Four or Dead Comments
#2w2e 2w2e I only started reading the first few chapters and I'm already hooked! the characters are created wonderfully and are 3 dimension. I can't wait to read more of this story
09/05/2023 00:14Cass Howard
#w6g8 w6g8 I love this book it is awesome I can’t wait to keep reading I’m hooked
09/05/2023 00:13Sumriti Singh
w6g8 i know this book is very popular bt cudnt get the time yet to read it as I hv alot in my library bt i do wanna read it badly
09/05/2023 00:12Courtney Roberson
I'ma finish it but I don't think I like it much any more Wyatt was a no for me could have done a lot with the 4 she has smh soooo no
09/05/2023 00:11w6g8 this book keeps you interested from the first chapter. I love the relationships between the characters.
09/05/2023 00:11Linda Strandquist
w6g8 this made me scream, cry and cheer. the lead character goes through and back but does become so strong it is worth a read.
09/05/2023 00:10Reader-350476
w6g8 I already read this book halfway and I like it so far.
09/05/2023 00:10MechEMa
2w3e I recently started reading this book. so far I love it. the characters are well developed and the story line has me hooked. I can’t wait to read more!
09/05/2023 00:09Candace family
I have just started to read this book and I am in love with it
09/05/2023 00:08Selli Dang
w6g8 at first I wasn't so sure how this story will go however the character development for each of them is good and they are all distinct
09/05/2023 00:08Tammie Natale
I'm glad she was triggered and they stopped. That's what often happens to assault survivors. It shows empathy towards the character to write that. Thank you.
09/05/2023 00:08Joele G
W6g8 Loving this book by far now; I’ve had this in my library for some time; finally got a chance to read it and just can’t put this down.
09/05/2023 00:07Sheanna Kelley
I really hope there is another part to this book it was such a good read finished in a day!
09/05/2023 00:07Angy Kusch
no matter how many points I get I cannot continue the book. so not going to waste my time on this app. so uninstalled
09/05/2023 00:07Julie Molenda
Took my points and the chapter didn't unlock. 🤬
09/05/2023 00:06Zita Rieke
w6g8 interesting and disturbing read
09/05/2023 00:06Reader-019879
one of my favorites I’ve read so far!
09/05/2023 00:05Leigha Funchion
w6g8 this is full of suspense. it pulls at the heart strings. can not wait to read what’s next.
09/05/2023 00:05zira
2w3e i start reading it...its too different from the other books i read...its my first tim to read such book with four mates..and i love it
09/05/2023 00:02Petunia Morrison
you people will have no luck in your endeavors. you are liars and cheats and the story stunk
09/05/2023 00:02Borderline Beautiful
wish it was in audio
09/05/2023 00:01Lisa Rodda
Enjoying so far, I don't normally read books so this is great as it's caught my attention
09/05/2023 00:00Reader-521945
I think some need a punch in the face
09/04/2023 23:59w6g8 #w6g8 I have heard many good things about this story. The story is captivating from the get go. the introduction is complex, intriguing and the plot is addictive
09/04/2023 23:59Reader-839533
accidentally stumbled across this on and I love it so far
09/04/2023 23:59Samantha Guzman
w6g8 so far I'm really enjoying this book I didn't expect the turn of events so early on but I'm here to the ride!
09/04/2023 23:59Sakina van bokhoven
W6g8 i didn't finish this book yet, but man i love this story a lot. All so well thought through.
09/04/2023 23:58JenJen
I enjoyed this story a lot, I was frustrated with the unfinished story lines.
09/04/2023 23:57Brennanana
it started out really good. I really liked it. but then it went from that to some absolutely ridiculous every guy that looks at her is obsessed with her and she’s running a mob and I just had to quit. the way it started and where it went we’re like the author quit and someone else picked it up and ran with it but in a whole different direction
09/04/2023 23:57Iris Valles
2w3e haven’t read this book yet but from all the comments it’s going to be my next read can’t wait to start it
09/04/2023 23:57Lacey Phillips
I love it
09/04/2023 23:56Alexis Teague
2w3e A really good story and I like how they accept the reverse hereem situation. The tattoo design was well thought out for her by Asher. Made me want to go get some more tattoos.
09/04/2023 23:563w3e. reading this book has been challenging as I didn't expect highschool kids in that sort grown up gánster life, but I must say I'm really enjoying this book so far.
09/04/2023 23:56Joey Jojo
#2w3e# just started reading and so far so good! I’m hooked! can’t wait to read more.
09/04/2023 23:55samantha Crichton
#2w3e# absolutely love this book, Emma and the Boys are my favourites and their story makes reading this book addictive and I cannot wait to be able to get through more chapters.
09/04/2023 23:53Salma Ajaib
2w3e - to be honest I'm not a fan of reverse harem books (I feel one man is enough for one woman and vice versa) too many characters cause confusion, saying that I did try reading this book and found the first chapters ok but I've still not finished it but that's due to personal preference!
09/04/2023 23:52Samantha Thayer
it says download full novel I click it and it just flashes like it's loading but doesn't and can't get it to stop I have to keep closing and reopening. help
09/04/2023 23:51Constance Conn
totally hooked can't wait to read more.
09/04/2023 23:49Maria Eugenia Carrion
love this book
09/04/2023 23:49Kari Reid
w6g8 This book was a very good read. I hope for a sequel. GOA writes a very interesting story. Keeps you wanting to read more.
09/04/2023 23:49Oni Blah
w6g8 i need a sequel. i want to know it’s like for their kid(s) having that many parents and especially the line of work their mom is in
09/04/2023 23:49Maria Guimaraes
w6g8 Good book, it's so addictive that makes me want to keep unlocking chapters, theres a lot of twist and turns and I think that is what keeps me hooked to the book
09/04/2023 23:48Jasmine
2w3e it’s good book different from what I normally read but it was worth it
09/04/2023 23:47Maria Cecilia Reyes-Meliton
w6g8 Not sure what all the hype is about with this story. I read it a while ago and started reading it again from the beginning. Still not sure if I should continue reading.
09/04/2023 23:47Ashley Turner-Neal
whelp I keep rereading the first few chapters because I can’t unlock any more so far🤣
09/04/2023 23:47Channie's Wifeu
2w3e Why would she refuse help from these men and accept Devaro's not knowing him better than the boys? Wouldn't want to be in her shoes.
09/04/2023 23:46Stacey Stratton
2w3e I haven’t read this book yet, but it’s definitely on my list! I’ve seen soooo many great recommendations for this one!
09/04/2023 23:46Amanda Smith
w6g8 I’m liking the twists and turns that comes the deeper you get in the book. it’s definitely got my attention.
09/04/2023 23:46Jennifer Beyer
2w3e love how they stood up to the father! if they did not do it, I felt like I needed too!
09/04/2023 23:45Jessica Frankland
loving this book so much so far. cant wait to see where it goes
09/04/2023 23:45Rafael
2w3e I have not read the book yet. But I hear a lot of good things about it. I have just added it to my library and I am going to reading next.
09/04/2023 23:43Carrie Nelson
2w3e - I have a hard time reading books where a parent or parents abuses or abuse their child. If you are like me this will be a bit difficult to get through. It is well written and you should give it a try.
09/04/2023 23:41Kat Waters
2w3e from all of the comments it sounds like it will be a great book to read I look forward to reading it
09/04/2023 23:41Merle Langevoord
w6g8 just started reading the first few chapters. I'm really looking forward how the story continue
09/04/2023 23:40Maria Cecilia Reyes-Meliton
2w3e I've commented twice here and yet both my comments have disappeared ! What's going on ?
09/04/2023 23:38Esther Read Itterly
I think there will be a joining of crews
09/04/2023 23:37Reader-308186
different, but I’m hooked
09/04/2023 23:37Katlin Butler
I think so far it's pretty good 👍
09/04/2023 23:36Hannah Royer
share thoughts here... I wish they would just make the book legit so we can buy it rather then running through all these hoops trying to get points to get to the next chapter..
09/04/2023 23:35dolphin
so heartbreaking, but understandable and relatable in the beginning
09/04/2023 23:35Jordan Mullard
I loved this!! needs to be a second boom and would make an amazing film!!
09/04/2023 23:33Caryl Jackson
As to the LAW, the Dr. shouldn't have mentioned any of that info to them/him firstly:how does he know that neither them did this to her and 2nd: HIPPA! Dude isn't even the girl's boyfriend.
09/04/2023 23:33Donna Pember
2w3e. Just started this book. Already hooked and can't wait to see where the plot goes.
09/04/2023 23:31Amanda
2w3e this book annoyed me. It felt so PG13 and left too many questions unanswered. Used lots of points and it was enjoyable enough, but I wouldn’t recommend it, they could have done so much more with this book to lift it to another level. It’s easy enough to read if you can handle abuse…
09/04/2023 23:31jihan
w6g8. this story grabbed my interest , and is hard to let go of the book once i started. but it’s kinda sad in the beginning too. still, will continue to read until the end.
09/04/2023 23:31Sarah Edwards Alexander
VU64PE reading bonus been reading this book living the content
09/04/2023 23:30Carmen Ferrer-Torres
Didn’t get the full novel and the points are gone
09/04/2023 23:30lisa
w6g8. I'm loving this story. so many twist and turns. definitely worth a read
09/04/2023 23:29Jessie Bream-Freeman
w6g8 I am really enjoying this book. I can't wait to read more
09/04/2023 23:29Lori Corsello
I'm confused. Didn't Asher choose the inside of her wrist for the tattoo? How did it end up on her shoulder? Don't get me wrong, that design sounded way too big for her wrist (I've got 9 tats. I know a tattoo that detailed and intricate would have yo be bigger than you could fit on a wrist.) Continuity is important!
09/04/2023 23:29Alexis Snoderly
This was an amazing book... I really wish there'll be a second one
09/04/2023 23:29Amanda Carter
r2e9 Readink
09/04/2023 23:28Iresc96
This book needs to have a sequel honestly I couldn’t put my phone down the entire time I read this book
09/04/2023 23:27Reader-731248
w6g8 The book seems to have a good storyline. from the first chapters I’ve read, I like it.
09/04/2023 23:27Kristie Ford
w6g8 I love it!
09/04/2023 23:25Michele Morgan
so far so good. just wish I didn't have to wait to read it all.
09/04/2023 23:25Chelly
I absolutely adored this book. I hope there’s a sequel!
09/04/2023 23:24Megan Johnson
w6g8...I am loving this storyline it keeps you in suspense and wanting to keep reading. It keeps your mind asking all kinds of questions as you read and makes you ponder what is going to happen next and what it will be. Great Book.
09/04/2023 23:24Nicole
I can’t wait for more chapters to be unlocked
09/04/2023 23:24Marcia Sheard Whittaker
w6g8, I see why this is a popular book. I am hooked from the first chapter alone lol. Definitely plan to finish this book.
09/04/2023 23:24Michelle Henry
Is there going to be a part 2 to this book? we can't be left hanging... we need answers!!
09/04/2023 23:24Jessica Barcomb
can't get the chapters to actually load
09/04/2023 23:23Reader-739787
loved this. should be published so I can put it on my shelves.
09/04/2023 23:23Amanda
2w3e this book feels far too pg13 for my liking. there are way too many unanswered questions and not enough intimacy. it could have been written so much better and taken to another level but instead it’s disappointing in that it doesn’t really take off. easy enough to read but if you look through comments perhaps the author can reflect and have a guide of how to improve it.
09/04/2023 23:23abz
2w3e haven't read this book but from all the comments looks like my must next read after I finish my current book
09/04/2023 23:22Shaye Allen
I loved it!!! is there gonna be more??
09/04/2023 23:22Kara Musser
writing is amazing. story itself is captivating and draws you in from the start. so talented
09/04/2023 23:22Tasha Carter Lankford
09/04/2023 23:21Michibeba
#w6g8# this story grabs your interest from the very beginning and beckons you to continue reading it’s a hard book to put down
09/04/2023 23:19Danna Mcnellan
VU64PE reading bonus love this book
09/04/2023 23:19Eryn Purkey
really hope to see a second book. would love to see morw
09/04/2023 23:16Angels Baby
09/04/2023 23:16emma jane
honestly couldn't put it down read it all in less than 24h, I hope there will be another book😊
09/04/2023 23:16Holly Whitley
very good so far
09/04/2023 23:14Amal Samir
W6g8, I loved the book so much. How she changed from the weak to the strong woman
09/04/2023 23:14Danielle Zamora
w6g8. loving the story. hate how short the chapters are lol.
09/04/2023 23:13Shana Harding
is there going to be a sequel? because I need one! this was a good read. I need to know more on the realationship of the 5 boys now and their growing family
09/04/2023 23:12Zoya
love this book so much
09/04/2023 23:12Zeina Mohamed
#2w3e# great book, heartbreaking but really great. And love all the details and love.
09/04/2023 23:12Theresa German Zavala-Corona
God I so love this book and all four of them love her so much....
09/04/2023 23:11