2: Careful what you Wish for


Those forty-five seconds ticked by agonizingly slow, and ten seconds before midnight, a familiar figure approached the dais and bowed deeply to me. He was wearing a simple black silk mask, and his form looked like it was giving out on him.

"Your Majesty," he said as greeting.

"Rise," I sighed.

"I wanted to thank you for the invitation to this marvelous party. It is becoming of you to invite those lower in rank than yourself to enjoy the splendors of your palace," Alpha Zander, an older wolf who was the Pack Alpha of an East Coast pack, said with no shortage of sarcasm.

"Of course," I gave him a tight lipped smile, "I enjoy ravishing my people in the wonders and riches that the palace has to offer. If not for them, I would not be seated on this throne so comfortably," I felt my eye twitch, and the charm fell off. Everyone's scents became traceable, and Hannah stiffened beside me, her nose turned into the air as she caught onto something that she enjoyed.

Go ahead, I can handle him, I linked her, and she bowed her head before taking off into the crowd.

"As thanks for your generosity, I would like to make a humble offer to his Majesty, if he'll hear me." Alpha Zander smiled mischeiviously at me.

I waved in motion for him to continue, but was growing warier of him by the minute. He'd always been too keen to me. Turned towards me as his King too quickly. I didn't like it because it often seemed like he was buttering me up. I now realized that my feeling was right.

"I would like to offer my Alpha Daughter's hand as your mate, in thanks for your kindness and in a bid to ally with the crown forevermore." He bowed his head a little.

I clenched my jaw, "I have no interest in mating someone unless they are chosen for me by the devine herself, Alpha Zander. It would serve you well to remember your place, and remember that I consider any acts against the devine's plans for myself to be the greatest form of treason."

"Your Majesty it would be an honor to join my bloodline with yours--"

"I said 'no', Alpha. I will not mate your daughter, nor would I even consider it as it did not come from her lips that she desires a union. Truly, I am apalled at the lengths you have gone for this."

No fucking way was I going to marry anyone who wasn't my destined mate.

"Of course, your Majesty," he bowed his head. "I apologize for my lack of consideration."

I rose to my feet and adjusted my suit jacket, then waved at him in dismissal.

When he was out of sight, I descended the dais and headed into the crowd.

I stopped when I was in the throngs of people enveloped by new couples and old dancing, nuzzling, and kissing. I grimaced, and headed out onto the patio.

I couldn't smell my mate in there. Perhaps they didn't show. Perhaps they weren't the type to go to politcally motivated affairs. My wolf huffed internally. I sighed, and leaned against the railing that seperated the slightly raised patio from the garden around us.

I frowned, and looked up at the moon. It shone down proudly on the night below it, glowing brilliantly where it hung in the sky. I took in a deep breath and folded my arms on the railing, then leaned my chin on my forearms. The night was warm, and I relished in the feeling of not having the biting cold nipping at my cheeks and nose while outside.

Cassian cleared his throat behind me, and I sighed.

"No sign of your destined?" He asked softly.

I shook my head, but didn't turn to face him. He sighed and leaned against the railing beside me, "you could always be Watson and I's third," he shrugged.

I rolled my eyes and shook my head, "shut up, Cass," I smiled a little.

"Shit, I'm sure Watson would be stoked to have you join us," Cassian chuckled, "I think he's always been secretly really into you."

"Secretly?" I raised my eyebrows and looked up at him.

He laughed, "okay, okay, not so secretly."

"He flirts with me like his life depends on it," I grinned.

"Don't act like you don't like it, I know it boosts that ego of yours." He smirked.

"Yeah, okay, I like it, but if you tell anyone it's your word against mine, and I'm not afraid to lie about it."

"Sacre bleu!" he slapped his hand over his chest in faux exasperation, "not His Majesty, the ever devout King Nicholas Henderson the First of his name and his Blood admitting to willing to lie!"

"Shut up."

"Never," he winked at me, and turned around to lean his forearms on teh railing beside me instead of his back. "Seriously though, don't stress about her not being here tonight. Like Hannah said, you have the resources to find her if you don't find her tonight."

"She's not here tonight, there's no way I'll find her tonight," I sighed, and looked back up at the moon.

"She might just be in the restrooms or something, don't give up quite yet."

I nodded, but I didn't have any hope for tonight.

"Any word on the Prince?" He yawned.

I shook my head, "no, but I suspect he'll be here any minute. Alpha Kai would never give up the oppurtunity to make a public spectacle of me."

"What a dramatic little man."

"You're telling me," I scoffed.

He grinned, "should we go inside to wait for our guest of honor?"

I smiled softly, looking at the moon one last time before we left the patio and went back inside to the lively party.

Cassian and Watson joined me on the steps to the dais. We sat, and a servant brought us a tray of wine. I shook my head curtly when they offered me a glass, while Cassian and Watson took their own glasses happily.

I leaned my elbows on the step above and behind me, and yawned. "I'm beyond bored of this whole thing," I muttered.

"C'mon! Lighten up!" Watson said brightly from beside me. I raised my eyebrows and scrunched my nose at him.

Cassian chuckled, "our dearest Coal isn't in the mood tonight, my love," Cassian sighed to his mate, and wrapped his arms around him lovingly.

Watson pouted. "No mate?"

I shook my head, "not even a whiff."

"Buck up, the night is still young," Watson encouraged me. I smiled at him.

"Thank you."

He nodded, "anything for His Majesty," he grinned beneath his mask. I rolled my eyes, and then looked at the crowd before me.

I found Hannah easily in the crowd, and took note of her mate. He was clearly an Alpha, the power of his status dripped off of him like expensive cologne. He had his face nuzzled into Hannah's neck and his hands around her waist keeping her body close to him as they seemed to whisper to one another.

I sighed. My wolf whined internally, and made it clear that he was upset about the turn of events.

An hour passed, and nothing had changed. No one new showed up, and the former-Prince didn't show face either. I rose to my feet and started to walk towards the main corridor to take a walk while we waited. The guards were trailing the Prince, so he was still on palace grounds, but he wasn't moving towards it. He was just waiting. The guards who trailed him made it clear he looked like he was on a mission, so I knew letting my guard down wouldn't be an option.

Three guards followed me as I walked, they stayed far enough back that they weren't invading my space, but close enough to yank me out of danger's reach if needed. I loathed having them around. I understand it was for my safety, but I didn't have to like it. It was invasive.

I glanced back at them as we walked, and shook my head, walking towards the kitchen that the servants were bustling in and out of to deliver trays of wine, champagne, and hor d'oeuvres. I opened the door and walked to the island in the center where my head chef was shouting orders back and forth to her team.

She turned to face me when she sensed me, and smiled, "your Majesty, I hope everything is to your liking."

"It is," I nodded, smiling back, "everything is perfect. Exquisite, even, if I do say so myself."

She patted my cheek gently, "good, good."

The side door opened quietly, and with the gentle breeze that flooded in came three new scents. I stilled, and looked at the head chef, "evacuate the kitchens, call all servants back to their quarters and stay put." I said to her and walked towards the door.

"What is it?" She asked me.

"The Prince is here," I replied as I stepped into the warm night once more.

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