Desired Comments

  • Jocelyn Cabillan Ortiz

    love this chapter! I can just imagine the mess!! I hunted hare/jack rabbits during my college days... I always left the gut pile where my kill was and always skinned and process outside by the barn!! I can just imagine the blood and gore he made in her kitchen! lol...

    10/30/2021 19:21
  • jortiz64

    I love it!!!

    10/28/2021 02:44
  • amber sweet

    perfect chapter absolutely perfect

    10/27/2021 15:24
  • Lynora Crawford

    Oh my gosh, this chapter was funny! Colt's reaction to what Calum was doing, and then telling him to go change while she was still so angry was so accurate, that I giggled through the rest of the chapter.

    10/27/2021 14:54
  • Sarah Kruger-Padgett

    I loved this chapter and could visualize the mess he made all to clearly as a hunter myself. Colts description of the mess was very accurate

    10/27/2021 11:30
  • jortiz64

    thank you!!! I love it!!! so they are moving forward!!

    10/19/2021 20:10
  • Lynora Crawford

    I love the fact that Kalvin and Isla recognize the vast difference in the relationship Colt has with Calum versus what she had with Elijah. I'm looking forward to more between them all - as always! πŸ˜‰

    10/19/2021 15:11
  • Donna DeNardo Grogan

    She has the Best Parents. ❀️❀️❀️❀️

    10/19/2021 12:10
  • Stacy Rains

    what’s your fb we can follow again?

    10/18/2021 17:51
  • jortiz64

    oh boy!!! her family is there to help her and Calum!! I LOVE this chapter…

    10/18/2021 17:10
  • Lynora Crawford

    That was fabulous. It sucks that Kalvin unintentionally overstepped like that, but it would definitely be something someone in his line of work (and as Colt's father) would ask.

    10/18/2021 16:18
  • Donna DeNardo Grogan

    Take your time worth the wait. ❀️ I'm guessing he is going to talk to him about. Elijah. and taking care of his Daughter

    10/18/2021 12:21
  • jortiz64

    I’m having a senior moment…when are the updates? Thank you!!!

    10/17/2021 21:14
  • jortiz64

    oh!!! what a chapter!!! can’t wait to see where all this leads to!!! thank you!!!!

    10/15/2021 16:14
  • Lynora Crawford

    That chapter was so sweet! I love Calum more with every word about him. 😊

    10/15/2021 14:25
  • Jenn McCoy

    I'm so happy things are slowly 🐌 coming along. lol I know its been a short time to her. she finally thought of mauve and Isla is here. I love that they have bonded even without the mark I hope things can get figured out for them so adorable. loved this as always.

    10/15/2021 14:03
  • Donna DeNardo Grogan

    I want them to kiss so bad. With Colt being so far away from Elijah. could he still fill her. Colt didn't feel him screwing around till she came back.Or was the first time when she went to his place.πŸ€”

    10/15/2021 11:25
  • Lynora Crawford

    I'm intrigued to know how Colt will react to Calum's revelation... Don't feel bad about family time! We'll still be here when you're able to write. πŸ˜‰

    10/13/2021 13:48
  • Jocelyn Cabillan Ortiz

    I love this chapter!!!

    10/12/2021 02:55
  • amber sweet


    10/10/2021 01:52
  • Reader-036379

    I love Isla. I’m glad she finally let all that pent up anger from trying to be sold herself by her mum, and actually standing up to her. Also, getting that awesome praise from Lewis made me want to cry my eyes out. I’m an empath I can feel emotions, and when I’m reading these type of stories I can sense what emotions are going on and how the writer felt while doing this. I hope this book continues for the Merrier family. Love it.

    10/10/2021 00:01
  • Lynora Crawford

    Poor's hard to live with so much resentment towards your parents.

    10/07/2021 14:33
  • Lynora Crawford

    SPOILERS?!!! *gasp* Who are you, and what have you done with our beloved author, Bethany?! I'm sorry you had such a rough week...that seriously sucks. I hope this week does a complete 180Β° about-face for you, and it's absolutely stupendous!

    10/05/2021 13:55
  • Jocelyn Cabillan Ortiz

    those 2 Bruce's have lost their minds!!! Mom & Dad are coming and not to mention Felix, and Calum's clan?

    10/02/2021 03:01
  • Lynora Crawford

    Ooh, I like the Elijah update; I was curious if we'd get much about him through this installment! As for Angus...I ALMOST feel sorry for him. I kind of hope Isla (and the rest of the family) arrives while Arthur is "handling" Colt, though I'm not sure there would be words to describe the poetic justice I'm sure would follow! πŸ˜…

    09/30/2021 10:37
  • amber sweet

    awesome thankyou for timeline clarity i thought it was over a 3 week period

    09/26/2021 04:28
  • Jocelyn Cabillan Ortiz

    such an AWESOME lion!!!! now I'm really impatient for the next update. btw belated happy birthday!!!

    09/25/2021 19:52
  • Jocelyn Cabillan Ortiz

    poor Calum. come on Colt have to live a life of some sort! Calum is willing to only have you and even willing to adopt kids.

    09/25/2021 19:36
  • Lynora Crawford

    WAY TO GO, FELIX!!! He is absolutely wonderful, the way he handled Calum! πŸ₯°

    09/25/2021 15:17
  • Donna Grogan

    I don't know who I am rooting for . Colt deserve s to be Happy. I think at the end she will have a pup. Maybe Two MatesπŸ€”β€οΈ

    09/25/2021 14:40
  • Lynora Crawford

    Full disclosure time now, right? (Can you tell that I'm jonesing for Calum's reaction to the reveal-all?) Seriously though, I really hope he doesn't take too long to adjust to the news...

    09/24/2021 20:57
  • Sniderin

    This story has quickly become the update I am most excited about 😍πŸ₯°

    09/23/2021 00:48
  • jortiz64

    oh! finally! Colt totally deserves him! bless his heart!!!

    09/22/2021 18:18
  • Lynora Crawford

    Okay, that was one of the sweetest chapters I've ever read. πŸ₯°

    09/22/2021 15:34
  • Karina Marthinsen

    ahh, thats so sweet, i like how he is, but now i wonder how her will take the next levels off confession

    09/22/2021 14:11
  • Lynora Crawford

    Though I've read the whole story (twice), "Determined" being summarized by Colt here REALLY emphasizes just how much she's gone through, and how incredibly strong she is...I hope Calum focuses on that, and not the last bomb she dropped on him.

    09/21/2021 12:19
  • Lynora Crawford

    Though I've read the whole story (twice), "Determined" being summarized by Colt here REALLY emphasizes just how much she's gone through, and how incredibly strong she is...I hope Calum focuses on that, and not the last bomb she dropped on him.

    09/21/2021 12:19
  • Lynora Crawford

    Though I've read the whole story (twice), "Determined" being summarized by Colt here REALLY emphasizes just how much she's gone through, and how incredibly strong she is...I hope Calum focuses on that, and not the last bomb she dropped on him.

    09/21/2021 12:19
  • jortiz64

    I can’t wait for the next update. will Calum tell Colt that he has met Elijah? can the 3 of them survive this? where is Colts family?

    09/20/2021 20:10
  • amber sweet

    why does it seem that some of the commenets repeat 4 times

    09/19/2021 23:36
  • Christine Owings

    I am truly moved with the story you have created. truly connected with colt on ever emotional level. can't wait for next update. I hope Calum is whom she ends up with. Felix is also a stand out character that deserves his own tale

    09/19/2021 22:29
  • Christine Owings

    I am truly moved with the story you have created. truly connected with colt on ever emotional level. can't wait for next update. I hope Calum is whom she ends up with. Felix is also a stand out character that deserves his own tale

    09/19/2021 22:29
  • Christine Owings

    I am truly moved with the story you have created. truly connected with colt on ever emotional level. can't wait for next update. I hope Calum is whom she ends up with. Felix is also a stand out character that deserves his own tale

    09/19/2021 22:29
  • Christine Owings

    I am truly moved with the story you have created. truly connected with colt on ever emotional level. can't wait for next update. I hope Calum is whom she ends up with. Felix is also a stand out character that deserves his own tale

    09/19/2021 22:29
  • Christine Owings

    I am truly moved with the story you have created. truly connected with colt on ever emotional level. can't wait for next update. I hope Calum is whom she ends up with. Felix is also a stand out character that deserves his own tale

    09/19/2021 22:29
  • Christine Owings

    I am truly moved with the story you have created. truly connected with colt on ever emotional level. can't wait for next update. I hope Calum is whom she ends up with. Felix is also a stand out character that deserves his own tale

    09/19/2021 22:29
  • Christine Owings

    I am truly moved with the story you have created. truly connected with colt on ever emotional level. can't wait for next update. I hope Calum is whom she ends up with. Felix is also a stand out character that deserves his own tale

    09/19/2021 22:29
  • Christine Owings

    I am truly moved with the story you have created. truly connected with colt on ever emotional level. can't wait for next update. I hope Calum is whom she ends up with. Felix is also a stand out character that deserves his own tale

    09/19/2021 22:29
  • Christine Owings


    09/19/2021 22:26
  • Christine Owings


    09/19/2021 22:26
  • Christine Owings

    I am so moved by your writing. I have read determined and now started desired. you have been able to connect with your readers on every emotional level. I have laughed, cried throughout both. Thank you so much for this beautiful love story. I truly hope she ends up with Calum. Felix is also a stand out character that deserves his own tale.

    09/19/2021 22:25
  • Christine Owings

    I am so moved by your writing. I have read determined and now started desired. you have been able to connect with your readers on every emotional level. I have laughed, cried throughout both. Thank you so much for this beautiful love story. I truly hope she ends up with Calum. Felix is also a stand out character that deserves his own tale.

    09/19/2021 22:25
  • Christine Owings

    I am so moved by your writing. I have read determined and now started desired. you have been able to connect with your readers on every emotional level. I have laughed, cried throughout both. Thank you so much for this beautiful love story. I truly hope she ends up with Calum. Felix is also a stand out character that deserves his own tale.

    09/19/2021 22:25
  • Christine Owings

    I am so moved by your writing. I have read determined and now started desired. you have been able to connect with your readers on every emotional level. I have laughed, cried throughout both. Thank you so much for this beautiful love story. I truly hope she ends up with Calum. Felix is also a stand out character that deserves his own tale.

    09/19/2021 22:25
  • Christine Owings

    I am so moved by your writing. I have read determined and now started desired. you have been able to connect with your readers on every emotional level. I have laughed, cried throughout both. Thank you so much for this beautiful love story. I truly hope she ends up with Calum. Felix is also a stand out character that deserves his own tale.

    09/19/2021 22:25
  • Christine Owings

    I am so moved by your writing. I have read determined and now started desired. you have been able to connect with your readers on every emotional level. I have laughed, cried throughout both. Thank you so much for this beautiful love story. I truly hope she ends up with Calum. Felix is also a stand out character that deserves his own tale.

    09/19/2021 22:25
  • Christine Owings

    I am so moved by your writing. I have read determined and now started desired. you have been able to connect with your readers on every emotional level. I have laughed, cried throughout both. Thank you so much for this beautiful love story. I truly hope she ends up with Calum. Felix is also a stand out character that deserves his own tale.

    09/19/2021 22:25
  • Christine Owings

    I am so moved by your writing. I have read determined and now started desired. you have been able to connect with your readers on every emotional level. I have laughed, cried throughout both. Thank you so much for this beautiful love story. I truly hope she ends up with Calum. Felix is also a stand out character that deserves his own tale.

    09/19/2021 22:25
  • Christine Owings

    I am so moved by your writing. I have read determined and now started desired. you have been able to connect with your readers on every emotional level. I have laughed, cried throughout both. Thank you so much for this beautiful love story. I truly hope she ends up with Calum. Felix is also a stand out character that deserves his own tale.

    09/19/2021 22:25
  • Christine Owings

    I am so moved by your writing. I have read determined and now started desired. you have been able to connect with your readers on every emotional level. I have laughed, cried throughout both. Thank you so much for this beautiful love story. I truly hope she ends up with Calum. Felix is also a stand out character that deserves his own tale.

    09/19/2021 22:25
  • Christine Owings

    I am so moved by your writing. I have read determined and now started desired. you have been able to connect with your readers on every emotional level. I have laughed, cried throughout both. Thank you so much for this beautiful love story. I truly hope she ends up with Calum. Felix is also a stand out character that deserves his own tale.

    09/19/2021 22:25
  • Christine Owings

    I am so moved by your writing. I have read determined and now started desired. you have been able to connect with your readers on every emotional level. I have laughed, cried throughout both. Thank you so much for this beautiful love story. I truly hope she ends up with Calum. Felix is also a stand out character that deserves his own tale.

    09/19/2021 22:25
  • Jenn McCoy

    thank goodness she is opening up more I think her realizing how much he truly has gone through helped. lol but your killin us here she literally knows someone with lots of knowledge but has yet to contact her 🀨lol. I hope they are able to figure things out they both deserve it and the pain they have been through is enough. I can't wait for more much love!

    09/19/2021 16:22
  • Jenn McCoy

    thank goodness she is opening up more I think her realizing how much he truly has gone through helped. lol but your killing us here she literally knows someone with lots of knowledge but has yet to contact her 🀨lol. I hope they are able to figure things out they both deserve it and the pain they have been through is enough. I can't wait for more much love!

    09/19/2021 16:22
  • Jenn McCoy

    thank goodness she is opening up more I think her realizing how much he truly has gone through helped. lol but your killing us here she literally knows someone with lots of knowledge but has yet to contact her 🀨lol. I hope they are able to figure things out they both deserve it and the pain they have been through is enough. I can't wait for more much love!

    09/19/2021 16:22
  • Jenn McCoy

    thank goodness she is opening up more I think her realizing how much he truly has gone through helped. lol but your killing us here she literally knows someone with lots of knowledge but has yet to contact her 🀨lol. I hope they are able to figure things out they both deserve it and the pain they have been through is enough. I can't wait for more much love!

    09/19/2021 16:22
  • Jenn McCoy

    thank goodness she is opening up more I think her realizing how much he truly has gone through helped. lol but your killing us here she literally knows someone with lots of knowledge but has yet to contact her 🀨lol. I hope they are able to figure things out they both deserve it and the pain they have been through is enough. I can't wait for more much love!

    09/19/2021 16:18
  • Jenn McCoy

    thank goodness she is opening up more I think her realizing how much he truly has gone through helped. lol but your killing us here she literally knows someone with lots of knowledge but has yet to contact her 🀨lol. I hope they are able to figure things out they both deserve it and the pain they have been through is enough. I can't wait for more much love!

    09/19/2021 16:18
  • Jenn McCoy

    thank goodness she is opening up more I think her realizing how much he truly has gone through helped. lol but your killing us here she literally knows someone with lots of knowledge but has yet to contact her 🀨lol. I hope they are able to figure things out they both deserve it and the pain they have been through is enough. I can't wait for more much love!

    09/19/2021 16:18
  • Jenn McCoy

    thank goodness she is opening up more I think her realizing how much he truly has gone through helped. lol but your killing us here she literally knows someone with lots of knowledge but has yet to contact her 🀨lol. I hope they are able to figure things out they both deserve it and the pain they have been through is enough. I can't wait for more much love!

    09/19/2021 16:18
  • Karina Marthinsen

    yes, she trust him enough to open Up, thats so great, Hope her takes IT well

    09/19/2021 14:39
  • Karina Marthinsen

    yes, she trust him enough to open Up, thats so great, Hope her takes IT well

    09/19/2021 14:39
  • Karina Marthinsen

    yes, she trust him enough to open Up, thats so great, Hope her takes IT well

    09/19/2021 14:39
  • Lynora Crawford

    I'm looking forward to seeing how Calum reasons to that news...

    09/19/2021 13:36
  • Lynora Crawford

    I'm looking forward to seeing how Calum reasons to that news...

    09/19/2021 13:36
  • Crystal Jordan

    I'm still hoping she and Elijah find a qay to work it out!!

    09/18/2021 04:30
  • amber sweet

    Felix is the epitome of the Perfect Blend of salty and sweet and damn well sexy

    09/15/2021 15:46
  • Lynora Crawford

    I love this chapter, the developing trust between Calum and Felix is great! Part of me hopes he simply stays in Scotland indefinitely.

    09/15/2021 15:15
  • Donna Grogan

    How can you not love Felix. I hope he meets someone. Who he has his own book.❀️

    09/15/2021 11:48
  • Jocelyn Cabillan Ortiz

    I love this chapter...I can barely wait for the next...

    09/15/2021 01:32
  • jortiz64

    I love this chapter.

    09/12/2021 17:26
  • Jenn McCoy

    loved this chapter so cute. he is noticing things she has done good so far being open in ways with him not closed off like she was with Elijah. she needs to explain things no matter how bad she don't so they can find answers together because they both want eachother but she don't need him doubting because she pulls away when he is to touchy! oh answers lol still waiting for mauve to save the day πŸ˜‰πŸ€”πŸ€« I'll wait here πŸ‘€

    09/12/2021 02:51
  • Nichole83pa

    I’m confused πŸ€” obviously Colt was with Eli before she met Calum and Calum wasn’t hospitalized so did Elijahs pain come from the fact that he marked Colt and she kissed Felix and he wasn’t her mate or was it because Elijah was standing right there when she kissed Felix? She needs to talk to Calum and explain what’s going on and Calum needs to tell Colt that Elijah is looking for her. I just want her to be happy with her mate (either or both) but this is just kinda sad for everyone 😩

    09/11/2021 15:58
  • Karina Marthinsen

    i just love that horseπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ i like that she is Falling for him slowly, and that her just keeps her close, even when she don't want too

    09/11/2021 09:26
  • Autumn Harvey

    as a fellow horse person, I LOVE this chapter :) I've always loved all the stuff about Sol, but this is perfect, including the second hand water lol

    09/11/2021 01:39
  • Lynora Crawford

    Poor Colt and Calum... I'm really hoping she sits Calum down soon. and explains why she has to hold back. He seems like the type (once he stopped reeling from the shock) to help her figure out a way for them to be together without if affecting Elijah...setting them off on a journey of discovery. Or at least a phone call to Maeve! πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‚

    09/11/2021 00:18
  • amber sweet

    come on they got to get together I like him

    09/10/2021 19:06
  • Jenn McCoy

    loved this chapter lol her horse had good timing lol. I know she would have been upset tho because she would worry about Elijah! also I think people also forgot she was told it would be hard for her to have kids if at all so her dreaming about kids would just depress her. people need to realize she is a good person as well and is trying to hold back from Cullum on affection because she is worried about Elijah even if she does not want to.

    09/10/2021 15:48
  • jortiz64

    I’m hoping she is seeing a future with Calum. her dream wedding and children…

    09/09/2021 13:49
  • amber sweet

    she feels Elijah close by

    09/06/2021 21:07
  • Jenn McCoy

    I love their relationship already he definitely calms her and grounds her they just need answers. I think πŸ€” she was thinking of all the what ifs. lmao 🀣 picturing a 🦁 right when I wake up yea I would have lost it too Cullum. I'm happy she is opening up to him. yes not fully but atleast it's something! I kinda have a feeling Meave may be on her way there. I think her family will like Cullum too! can't wait to see how things keep developing as always much love to your amazing writing!

    09/06/2021 17:55
  • Vanessa

    oh I really think colt and callum are a good match and he sooths her brings her peace. ..I hope she chooses him as a mate!!

    09/06/2021 15:57
  • Donna Grogan

    I think she needs to face Elijah he has changed for the better not that that excuses what he did. But he was hurting she left he didn't know she felt what he was doing . But Now with her new Mate who knows Elijah is looking for Colt. He should be honest .He seems like a good man. Let it be her to deside so she could be Happy.

    09/06/2021 14:51
  • Jenn McCoy

    yes loved thier interaction just hate that because of Elijah she is holding back. he needs to find his second chance mate and let her go. but I have been begging her to call mave so she can get answers about things so she can move on happily with Cullum!

    09/03/2021 22:51
  • amber sweet

    loved it

    09/03/2021 19:46
  • Sarah Kruger-Padgett

    I have a very Love/Hate response to Colt being worried about how Elijah will handle her not so much being with Cullum but so much as kissing him after all Elijah out her through. I still think Elijah can be redeemed and I think Colt needs them both

    09/03/2021 16:53
  • Autumn Harvey

    every chapter just gets better and better! it always makes my day when I see an update!

    09/03/2021 15:03
  • Karina Marthinsen

    loved the chapter, thats so sweet

    09/03/2021 05:42
  • Lynora Crawford

    Loved every second of this chapter!!!

    09/03/2021 03:54
  • Trish Yocham

    Loved it!!! Great chapter! Can't wait for more!!

    09/03/2021 01:43