Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter Three

I'm way too angry. I have to shift and let my wolf free. I'm taking the risk today. I need a run otherwise I might kill someone.

I get to the sacred grounds when the mates are taking off. It's a day for mates to get all freaky today but I don't care. Oh and yeah, there he is chatting to the men surrounding him.

He obviously got here before me. I try by all means not to look his direction, couple of minutes later, I shift. Today I don't bother taking off my clothes.

Yes, he jumps into the forest with me, I'm blurring through the forest, he's right with me. He looks at me and sneers, he's probably smiling. I look away, I will not be playing nice today. I duck to the left, he follows and I purposely run into him. He grunts in surprise which makes him fall back.

Seriously I didn't keep my virginity all these years to give it away to the first hot guy that pays me attention, let alone to a player, that's way below my level. I will not be one of the girls he's slept with.

He forces me to lower my walls. I can hear his thoughts. He starts singing a heavy metal song that goes “Love me or leave me, tell me no lies. Ask me no questions, send me no spies.

What the hell? He can’t seriously be directing this song to me.

He goes into the lake with me again today. He only stops at my backyard. I don't turn back to human form. I storm away. I don't have to look at him to know that he's watching me and smiling. I can feel the heat of his eyes on my back. He waits until I'm inside the house then jumps back into the lake, going home, perhaps?

I'm surprised Mrs. Jones is nowhere to be found. It's only just five p.m. I wonder which poor citizen she's fixed her snoopy claws in this time.

I’ve had a good day, except for huge-nose stalking me,so I'm in the mood to clean and do some laundry. I'm even in the mood for Scott to lecture me, not that he'd have given me much of a choice either. I just have to mhm and huh in all the right places and then apologise on cue.

"Two and a half hours late," are his first words as he enters the door. No hello. "I should fire you."

"It was the last time, promise," I say with a smile. "Sorry, I was busy having sex."

It works. He's destructed enough to be grossed out. What's up with guys and little sisters anyway. Genevieve was someone's sister and her brother, Sam made sure to give Scott hell.

"I heard you threw yourself a party at lunch," he says. "Bring the onions, we'll make dinner."

I spring to my feet. Hungry.

He cooks and I watch, help when asked and I just love him more than I did this morning. Talk about the best brother a girl could ask for.

I forgot to tell him about the big-nose stalker, which reminds me, I must call the boyfriend and have the usual brief meaningless conversation with him.

I hope Pinocchio won’t be waiting for me in the morning but by now I already know he doesn’t give up that easily. I don’t even know his name but he’s managed to be the last thing I think about before I go to sleep and the first when I open my eyes. How he succeeded in changing my reaction from being scared to being angry to being offended by that sleazy heavy metal song, all in a day's work.

He's got piercing green eyes, they're deep i noticed. Wait! Why am I thinking about some pussy chasing prince's eyes? Ugh. Oh and he completely defeated me in a staring contest.

I see the dragon as I open my bedroom window, standing in the deserted streets. People will probably only come out once he's gone.

I know I spit on the rude customers drinks who grab my ass but this? This?

What about that time I donated my parent's clothes to the homeless shelter? Huh? Oh and that time I saved a kid from being hit by a truck, what about that one?

I'm more than an hour early today. It's nine and my shift starts past ten.

Outside it is warmer than I thought. The sky a cloudless blue. I decide to stop and humor Mrs. Jones this morning, just so this pest sees that people know me, I'm not some Jane Doe he can try and kidnap.

I walk past his dragon to stand very close to the road.

This time he gets off the dragon and walks straight to me. How I hadn't realised he was this tall is beyond me. I study him as he approaches; a pair of faded jeans, unbuttoned shirt and bare foot. It's sexy werewolf contour.

"So you'll bruise mu ego again?" he asks, smiling. The stupid fool doesn't even greet.

"Would it be asking too much of you if I told you to leave me alone?"

The bus comes to a stop just then. The driver rolls down his windows and admires the dragon.

He whistles.

"Heard those are extinct," he says, eyes as big as saucers. "Or in the brink off. Only seven left in the whole world."

Big-nose doesn't take his eyes off me. "Mhm."

Guess the rumour is true. A dragon for each of the seven sons. Only a true Alpha can weird a dragon.

"My prince," he says, then drives off.

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