Stronger Comments

  • Rachel Bradley Gill

    love your comment at the end of Chap 18! can't wait for her to put Grayson in his place. He needs a reality check ASAP, because right now he's being an ass.

    09/04/2023 22:15
  • karri0203

    him not having to suffer at all, even in the tiniest little bit is very disappointing. she’s supposed to be this legendary strong alpha? ruined it.

    09/04/2023 22:13
  • Reader-299184

    I really hope everything is okay. waiting for this new chapter sucks but I really hope the writer is okay

    09/04/2023 21:44
  • Mai

    ok so I have to ask. 1) is the book done or almost done? 2) does her mate treat her good or does he sleep around and humiliate her? 3) does it have a happy ending (if it’s done)

    09/04/2023 21:34
  • Daphne Ray Adair

    loved this book from begining to end

    09/04/2023 21:25
  • anna bishop

    good finish, a good ending raps the story up well.

    09/04/2023 21:24
  • Candise Carter

    it’s Aaron

    09/04/2023 21:05
  • Ànita Phillips

    waiting for next chapter.

    09/04/2023 21:03
  • Kim R

    so far so good, love when a female caricature is so strong but also has weak moments. kinda makes then more real if they flaws. then younhavr a ma. who is trying to stand out and he has we are just not sure what he's holding back from

    09/04/2023 20:52
  • Francine Thomas

    so far the book is very interesting. I'm enjoying the cat and mouse games!

    09/04/2023 20:43
  • Reader-209311

    is this still going to be updated or is it done? been a while since the last update

    09/04/2023 20:41
  • Sandi Dean

    the author has basically abandoned the story as well as us….. who can we demand refunds from?

    09/04/2023 20:40
  • Lauryn Cheptoo

    I'm loving the book. The characters portray their emotions well which makes the story more relatable

    09/04/2023 20:40
  • Deborah Bowman

    Just was reading my lasts update I am always checking to read more.

    09/04/2023 20:39
  • KNB

    Loving this story so far. Each chapter builds upon the next, there’s suspense, intrigue, and twists that keep the reader interested. nice to see the female lead is strong and family supports and protects her. her opinion matters and they listen to her even though they are upholding an old tradition. Can’t wait to read more.

    09/04/2023 20:35
  • Lucie Homewood

    i think elizabeth

    09/04/2023 20:34
  • Susan Hough

    is this done or is it hoong to he updated… this is the second book on here that hasnt been updated close to a month

    09/04/2023 20:33
  • Reader-901965


    09/04/2023 20:33
  • Raeanna Michelle Jenkins

    I need an update 😭

    09/04/2023 20:33
  • Yvonne Adams

    . , ,,m,.,,.,m,,.,m ,m,, ,.,m, , ,., ,., , , ,. i ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,.....m.

    09/04/2023 20:32
  • ꒯ꋬꋊ꒐ꏂ꒒꒒ꏂ ꋬꋊ꓄ꏂ

    This book is a very addicting story!!! Once you think you have figured a part out, BOOM a new twist! Once you begin reading, it's a nice story of competition for the a special Luna, only not all of the contenders ever had a real chance. But does the one who wins, actually want her? Or he just playing for the sport of it? Is he truly as cold as he seems? Maybe he has a softer & more romantic side?

    09/04/2023 20:32
  • Reader-669001

    I think it’s Elizabeth. and I think the pack is his run away father

    09/04/2023 20:31
  • Nicole Johnson

    I am enjoying this novel very much so far.

    09/04/2023 20:29
  • BabyJoker Rodriguez

    good reviews added to my list

    09/04/2023 20:29
  • Brooklyn Peacock


    09/04/2023 20:26
  • Janice M Hicks

    one of my favorite so far it doesn't start off like the others all dark, with abuse and other things it starts off sweet, loving, caring with the dark side of it in the book it is a well wrote book🥰🥰🥰

    09/04/2023 20:19
  • Lynn Baumgartner

    this book was hard to get into at first, but it is been gwtting better and better as you get into it. Really enjoying it so far. The twists are unexpected and really keep the story interesting. having a strong female is great.

    09/04/2023 20:17
  • Lenny Natal

    highly recommend this book to other readers. I loved this book so much couldn't stop reading. ❤️❤️❤️

    09/04/2023 20:16
  • Samantha Lemaster

    love this book

    09/04/2023 20:13
  • Reader-043909

    chapters could come faster. lol

    09/04/2023 20:12
  • Brooklyn Peacock

    🤍🤍great book

    09/04/2023 20:08
  • Brandi Farias

    it’s good so far

    09/04/2023 20:08
  • Christine Jenkins

    This is truly an enjoyable read. I’m finding it hard to put it down. Thank you

    09/04/2023 20:08
  • Mahea Simbahon

    it's an awesome story so far. can't wait to read the rest...

    09/04/2023 20:06
  • Klara B. Fahnel

    It’s confusing that her inner dialogue and what’s spoken out loud are both in quotation marks.

    09/04/2023 20:06
  • Kimberly Gillooly

    this book is a great read. has a good story line, and plot twists. it’s not too gorey and doesn’t go into a lot of sexual detail which is nice. can’t wait to keep reading.

    09/04/2023 20:03
  • Beverly Jones

    This book is NOT complete, it has had some updates recently. Just want you to be aware, as I thought it was complete. Book was started over 8 months ago (that I know of) It is a good read. Author is talented just wish they would make deadlines and make them complete books so readers weren't left hanging. 🙄

    09/04/2023 20:03
  • Brooklyn Peacock

    loving itttt!

    09/04/2023 20:00
  • Clarysel Soriano

    you updated the other book, but are you abandoning this one?. please update, is such a good book.

    09/04/2023 19:59
  • Larissa Carter

    i’m honestly getting annoyed w how things are progressing. it’s the like 15th chapter and they’ve barely spoken. i love the idea but i just don’t know how big of a fan i am of waiting , but that’s just me. it’s a great book if you love the wait game

    09/04/2023 19:58
  • Tina Phelps

    I'm truly enjoying this book

    09/04/2023 19:58
  • Brooklyn Peacock

    in love with this book 🤍🤍

    09/04/2023 19:57
  • Tasha Rubin

    I am loving this book so far!!

    09/04/2023 19:57
  • Kayla Atilano

    Will this book be published after it’s finished? I don’t buy books by chapter.

    09/04/2023 19:56
  • Reader-209311

    where is ella now though? haven’t heard anything abt her for a while. I do have a feeling that Max is somewhat involved in this. he likes annette and wants the pure alpha blood heir so I’m thinking he’s the one sending the flowers and not overly joyed abt finding out she was pregnant. he also sent a msg that she is welcomed to stay in their pack so I’m thinking he wants to have Annette and wants to get rid of Grayson and take his resources as mentioned of the greedy son? the quiet ones are the most dangerous ones. also, what happened to the father and son who had disrespected her during the tournament after they were put in the dungeons? they never mentioned clearly which pack or place they’re from when she asked them so it could also be related to them? annette has marked his father’s face also

    09/04/2023 19:55
  • Rhona Langridge

    Waiting for the next chapter is irritating. I'll never start another of this author's books if not complete at the start.

    09/04/2023 19:55
  • Kelly Schaumburg

    When are new chapters?

    09/04/2023 19:54
  • Susan Hough

    how do we get a refund its been weeks with no updates

    09/04/2023 19:54
  • Reader-222685

    great book

    09/04/2023 19:53
  • Amy Reierson

    this is definitely a story to dive into with both feet. it starts off somewhat like a season of the bachelorette. the daughter of an alpha and Luna is looking to meet her mate and start her mated life. she has some tests, and there is a competition for the attending alpha's to compete in, but all along sh can't help but feel like something is missing. there is plenty of sweetness, but you also get plenty of twists and turns I can't wait to read more.

    09/04/2023 19:52
  • Valerie Georgeson

    where is the update, this is why I hate apps like this. they get you into a book and then it’s left hanging

    09/04/2023 19:48
  • Reader-030050

    40 something chapters we wait and this is all we get. you can make it graphic and sweet and passionate all at the same time. hoping this book picks up because right now I’m regretting buying it.

    09/04/2023 19:45
  • Brooklyn Peacock

    in love with this story🤍🤍

    09/04/2023 19:45
  • Tiffany Meacham

    I’m gonna have to read it all over again by the time it’s uploaded

    09/04/2023 19:44
  • Klara B. Fahnel

    I like the storyline but the grammatical errors are so bad, some of the story doesn’t even make sense. I want to read this book, but if this continues, I will have to bow out.

    09/04/2023 19:43
  • Kira Patenaude

    This story has been so good so far can't stop reading it!!!

    09/04/2023 19:43
  • Princess Sowers

    Generally as a rule I do not bother with on-going works but I'm very grateful that I did this time. 'Stronger' is an incredibly well-written novel so far. ang chris writes so graphically, with an exceptional attention to detail, that you pant along with the characters when they're short of breath; your heart races as Anna's does and when tears moisten her eyes, you can feel them in yours. I can not wait to finish this novel and hope for more from this author.

    09/04/2023 19:43
  • Laura Hanratty

    Great story, my favourite so far, am actually reading it for a second time and its just as alluring as when I 1st read it. xx ♡

    09/04/2023 19:40
  • Julieanna Lilyea

    it’s should be pack instead of clan

    09/04/2023 19:40
  • Ashleigh Law

    If your looking for a good book that’s written well, has a good story line and well thought out characters then this is the book for you. I’m a picky reader. Drawn out story lines and juvenile writing approaches have me quitting a lot of these books on here. This book is really good, and I’m ready for the next update!🤞🏻

    09/04/2023 19:39
  • Sonia Martinez

    I love it so far

    09/04/2023 19:36
  • Amy Adams

    this book keeps me çoming back it's very good

    09/04/2023 19:35
  • Shania Mccann

    great story so far!

    09/04/2023 19:33
  • Amilli

    so I read through the first 58 chapters in one sitting 🤣🤣 it’s a great story I just finished the rest through 69. desperate for more chapters 🙏😩

    09/04/2023 19:30
  • Shason Morris

    I love this book! I’m hooked and can’t wait for more updates. I’m constantly checking to see if there is another update.

    09/04/2023 19:30
  • Reader-566132

    oh my my I thoroughly enjoyed chapter 5 and it’s ending ❤️‍🔥

    09/04/2023 19:29
  • love it

    09/04/2023 19:28
  • Reader-658193

    beautiful story but the update is so scarce am forgetting the characters everytime I come back to it please author finish this book or update often

    09/04/2023 19:25
  • Amy Ramirez

    I like how the author writes/works their way up to a moment or situation. It has a good flow and great suspense.

    09/04/2023 19:24
  • Carolyn Partridge

    very good story love it

    09/04/2023 19:23
  • Bellus Nox

    dang… 40 somethin chapters in and this is amazing!

    09/04/2023 19:20
  • Reader-502729

    so excited for the direction this is going!

    09/04/2023 19:19
  • Klara B. Fahnel

    I’m still not sure I trust Lilliana who seems to dislike her own husband🤷🏼‍♀️

    09/04/2023 19:15
  • Gracie Wright

    love this book

    09/04/2023 19:13
  • Queen Smith

    when will this be updated??

    09/04/2023 19:13
  • Reader-410930

    ‘stronger’ is an incredible story with an amazingly detailed plot line with well thought out characters yes there are some grammatical errors but that does not take away from the story at all 100% recommend this book

    09/04/2023 19:10
  • Daniela Mirandha

    im really enjoying this story! but could we please get the POV name at the start of the chapters? it takes me a couple of lines to figure out whose POV it is 🧐

    09/04/2023 19:09
  • Katherine Weiher

    how often is this book updated? I want to read it but once I get to having to wait on updates, I lose interest in the book unless the updates come daily. otherwise I’ll wait until it’s complete, if I remember to keep checking back.

    09/04/2023 19:04
  • Kenniesmom

    One of the BEST female Alpha stories I have ever come across. Love the storyline of this well written book.

    09/04/2023 19:01
  • Natasha Giacomazzi

    really enjoying the books so far

    09/04/2023 19:01
  • Tracy Wasil

    absolutely great story loving it so far differently one of my favorite books

    09/04/2023 19:00
  • I am loving this book so far. Love the female character’s strong will, but she can also soft and caring. It makes her really relatable. I am irritated with the alpha’s attitude toward his goddess given mate, it makes it hard for me to read when he acts like a tool. I want him to hurry up and figure his issues out so they can be together!

    09/04/2023 19:00
  • Δέσποινα Πατυχάκη

    Nice beginning.

    09/04/2023 18:59
  • Reader-216067


    09/04/2023 18:57
  • Ànita Phillips

    please update soon!

    09/04/2023 18:53
  • Carlos

    To the author of this story, I know you have life outside of of this but 7 chapters in 40 days? com'on you can do hetter. Just found out you're updated in replying comments here.

    09/04/2023 18:48
  • Kristi Conner

    great book give her hell anna

    09/04/2023 18:45
  • Reader-256059


    09/04/2023 18:44
  • Reader-662065

    there is nothing wrong with chalkboards🙄 they are actually more sustainable than whiteboards

    09/04/2023 18:43
  • Brooklyn Peacock

    love the book so far

    09/04/2023 18:41
  • Demon

    i love this book i cant seem to put it down!

    09/04/2023 18:40
  • Jamie B

    I am love this story so far! it’s night to have a story the builds and doesn’t just jump right into the characters relationship. Definitely a great winter read.

    09/04/2023 18:40
  • Amy Craig

    Great story. it's hard to put down.

    09/04/2023 18:38
  • Reader-502729

    I wonder when we get to find out who this alpha & son are🤔 I’m addicted so far!

    09/04/2023 18:37
  • Destiny Hamman

    Starting a chapter in someone else’s point of view should be pointed out in the beginning of the chapter. It’s so confusing to figure out who’s POV I’m reading.

    09/04/2023 18:36
  • She Fig

    so far, they have a really boring relationship in my opinion. This decision to drag on their lack of connection and intimacy for so long into the book kinda makes the overall story also feel like it’s dragging out. I’m struggling to stay interested

    09/04/2023 18:31
  • Reader-960813

    update please

    09/04/2023 18:28
  • Pammie Diederich

    been waiting for update for 5 days. any news????

    09/04/2023 18:26
  • Bay Lover

    thought of sharing this here, read..... Zena The slave lost Alpha, an interesting story to get locked with

    09/04/2023 18:21
  • Reader-502729

    I really like this book so far!!!

    09/04/2023 18:17