Shut Up, Ashley!

Sophie sits at the top of the stairs. She's bored out of her mind, but being that she made Logan a promise, she decides to stay in place, waiting for him to change his mind any second.

She cancels out the loud noises of whistles, cheerleaders, and the clashing of football players with her headphones by turning on her Spotify list of favorite songs and reading her next chapter of 'white rose'

Steven looks over towards the bleachers where Sophie sits and smiles tapping Logan on his shoulder while they huddle around the coach. "Hey man! Looks like you got a new fan up on those bleachers this year." He taunts him making the rest of the guys look over and they all begin to whistle.

"Alright, alright!" Coach Mitchell calls out making them silence.

"You guys leave Logan alone. Besides," he says hitting Logan lightly on his helmet.

"It's about time Logan actually got a chance to date a nice girl. Right, Logan?" They all whistle and chuckle murmuring across the field along with the coach. Logan's face blushes to a bright red, as he looks sternly at the coach and the rest.

"Coach? Seriously, you too? Come on now! She's just waiting for me to work on a project together. That's all."

"Ok son! Just, don't do anything I wouldn't do, ok? I actually like Sophie, so, don't mess it up." Coach winks at him and taps his notepad and warns the others to take practice seriously, or he'd bench them for their first game in just two weeks.

Logan sighs, his hands on his hips and head hung low, looking at Sophie from his side. "Come on prince charming, get your head in the game before coach benches you. Which, it would actually work for my benefit if you want me to replace you as captain?" Steven taunts him, making Logan punch him on his arm.

"Shut up! Get your ass out there you damn receiver!" Steven chuckles and runs out to the middle of the far end of the field to line up with the rest of his team.

Slowly, Logan makes his way and can't help but look back at Sophie as she reads away on the bench she sits on and smiles nodding his head.

Amber stops for a water break from her practice, and though Sophie made sure to sit all the way across the other side of the field from where they were practicing, Amber takes the courtesy to walk across to greet her.

Sophie's phone buzzes and she quickly grabs it, unlocks it with her fingerprint, and sees a message from her mom.

"Hey, honey! Dad and I are going out to dinner tonight. We'll probably be back late. Left some leftover lasagna for you in the fridge. Come home safe ok? I love you, sweetheart."

She quickly replies back with a smile. She has always admired the love and affection her parents have had for each other. "Working on a project with another student at their house after school. I'll come home soon after. Love you guys! Have fun and don't worry about me. I'll be safe."

She pushes send and her music goes back on to the song 'circles' by Post Malone, unaware of her surroundings as she grabs her book again and begins to read the next sentence.

Amber snatches the book away and glares at her frustrated. "Hey, nerd girl! What are you doing here?"

Though she was startled, she's nowhere near afraid or intimidated by Amber, so she crosses her arms over her chest and waits for Amber to continue her ranting.

"Are you mute now, Sophia? I asked you a question."

"I heard you loud and clear. I just don't have the patience or desire to argue with you, ok? Now, why don't you give me back my book, and go back to your own business?" Amber squints her eyes and crosses her hands.

"Don't think I haven't noticed! Now that Logan and I broke up, you hesitated no time to make a move on him. But just to let you know, I can have him back any time I want to. Got it?" Sophie narrows her eyebrows, thankful she sat on the benches facing away from the glaring sun and in a shady part of the bleachers. The sun hitting Amber where she stood, and sweat droplets merged on her skin.

Sophie chuckles silently and fixes her reading glasses on her eyes with her index finger. As her doctor had told her, it would take time to get used to them. She had gone to the restroom and took them off for the rest of the day.

"First! I didn't even know you and Logan were broken up. Second! I'm not interested in him. Third! I can care less if you two go back or never speak to each other ever again! That's your damn business. And fourth, and most of all, I don't care what you think of me. Ok? So whether you decide to keep dating Logan, or any, or ALL the rest of the football players that's your choice! Now, give me back my book and leave me alone."

She holds her hand out and Amber is ready to snap back at her. "You heard her Amber. Give her back her book." Troy walks up the bleachers behind Amber, startling her. She smiles and glances at Troy from head to toe.

"Hi, Troy. You look really good in black. Did I ever tell you that?" Amber begins to flirt with Troy and both Sophie and him chuckle.

"No offense Amber. But you're nowhere near my type." Troy explains as he snatches away Sophie's book and gives it back to her, giving Sophie a kiss on her cheek.

"Hey, baby girl!" He sits next to her placing his backpack down and unzips it grabbing a soda bottle out for him and retrieving another one for Sophie.

"Oh, thanks T. It was getting really hot out here." Sophie smiles opening the soda and taking big gulps from the bottle.

"You're welcome, sweetheart. Anything for my best friend." He looks over at Amber who's still standing before them, furious and fuming.

"Oh, Amber! I forgot you were still standing there. Can we help you with something else?" Troy looks over at her with one eye squinted and head slightly sideways.

"How can you be friends with this. . . This . . ."

"Watch it, Amber! She's more woman and more everything than you will ever be. Now, unless you want to be in trouble for keeping your team waiting, I suggest you get going, darling." He smiles and winks at her.

Amber looks back realizing her coach is glaring across the field, angry that she's taken too long to come back from her supposed water break.

"Whatever! Losers hang with losers, and you Sophia! Will always be a loser."

"I will rather be considered a loser than a bully, thank you very much!" Sophie scrunches her nose and smiles.

The team gathers around coach Mitchell while he gives them a final pep talk, and gives a final whistle as he calls today's practice to an end.

They quickly run inside the lockers showering and changing.

Sophie and Troy see them going out of the lockers one by one. Dylan comes out and waves at them. They quickly put away their belongings and Troy stands holding out his hand for Sophie.

"Alright baby girl! This is where I leave you. You sure you're gonna be ok going with Spencer alone to the lion's den? You can always bail on him and come with us shopping before heading to my house to say hi to my parents?"

Sophie chuckles and stands to her feet, hanging her backpack on her back. "I see what you're doing! You're trying to avoid talking to them by yourself. Troy, you got this! But if you need me to be there then I'll tell Logan we can meet up tomorrow. I want to be there for you." Sophie smiles and squeezes his arm softly.

Troy looks at her with concern in his eyes and sighs deeply. Dylan comes closer towards them. He hugs her and whispers in her ear, unsure he wants Dylan to know he's gay right now.

"It's ok honey. You go and have fun working on your project. You're right, I gotta do this alone! It's time I come clean to my parents. If they accept me? Good! If not? Then I guess this is why I've been so afraid to tell them all along. Either way, it's time I tell them."

"Are you sure Troy? I can come with you. I don't mind, honestly!"

"And this is why you're my best friend! But no, I got this Soph!" He kisses her cheek and turns, giving Dylan a high five.

"Hey, guys!" Dylan greets them both walking past Troy after their high five, and kisses Sophie on her cheek.

"Hey, beautiful!" She smiles and hugs him back.

"Hi, Dylan." She smiles and looks at both.

"Ready to go?" Dylan nudges Troy on his arm with his elbow and Troy smiles.

"Yeah. Ready as I'll ever be." He smiles, his baby blues filled with excitement and a whole lot of nervousness.

"Ok. We'll see you, tomorrow sweetheart." Dylan calls out as they both walk down the steps and disappear turning down the steps and out the side gate.

She looks past them, averting her gaze towards the lockers, and sees Logan coming out with Steven and Carter, his duffle bag and backpack over his shoulder. His helmet and shoulder pads hanging on the side of the bag.

They say goodbye, and Sophie sighs as she makes her way down the steps.

"Ready?" Logan asks her as he takes his keys out of his jean pocket and Sophie suddenly becomes a nerve wreck herself.

"Mhm!" She purses her lips and nods once, looking past the rest of the guys as they all stare at them while they walk together towards his car.

He presses the button, unlocking his car and turning off the alarm. His headlights going on and door locks flipping up.

He presses the trunk button open and drops his duffel bag and backpack inside with a thud.

"You wanna leave your backpack back here, so you have more legroom?"

"Yeah, no thanks. I'll hold on to them."

He chuckles and nods his head. "Soph, nothing's going to happen to your backpack if you leave it back here. And I'm not planning on stealing anything from in there while I'm driving."

"I said I'll hold on to them. Now can we go?"

He grabs his phone as he feels it buzz; he flips his finger across it and presses his password in to unlock it.

He reads a message from Ashley: "Hey loser! Mom says to buy me some food. She's stuck in a meeting with dad at the inn. I want a rally's burger with the works, don't forget the extra pickles this time." He rolls his eyes as he finishes reading his sister's message and is ready to put his phone back in his pocket when it buzzes again.

"Oh and large fries with a large Dr. Pepper. Thanks, brother! I love you."

He chuckles and nods his head. "Anything else your highness?" He taps a reply and sends it.

He immediately gets a reply back. "Well unless you can buy me a car then no. And hurry I'm starving!"

He rolls his eyes and looks at Sophie who looks at him curiously. He clears his throat and opens his door.

"You- getting in or what?" He says as he gets inside and closes his door.

He turns on the engine to his challenger, a nice loud roar from the engine is heard and Sophie sighs, opening the door and getting inside.

"Don't worry, we'll be there in a bit." He says as he backs up and starts to drive away.

Sophie looks at him with fury as she buckles her seatbelt. "What? Why are you looking at me like that?" He says raising an eyebrow.

"Put your damn seatbelt on Logan." She glares at him and crosses her hands over her chest.

"What?" He answers in amazement.

"I said put your seatbelt ON!" She says as he stops to make a turn. He chuckles and looks at her.

"Yes, mom!" He taunts her as he grabs the seatbelt and places it on.

"Thank you." She smiles and snuggles in her seat.

He drives away and comes to a halt as he pulls into the drive-thru at rally's burgers.

"Hope you don't mind. My sister's hungry and my mom is stuck in a meeting. I need to get her something to eat. You want anything?" He smiles at her as he waits for the car in front to finish placing his order.

"No, I'm good," Sophie replies as her stomach grumbles.

He chuckles and pulls up to the intercom. "Yeah! I can tell." He says as he rolls his window down and greets the girl in the intercom.

Her face shades bright red as the rumbling in her stomach softens. Regretting now that she didn't allow herself time to finish her lunch earlier today.

He pulls forward, paying for the food with his card, and drives away after receiving his order.

She jolts up the cupholder with the three soda cups inside as he makes a quick turn after pulling out of the drive-thru.

"Oh my god Logan, if I spill these sodas in your car I am going to throw all the leftover ice down your shirt!" He chuckles as he comes to a sudden stop.

He parks his car and turns off the engine in front of his house. Walking around to help Sophie out of the car as he holds the bag with food. She grabs his arm and holds the cupholder with sodas steady on her other hand.

"About time you loser!" Ashley comes running down the steps, tossing the door wide open. Her eyes widen and smile as she sees Sophie next to Logan.

"Sophie? Oh my god! I never thought I'd see you in my house." She smiles and hugs Sophie almost making her drop the drinks.

"Hi, Ashley. How are you?"

"Good. Did Aaron come with you?" Sophie smiles. Her younger brother Aaron and Ashley go to the same school and share numerous classes together as well.

"No. Sorry Ash! He's at home. I think!? I'm not sure, to be honest, he likes to go out and eat with his buddies after soccer practice." She giggles and grabs her backpack out the bottom of the seat.

"Come on. We can sit together and eat while Logan takes a bath. No offense bro, but you always come home stinky after practice." Both girls giggle making Logan roll his eyes as he grabs his duffle bag out of the trunk along with his backpack.

"Haha! Shut it, Ashley! Or I'll eat your burger and mine before I take off to shower first." They both chuckle and walk up the steps of his house followed by Logan.

Both girls begin to eat right away while Logan showers. He comes back quickly to join them with a fresh clean v-neck white shirt, grey sweatpants, and socks.

He sits across from the girls grabbing the bag and bringing out his own burger and fries to eat.

"So Logan, Ashley was telling me you have various sketch pads with drawings that you're going to submit for the university you're applying for. Is that true? I thought you were going for a football scholarship?" Logan's eyes widen and he looks at Ashley with a warning glare.

Ashley lowers her head, realizing this was something not even his mom and dad had known about yet.

He clears his throat and gulps down on his soda. "Umm, yeah actually. I'm thinking of going for a double major. I'm signing up for arts, as well as law. I want to be a lawyer someday." He says to her, unwilling to break his stare on her.

Her face blushes and grabs her drink sipping on the soda, the bubbles tickling her nose and making her sneeze. "Bless you." Both Logan and Ashley say in unison.

"Thanks." Sophie smiles, a bit of awkwardness feels in the air.

"You know Logan. You should show her the drawings you made of h-"

"Shut up, Ashley!" He warns her, kicking her from under the table.

"Ouch! That hurt, asshole!"

"Shut it!" Logan glares at her and Sophie looks confused between the two.

"Why? Why don't you wanna tell Sophie you drew her. They're your best drawings. That's why you're submitting a few for your interv-"

"Ashley, I said shut it!" He yells at her and stands to his feet and walks away to his room.

"What was all that about? Ashley, did he really draw me? Why would he draw me?" Sophie looks at her confused.

Ashley rolls her eyes and sips her soda. "Oh please, Soph! My brother has had a crush on you since like forever ago! He only dated Amber because you wouldn't even talk to-"

"Shut up, Ashley!" Logan comes back with his books in hand and pencils to set on the table.

"You shut up asshole! Why don't you want to admit it! It's not like you and Amber are still together. She dumped your ass remem-"

"Ashley, I mean it. Shut up or next time you can go and get your own damn food." Ashley brings her hands forward in defeat and runs her fingers across her lips as if zipping a zipper shut across her lips.

"So Sophie! Are you going to be coming by more often? Because if you are, can you bring Aaron with you?" Sophie chuckles and Logan gets even more irritated by Ashley's presence.

"Ashley!!" He yells out to her startling her and making her jump in place.

"Ok, ok! Bye Sophie!" She gives her a hug and leaves them in peace running up the stairs to her room.

The awkward silence unfolds once more as he sits back down in front of her. He sighs running his fingers through his hair.

"So! Should we get started?" She cuts the silence looking at him while taking one last sip of her drink.

"Um, yeah. Let's get started."


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