Chapter 3: Attacking


We couldn’t just jump through the windows and attack them all in the house. My group consisted of six people in total, including me, and something we were taught at the beginning of the training, was that getting into close combat with a full grown and especially full-grown, male werewolf, was a certain death. It was very rare that a hunter was able to walk away from such a fight. They always won, so we needed to be smarter. We needed to find other ways to kill them, which was why we were very fond of our weapons and small gadgets. They helped us a lot.

We had found the house that Rogan had gone to. It was here he was going to meet the woman he was going to be tied to. I used my night goggles to see into the house, seeing Rogan together with another enemy of ours. Eric Craster. Both powerful alphas we needed to take down in order to finally push the werewolves to their knees, but Eric wasn’t our target tonight. Only Rogan was, and I was going to make sure he didn’t leave from here alive.

My group was spread around the house. All of us had eyes on our target, and with the earpieces we were wearing we could keep in contact.

“Shall I take the shot?”

Vince was on the other side of the house, having a better view of Rogan than I did. I was up in a tree just outside the wall that surrounded the big mansion. The rest were either on the ground or, like me, up in a tree, so we could better see what was happening.

“No,” I said.

“I can kill him!”

“Wait,” I told him, and continued to watch the people inside.

Someone poured Rogan something to drink. Then more talk. Soon his future wife or mate, as they called it, stood up. She seemed to almost dismiss them all, and then she walked away. I continued to keep my eyes on Rogan, though. He continued to talk to Eric for a little while, looking so damn relaxed, and it annoyed me more than I could say.


“No, 121. Wait.”

“Why?” he asked.

“Because I don’t want to risk you hitting the wrong one,” I growled back.

“I’m the best shot.”

“Wait until there is a clear view of him.”

I knew Vince was our best shot, but he also had the patience of a child. He always found it exciting when he was allowed to gun someone down from a distance, and he didn’t like that I told him to wait. I shook my head as I continued to watch Rogan for a while. Soon, though, he and Erik stood up and shook hands before he walked through the house.

“Be read 121. He is coming out.”


I could see on the other side of the house, Vince jumping down from a tree and then running to a better location, so he had a clearer view. I removed my goggles and climbed down the tree before I grabbed one of my guns, going around the house until I came to the gate. I looked around. Vince was on the other side of the wall now. With the help from the tree he had been in, he had jumped onto the other side and was now hiding behind a statue on the front lawn. I saw movement in the corner of my eye and turned my head, seeing Elisa working on the code system for the gate. She winked at me, and soon she made the gate open, just as our target came outside. Vince aimed at him, and he had him right where he wanted, but just as he fired, one of his men pushed him, sending them both flying, hitting our wrong target.

“Fuck!” I shouted. “121!”

Vince needed to get out of there, because even if he had hit one of them, the other two, which included Rogan, were already getting on their feet, and their eyes glowed that dangerous yellow color, which meant they were out for blood. I needed Vince out of there. Rogan’s eyes quickly found Vince in the dark and he pulled one of his guns. Despite being animals, they liked weapons too, and they loved to use them against us. I fired though, before Rogan could, and I got him in his arm before he sought cover by opening the door to the house, and pulling his wounded man inside, while his other one opened fire on us.

“121!” I yelled.

“Commander, what now?” Elisa shouted.

I looked at her while the bullets flew around.

“Car! Go! I will get 121,” I said.

Elisa nodded and ran to where the other car was. I used my watch to send the same message to everyone else that we needed to get out of there… we had failed. I waited for the bullets to stop raining down on us, before I finally started to fire towards the others, giving me a chance to go to where I had seen Vince. I found him lying in the darkness on the grass, face down. I rolled him around, seeing the way the blood just kept streaming from a wound in his chest.


I pressed two fingers to his neck, but there was no pulse.

“Fuck!” I yelled.

Just then, more bullets came flying, pieces of the statue falling off, and I had to curl myself into a small ball, waiting for the firing to stop. When it finally did, I fired back, but I saw now that more people had come to help Rogan, and I was more than just outnumbered. I stopped firing and went back into hiding. I had another gun on me, and two knives, but it wouldn’t do much good, nor would Vince’s sniper. They knew where I was, and with how many they were now, I was pretty much as good as dead.

“Come out, little hunter, you can’t hide.”

It was Rogan who taunted me, and I bit the inside of my cheek hard. I would never surrender.

“You won’t make it out alive either way.”

He was not wrong… I pushed three fingers into a small pocket I had on my chest and pulled out the little pill. It was a poison that would quickly end me in seconds. It was better than being captured, but if I was going down, then so were they. I put the pill in my mouth but didn’t bite down on it to release the poison. No, I kept it safely hidden under my tongue before I took my other gun, so I had one in each hand.

“I wish I could say it had been fun, world,” I whispered. “But it hasn’t.”

I moved away from the statue, firing towards them, and all of them sought cover, while I kept firing at them. The gate wasn’t too far, and I started to move towards it, but I knew there was a good chance I would run out of bullets before then. I still gave it a try, but I quickly emptied the first gun, unable to take my eyes off the people in front of me, while I backed towards the gate. Then I emptied the other, and as soon as they heard that small click of an empty gun, they were all ready. I turned around, just as the firing started, and threw myself towards the gate but got hit right in the side. I landed on the ground, and then I army-crawled behind the wall before I was able to push myself to my feet.

I limped forward, pressing a hand to my wound, as I tried reaching the car we had parked further away. They wouldn’t wait longer than a few minutes for me, then there was no help to get. I continued to limp away though, just as bullets started to fly around me again. This time I got hit in the shoulder before I got a chance to seek cover behind a car. I stumbled and landed on my stomach again. The pain was blinding, and I couldn’t focus. I just lay there on the ground, gasping for air.

I had to bite down on the pill… it was the only clear thought I had, and I slowly moved the pill into position, ready to bite down on it, when suddenly I was grabbed by the neck and pulled backwards, and fingers pried themselves into my mouth. It hurt so badly, and then I saw the pill in front of me.


I was pushed down on the ground, groaning loudly, before I saw a pair of black boots in front of me. I slowly let my eyes run up the boots, up to a pair of legs and then all the way up to dark green eyes watching me. A dark smile spread across Rogan’s lips, but then suddenly the smile died, and I couldn’t understand why. He was crouched down in front of me, strangely watching me, when suddenly he grabbed me by the hair, pulling my head back.

He brought his face closer, his eyes locking with mine. I could barely feel the pain in my scalp because my right side and my shoulder were burning like crazy. It felt like pure fire running through my veins, making me dizzy and unable to focus on Rogan in front of me. He was blurry, and I knew I was about to lose consciousness.

“You aren’t dying,” I heard him say, yet his voice sounded almost like an echo.

“Alpha, what do you want to do with her?”

Rogan released me and then stood up, while I just continued to lie there, slowly drifting away, while I listened to their voices.

“Let us get her to Martin. He will patch her up.”

No, I would be dead before they got me to anyone. The thought comforted me as I was suddenly lifted, and my body screamed in pain. I groaned, not able to scream, as they slowly dragged me away, and I fell into pure darkness.

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