Her Smile
✨✨Third Person POV✨✨
"Regardless of what Logan says, I'm not falling for his stupid pranks this year. He better start acting mature already or so helps me God I am not holding back this year. I will retaliate, and he will be so-"
"Ahem!" Sophie's eyes widen as she sits on her side of the bench in the cafeteria and is interrupted by the very own Logan Spencer. She had been furious the whole day. Just when she'd start forgetting about the incident that morning, someone had to mention his name. The butterflies in her stomach would begin to whirl again, and she'd roll her eyes.
Annoyed and frustrated, all she wanted to do was sit with her friends at lunch and get her frustration out by talking to them about what was bothering her. Why did she have to get stuck with him for this project? To top it off, she still had two more classes to go and was hoping she did not get stuck in another class with him.
She widens her eyes, and vertigo in her stomach plummets her into a whirl as if she was going down on a roller coaster at full speed. She turns, with eyes wide in shock and he stands behind her; arms crossed over his chest, and his foot tapping away on the floor.
"What, Logan? Bothering me in Mrs. McGee's class and getting stuck with you on an assignment wasn't enough torture for you? What do you want?" She tilts her head to the side, rolling her eyes and crossing her hands.
She tries to ignore the fact all her friends are giggling in the back, murmuring among themselves behind him, Amber glaring at her, throwing daggers with her stare, and fuming angrily.
"One, I have no intentions to prank you. At least not today!" He squints his eyes, shrugging his shoulders.
"Two, Mrs. McGee sent an email, she wants an outline of our paper by this Friday. So we have no choice but to start working on the report soon as possible."
"Ok! And?" She nods her head, shrugging her shoulders and narrowing her eyebrows.
"And! It means we should start working on it today. We can meet either at my house or I can go to yours, whatever you want." He shrugs his shoulder allowing her to choose.
"Well, I can't today. I have plans already. Troy and I are going out to the movies." She turns, giving him a view of her back, making him clench his jaw in frustration.
"Well can't you just postpone it for another day? You saw how she got upset earlier, I don't want to get a ba-"
'Soph! I think you should go with Logan. Besides, I was hoping to get some other things done. I really need to get home to my grandma. My parents are coming down from New York to see me for a few days. I was hoping to spend some time with them." Troy purses his lips. Hoping she doesn't become upset.
Though she dreads the idea of spending time with her worst enemy, she knows how important it is for Troy to spend the little time his parents spend with him. Both living in New York due to their work, and rarely come by to see him. He has no choice but to stay with his grandma the time they are away. Although he can't complain, his grandma loves him like a son.
She sighs, closing her eyes and turning back to Logan. "Fine! We can meet at your house. I definitely do not want you to know where I live. Who knows if you'd end up teepeeing my house or something in the middle of the night." She narrows an eyebrow and looks him up and down.
He chuckles and undoes his hands, bringing his left hand over his chin.
"Not a bad idea Patterson! Not a bad idea. But I'm not that evil you know? My war is with you, not your parents. By the way," He leans down and looks her straight in her eyes.
"It's a small town Patterson. Everyone knows where you live." Her face turns red with embarrassment.
"Ok, whatever Logan. I can take an uber over to your house after school." She digs into her backpack trying to avoid seeing him.
He chuckles, pushing back the pen and notebook in her hand. "You're not taking an uber! You're crazy. Look, I have football practice for a few hours after school. How about you wait for me and I can give you a lift?"
"Hah!" She snorts, chuckling at his suggestion. He narrows his eyebrows, pinching the curve of his nose.
"What Sophie? I'm not gonna murder you! I'm just asking you to wait for me and I'll give you a ride. You are going to my house anyway, you know?" He looks at her, frustrated and annoyed.
She glances towards her friends and sees that they all shrug their shoulders. She lifts her hands and sighs, " Fine! Whatever. I'll wait for you. Happy?" She gets up, grabbing her backpack and throwing it over her shoulder.
Logan chuckles and nods his head. "You're fucking stubborn you know that? Wait for me by the stairs on the Northside. I'll be quick about leaving after practice. I guess I'll see you then?" He tilts his head allowing her to walk past him.
"Whatever!" She yells over her shoulder as she walks past him and Steven. Steven chuckles and punches Logan on his right hand. "Man, I feel for you bro! She's a feisty one! Good luck with that assignment. As for me? I gotta go meet up with our geek boy Russ, he's got one heck of a mind too man. I for sure got an A on this assignment." They both walk away from the group and part ways to go to their next class as their lunch break comes near to an end.
He can't help feel content as he walks past the other football guys and goes directly towards his next class.
"Logan?" Amber yells after him, making him close his eyes and clench his jaw as he comes to a stop and turns on his heel to face her.
"What?Amber." He clenches his teeth and gives her a forced smile.
"Can we hang out tonight? You know, for old times sakes?" She smiles, coming close to him, she slowly runs her hand over his chest and places her other hand around his neck.
"Amber, I'm busy. Besides, you broke up with me last I remember? Why don't you go back to making out with one of your other play toys? You and I are history Amber, and I frankly think it should have been over a long time ago." He squints his eyes, grasping her arms and pulling himself away from her.
"Oh what? You're suddenly friends with nerd girl and you're going to hang out with her after school?" She chuckles, crossing her arms over her chest and smacking her teeth.
He turns on his heel, walking away and leaving her there dumbfounded, angry, without giving her a response.
Walking into his next class, his smile widens brighter as he sees Sophie sitting on the top seats by the window. Unaware of his presence as he sits behind her and places his backpack down.
The whole class, he can't help but smile, as he enjoys annoying her the same way as he always does. Earning them a warning from the teacher as he continues to play and twirl his fingers on her long hair.
As the class ends, she makes her way out furious. Walking quickly to her art class. Her only subject she can freely express herself and hoping not to see his face until they have to work on the dam project. She stops by a vending machine and grabs a bottle of water, and heads out to her class a little more calmly.
Realization hits her as she continues to walk towards the classroom and sees Logan already standing inside talking to Dylan and Scott, another of his football buddies.
She sighs in annoyance and takes a seat towards the back of the class. Being that there is more room in the back of this class and she can freely move around to work since she has chosen art as one of her elective classes each year.
"Hey, Sophie! It's so good to see you this year again. Oh, I'm so happy, I have so many of my best and most talented kids in this class this year. We are going to have so much fun!" Mrs. Richards pats her shoulder making the boys turn. Logan clears his throat and the other two boys get up from their seats and say goodbye to Logan as they leave the class and walk towards their own class before the bell rings.
Dylan quickly runs to Sophie hugging her and biding her goodbye as he leaves the class. She had hoped he was in this same class, in hopes she wouldn't get stuck with Logan again as a partner. But she suddenly remembered that Dylan had told Troy he had Spanish as his last class.
He quickly stands and walks towards her. She sighs and turns away from him making him chuckle.
"Wow, there sweetheart! I'm not gonna bite you, you know? Care to tell me what you're doing here?" He chuckles, leaning his elbow on top of the long wooden table before her.
"Well! What do you think dork? I'm in this class! What are you doing here? Mechanics was too full and you got stuck in this class?" She sneers, squinting her nose and crossing her arms over her chest.
He chuckles and bites his lower lip. "Um, no actually. This is my fourth year taking 3D art. I've been lucky to have Mrs. Richards as my teacher all four years. So. . .I guess this is why I'm here." He looks at her, locking his sight on her.
She sighs, looking towards the teacher and then towards Logan.
"Well lucky me! I get to be tortured by Mr. Popularity in three classes this year! Isn't that convenient for you?" She chuckles sarcastically and places her head down on the desk, causing him to chuckle.
"Oh god, Sophie! Stop being so dramatic. Besides, this is my favorite class, besides football. I'll probably be too busy drawing or creating something to remember you are even here." He states as he gets up and walks away towards his seat.
His words and gestures making her roll her eyes as he walks away and sits three rows in front of her, though she can't understand why she is suddenly smiling. He turns, seeing her smiling, making him chuckle, nodding his head, and turning back.
He turns once more, seeing her still smiling, and sees she bites her lip as she realizes he's looking directly at her; making her blush and turn her head away from him.
"Ahem, ok class, let's begin to create a masterpiece shall we?" the teacher claps her hands as she comes to the front of the class and smiles at Logan and the rest of the class.
"Sophie hon, what are you doing all by yourself in the back where all the good stuff is at? Logan, you were the best helper in my previous classes, why don't you join Sophie in the back. This way, if I need to pass utensils or material out for the class, you can help Sophie to do so. Be a dear and take a seat next to her will you?"
Sophie groans as she sees him grab his backpack and takes a seat next to her. A bright smile on his face as he crosses his arms on top of the table.