The Beta King all 143 chapters

  1. 1: The Masquerade
  2. 2: Careful what you Wish for
  3. 3: Poke the Bear. Do it. Poke the Bear.
  4. 4: Bite Me, Prick
  5. 5: Mate, dearest.
  6. 6: Devil May Care
  7. 7: Just a glance
  8. 8: Don't speak.
  9. 9: For the Love of Everything Unholy
  10. 10: Breakfast
  11. 11: Secrets don't make Friends
  12. 12: But lies do Sometimes
  13. 13: Big Sad
  14. 14: Jealousy
  15. 15: It's better if you Don't.
  16. 16: The Future doesn't Wait
  17. 17: What you Seek
  18. 18: Trouble
  19. 19: Hell hath no Fury
  20. 20: Shock and Awe
  21. 21: Answers better left Alone
  22. 22: Untold Horrors
  23. 23: Anotha One
  24. 24: Takes one (to know one)
  25. 25: Life Sucks, and then it Sucks some More
  26. 26: Oh Brother
  27. 27: Ick
  28. 28: Parting can be Such Sweet Sorrow
  29. 29: There are times you should just Shut Up
  30. 30: Mummy Dearest
  31. 31: The Rogue King
  32. 32: Family Ties
  33. 33: First Sight
  34. 34: Fealty, and Ceremonious Departure
  35. 35: Grandeur for Not
  36. 36: Homecoming
  37. 37: Long Distance
  38. 38: In-laws
  39. 39: Normalcy
  40. 40: Pinch me if I'm Dreaming
  41. 41: Ugh!
  42. 42: Welcome, darling.
  43. 43: You have GOT to be Joking
  44. 44: Consequences of Primal Instinct
  45. 45: Hell Hath no Fury
  46. 46: Don't Ask Questions your Don't Want the Answers to
  47. 47: If you can't Beat 'em
  48. 48: Join 'em
  49. 49: Toss and Turn
  50. 50: Silk
  51. 51: Fight Dirty if you Must
  52. 52: Ice Cream
  53. 53: Dirty Little Secrets
  54. 54: Nothing Good
  55. 55: Realization
  56. 56: Good Things
  57. 57: Existential Crisis
  58. 58: Timing
  59. 59: Shameless Flirt
  60. 60: What Qualifies a "Good Time"?
  61. 61: Pretender's Lullaby
  62. 62: Pure-e
  63. 63: Don't Freak Out
  64. 64: Of all Things
  65. 65: Too Soon?
  66. 66: Shhhh!
  67. 67: Scorching Hot
  68. 68: You don't say?
  69. 69: Captain Virtue
  70. 70: Run, Wolf, Run!
  71. 71: Checks and Balances
  72. 72: Not THAT Guy
  73. 73: Untamed, unkept, blinding rage.
  74. 74: Answers
  75. 75: Somebody Sedate Me!
  76. 76: Loopholes.
  77. 77: Recovery Period
  78. 78: Criminal Negligence
  79. 79: Cursed Wolves
  80. 80: Thank the Goddess
  81. 81: Growing Desperation
  82. 82: Spontanious Combustion
  83. 83: Show Me.
  84. 84: Blissfully Unaware
  85. 85: Loose Ends.
  86. 86: Time Off
  87. 87: Serena Fucking Claire.
  88. 88: Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes
  89. 89: Preperations, and Invitations
  90. 90: Alarm. Or Mild Panic. Whichever is Cheaper.
  91. 91: Challenge Day.
  92. 92: Meet the Hendersons.
  93. 93: 3... 2... 1-- fight!
  94. 94: Jumpsca(e)re!
  95. 95: Frued and Oedipus had one Thing in Common. Mothers.
  96. 96: Uninvited Guests
  97. 97: In Another Life
  98. 98: Hospital Ridden
  99. 99: Kidnappers, ugh!
  100. 100: Wolf, please.
  101. Book 2 Chapter 1: Devine Fuckery
  102. 2: Better left Unsaid
  103. 3: Could you BE any More Annoying?
  104. 4: Wolfsbane kills Wolves, Dumbass.
  105. 5: Say "Ah"
  106. 6: Do you?
  107. 7: In Rome
  108. 8: Making Plans
  109. 9: At Long Last
  110. 10: Deja Vu (Again)
  111. 11: Tuscan Arizona
  112. 12: Raegan V Kai
  113. 13: Black and Blue
  114. 14: Just Dessert
  115. 15: Is it Seasonal Depression if it's every Season?
  116. 16: Captain Virtue Saves the Day
  117. 17: When Push Comes
  118. 18: You Punch that mf Right in the Face
  119. 19: Drenched
  120. 20: A Story Best Left not Shown
  121. 21: A Million and Three Things
  122. 22: Trial and Error
  123. 23: Desperate Times
  124. 24: Just the Beginning
  125. 25: Impartial Process
  126. 26: I am not Below Begging
  127. 27: Hush Now
  128. 28: Choices, choices
  129. 29: Well, Shit.
  130. 30: Can you believe this BS?
  131. 31: Little White Lies
  132. 32: Sex, and two hard things.
  133. 33: Regrets are for Rich People
  134. 34: Changes to Feel Strongly About
  135. 35: Not her Again, ugh!
  136. 36: Is there Anything Else?
  137. 37: Sunshine, Lollipops
  138. 38: End of an Era
  139. 39: Devout
  140. 40: Small Conclusions
  141. 41: Cue Frank Sinatra
  142. 42: To Peace
  143. Epilogue