Chapter 6: Trying To Escape


It had been sheer luck that that nurse had come to check on me. She had tried to ignore me the best she could, but when I started to complain about pain, and I put on a good show, she had come close enough for me to headbutt her and when she had leaned far enough over me, I had wrapped my legs around her neck. They had only restrained my hands and that was a big mistake, as I kept choking the little nurse.

“Release me,” I ordered, as I continued to squeeze her tiny neck between my legs.

The nurse dug her nails into my skin, making me bleed, but she had responded too late, and her fighting back only made her more tired and more desperate for air. Besides, I had been trained to handle pain. A lot of it, in fact.

“Let me not repeat myself!” I said and squeezed even tighter. “Release me!”

Even if her sharp claws were all the way into my thigh, I didn’t let go, and eventually the nurse couldn’t take it anymore. She reached for my restraints and finally released one of my hands. I could do the rest myself. Then, as I was finally free, I released the little nurse, quickly getting up from the bed. I ignored how dizzy I felt and the burning pain shooting from all the wounds in my body. I pulled the nurse up from the bed, who was gasping for air, threw her up against the other wall and knocked her out.

“I told you not to make me repeat myself,” I said.

I looked around the room, trying to find the best exit, but besides the door leading out to a hallway where I had seen the alpha of all alphas, Rogan disappear into, I only saw a window. I knew I didn’t want to take the risk and go into the same hallway I had seen him disappear into, so, I went to the window. Luckily, there wasn’t any lock on it, and it easily slid to the side, allowing me to swing first one leg outside and then the next. We were on the ground floor, and I could almost touch the ground with my feet. I pushed myself away from the window, landing just behind some small bushes. I looked around but didn’t see any sorts of guards or scouts or anything. I was free to run, so I did.

The pain got worse the longer I ran, but I had no choice. I had to get out of here. The sun was slowly coming down, and I hoped I could use that to my advantage, but soon I had the feeling of being followed. It reminded me very much of the night my parents had been killed. The eyes … No, I had imagined those.

I stopped though, looking around myself, and trying to breathe a little quieter, even if my lungs were begging for air. The werewolves had incredibly sensitive hearing, and I knew I had to act smart. I couldn’t see anything around me, but I knew they were out there. Slowly getting closer. I had no idea exactly where I was or how far I would have to go in order to get back, but I needed to get rid of whoever was pursuing me.

I went for a tree beside me, climbing it until I was high enough for the leaves to hide me, and then I waited … and waited … and waited. Soon though, I heard someone coming closer and closer. I held my breath, trying to calm my beating heart, as I finally saw someone appearing. It was hard to see in the now dark forest who it was, but I knew from the big body it was definitely a male. Was it Rogan? I couldn’t be sure, but maybe this was my chance.

“I know you’re here,” he said.

Yes, that was his voice. It was Rogan.

“I can smell you.”

Fuck … they didn’t just have incredibly sensitive hearing but also a sensitive sense of smell. I pressed my hand to the bleeding wound on my thigh, waiting for Rogan to come closer. I knew I wouldn’t be able to outrun him. My only chance was to take him down, which would be very hard without weapons, but I had the element of surprise.

“You can’t hide,” he said, and finally I could see him right under me. “I will catch you.”

“Or maybe I will catch you,” I whispered, right before I let myself fall.

He looked up just in time to see me crash down on him. We both fell to the ground, and I quickly got up, just in time for him to look up at me. I punched him right in the face, but while I had been up against other wolves in close combat, I had never tried taking on an alpha. They were just built differently, and we were always advised not to get into close combat with them. Actually, we shouldn’t try and get into close combat with any of them. Werewolves were just built stronger. We had to be smarter.

“Fuck!” I yelled, as my whole hand seemed paralyzed by pain.

Rogan barely seemed to have been affected by my punch. He just shook his head once, before he came at me. I tried getting on my feet, but he tackled me to the ground. I went for another punch, but he grabbed my fist, pushing it down to the ground. I tried kicking myself loose, but he quickly used his massive body to pin me to the ground.

“No!” I yelled, trying to headbutt him, but he moved away from me.

“That’s enough!” he yelled.

“Fuck off!” I just screamed back.

“You punch me again, and you will break your hand.”

“Oh, now you’re worried. That would be a first,” I taunted, not thinking he actually worried about me, but it was strange he mentioned it.

I tried getting him off me, but he wasn’t moving an inch, and neither was I, with the way he was holding me down.

“Quit it now, or you will get seriously hurt.”

“As if I won’t get seriously hurt later,” I growled.

He looked almost shocked that I said this, but he was the one who had threatened me with torture and such. Why would he be surprised?

“Lie still.

“Fucking make me!”

I wasn’t really moving that much, but clearly it annoyed him that I continued to try and move around.

“You will only hurt yourself.”

“You’re going to hurt me! So go on! Do it! Now is the perfect time to extract some information,” I told him.

He just shook his head at me.

“What? Want to share me?” I asked. “Will there be an audience?”

“You’re getting on my nerves,” he said in a dark and low voice.

“Good, then we can torture each other.”

“You’re hurt, and you heal slowly. If you continue to move around, you will rip your stitches.”

“Good, then I might just bleed till death.”

He didn’t seem very happy with what I said and narrowed his eyes. I could make him out a little easier now that we were this close.

“Well?” I asked. “What are you waiting for?”

“I’m not hurting you out here.”

“No? Why not?” I asked.

“I told you I wanted you in good health before I started.”

I looked at him angrily, and he just smiled cruelly at me.

“Now, if you try and run again, I will make sure to punish you.”

“As if you aren’t already doing that.”

He didn’t respond to my comment. Instead, he got me turned around, and forced my hands onto my back.

“What the hell?” I heard him whisper.

I looked over my shoulder and saw the little hospital gown I was wearing had ridden up, and he could see the wound on my thigh.

“Your nurse made me bleed,” I said with a smile. “I guess she needed more blood from me.”

He just looked up at me, a dark expression on his face that I couldn’t quite read.

“Do not try anything,” he told me.

“We know I will …”

He pulled me from the ground, keeping me in front of him, as he held my arms on my back.

“You could make this so much easier for the both of us,” he said, as he started to push me forward.

I dug my heels into the ground, even if it hurt my bare feet.

“Well, I never liked easy.”


I kept trying to push back but he easily pushed me forward.

“You aren’t winning against me. You must have realized it by now.”

“Only weaklings give up,” I said.

“Is that what they teach you?” he asked. “There is nothing wrong with knowing when you are beaten.”

“I know I am beaten, but real fighters fight till the end.”

“A smart fighter would know when to use her strength,” he lectured me.

I looked over my shoulder, glaring at him.

“Exactly, and she knows she will not get another chance to use her strength before you torture and kill her,” I said.

Our eyes locked for a moment, but Rogan didn’t respond to me. He just kept pushing me forward, and for the first time in a long time, I felt true fear. Rogan had shown me how easily he could overpower me, and it made me feel so damn powerless. I hated feeling like that, and I couldn't help but think the whole way back to the hospital, what is he going to do to me?

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