edge of my seat!!

    09/04/2023 08:38
  • Bonib2

    @ dinner table: Vera 2; Violet ans Cecil 0.

    09/04/2023 08:38
  • Samantha Hinote

    wish I could just buy the book online

    09/04/2023 08:38
  • waiting waiting waiting lol

    09/04/2023 08:37
  • Ella Smith

    ahhh I feel so bad for Noah!!! I think a hot lavender bath is in order, or death to the council members. Both will work πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    09/04/2023 08:37
  • this story is amazing. hasn’t let me down yet so far.

    09/04/2023 08:37
  • did she mark him too?

    09/04/2023 08:37
  • Tabitha Groves

    Ohh boy. Way to go William for stepping up. The real question is how crappy is Cecil going to be to Violet about adorable Lucas.

    09/04/2023 08:37
  • pauline mulholland

    doors it just stop and there is no more

    09/04/2023 08:37
  • Tara Dixon

    intriguing read.... can't wait to see what direction this goes. will Vera leave or will the Lycans stay?

    09/04/2023 08:37
  • Lynn

    the wait for new chapters is far too long will have to delete this after this story finish’s as it it very frustrating

    09/04/2023 08:37
  • Amy Sabatino

    when's the next update?

    09/04/2023 08:37
  • Sarah Wheeler-Steele

    really good story so far

    09/04/2023 08:37
  • where can you buy the completed book

    09/04/2023 08:37
  • Hi everyone! Thank you for reading The Last Spirit Wolf and The Rise Of The King! I’d like to apologize for the slow updates this week; I’ve been sick for the better part of this week. We will continue with the regular update schedule (once or twice a day) starting Monday. Thank you all for your love and support 🀍

    09/04/2023 08:37
  • ohhh. rubs hands in anticipation.

    09/04/2023 08:37
  • Brandi Freeman

    has anyone found out about another chapter? the wait is killing me

    09/04/2023 08:37
  • Raven Hunt

    this story has me hooked

    09/04/2023 08:37
  • Cynthia Nicole Duvall

    oh my goodness I love this story so far!!! I need more.... can’t for for the next update, please tell me it will be soon!!!

    09/04/2023 08:37
  • Christina Garcia

    So far so good. I can't stop reading.

    09/04/2023 08:37
  • I’m guessing Vera may be pregnant?! ahh love the update, can’t wait for the next!

    09/04/2023 08:37
  • Raven Hunt

    please hurry and update I’m hooked

    09/04/2023 08:37
  • Bonib2

    Ohhhhhh Violet found a mate!πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ’ƒ

    09/04/2023 08:37
  • Allison Elizabeth Patel

    🀣🀣🀣 I really hope she kicks there butts. they deserve it for not tellthem the truth. I hope she don't hold back and can show them she is faster and stronger and deserves to be there queen.

    09/04/2023 08:37
  • absolutely love this book set! can’t wait for new updates

    09/04/2023 08:37
  • Noah, that's "not" how it works. (typo "now")

    09/04/2023 08:37
  • Anita Mara

    i truly don’t like where this is going… Vera does not deserve this ! It’s so low of Noah and all of the Lycans.. I’m a bit mad

    09/04/2023 08:36
  • reader101

    can we have more than 3 chapters??please😭😭😭😭

    09/04/2023 08:36
  • Carol Walsh

    is there any where we can get the hole book from as this is a joke the book is finished but we have to wait for the update and getting 2 a week

    09/04/2023 08:36
  • Reader-668227

    great read

    09/04/2023 08:36
  • im embarrassed to ask cuz ive read every word but im forgetting EXACTLY what harriet did and would like reread that chapter… does anyone know which is was?

    09/04/2023 08:36