3: Poke the Bear. Do it. Poke the Bear.
The palace gardens were still just as gorgeous as they had been when I'd left a year ago. Even more so in the nurturing hands of a King who cared about it. Seeing the Gazebo in the state the King had repaired it to solidified my decision to swear my fealty to him. The whole night thus far had been truly stunning. It was clear that he'd put in a lot of time and effort into this party, and it made me mad that these wolves who couldn't despise him more were the ones enjoying it. But that would be fixed. I was going to do whatever I could in my power to keep him on the throne. I felt a bit like a villain for how well I'd thought out this event.
I'd brought my brother and my best friends, so that our attendenance was considered political. As a Second to my Pack Alpha I could have came for the conference alone, but it wouldn't be safe to have done so, nor would it have been smart to pull such a questionable stunt alone. I was bound to face more than my fair share of questioning after I'd sworn myself to the new King, and though I was prepared for it, I didn't want to do it without support, and I didn't know anyone in the palace any longer aside from the servants and guards. He'd kept around those on the palace staff that could swear to protect and honor the crown and the head that carries it. Unfortunately, some still departed with the Former-Prince. The other reason I'd attended this event. The moment I'd heard the Prince was planning on using the party as a distraction I'd decided it would be as good a time as any to meet our new King. No one knew the Prince like I did. No one here at least, and those who had met him before thought he was malleable but capable on his own. I knew better than that.
The Prince was hardly malleable. He was firm set in his plans, and was more than capable of making his own decisions and plans and ensuring they were sought out to success. So, given the information I had coming from my friends that had sided with him a year ago, I knew he was planning on showing up with re-inforcements to overtake the King's new guards, and challenge the King after he had the attention and support of everyone attending. Even if he lost at that point he would have garnered more support from the people who were starting to sway to King Nicholas' side of the schism. Or at least, that's how I thought he would think of it.
I sat on the lavish gazebo, typing away on my phone. My mom had been messaging us since we'd arrived, and was consistently checking in and asking how I was doing. I knew she wouldn't be messaging anyone else I'd brought like that. She worried that my coming back to the palace would be stressful, and it was, but not nearly as stressful as I thought it would be. The new King had completely reconstructed the interior of the palace. Even the old guest suites which had previously been remnants of the past with portraits of wolves and old kings hanging on the walls were now modernized. They maintained the bones of the structure in each room, keeping things like the arched windows, doorframes, and crown moulding, but adding a new touch to it. My own guest suite was done in gold and green, and had furniture that was clearly antique but looked brand new. Truly, the new King had a sense of style and taste that the old King lacked severely.
I turned my head, and locked eyes with him, startled that I hadn't heard or smelled him approaching.
He emerged from the brush with Carson and Gabe flanking either side of him. I frowned, and stood up, "Kai."
He scowled, and I held my hands behind my back.
"Come here," he commanded.
"That's not very polite," I scrunched my nose in distaste, "what are the magic words?"
I "tsk"ed and shook my head, "that's not it."
"'Pretty please'," Carson supplemented.
I smiled at him, "Carson, how's Ellie?"
He smiled, "she's well. Currently bedridden, but well."
"Bedridden?" I furrowed my eyebrows, "what's wrong?"
A small grin stretched across the Second's face, "she's pregant with our first pup."
I gasped, "congrats! That's huge, I'm sure you're just stoked--"
"Raegan!" Kai snapped. I sighed, and looked back at the Prince. He extended his hand out towards me, and took a step closer, "come with me."
I sighed, "Kai, I'm not going anywhere with you," I shook my head, and looked towards Gabe and Carson. I narrowed my eyes and looked between the two. "Is this all you brought to try and seize the crown?" I clenched my jaw and looked back at the Prince. I tilted my head to the side curiously, "who else did you bring with you?"
He clenched his own jaw, and stepped forward once more. I moved closer to the railing, suddenly aware of how outnumbered I was.
"Carson?" I looked at him, and swallowed, "what's going on?"
He rubbed his neck nervously, "I'm sorry, princess," he whispered.
Gabe groaned, "just grab her so we can go," he tapped his foot on the grass angrily.
The Prince snarled at his General and I looked down my nose at him.
"Why are you really here?" I whispered.
He looked at his feet, then back up at me, and he said, "I'm here to take back what's mine."
"What are you really here for?" I took a small step backwards, and the back of my knees hit the bench. He started to ascend the stairs to the gazebo.
"You," he said, then lunged for me. I gasped, and jumped up onto the bench before launching myself over the railing and taking off into the garden.
"Get her!" I heard him shout, and then the sound of bones cracking filled the air. Any second they would catch me. I had to get back inside before they could. Or at least close enough that someone could see.
I pushed my legs to move faster, suddenly incredibly grateful for having let Shawn force me into tennis shoes for the event.
"Shit, shit, shit, shit," I cursed as I ran towards the palace. I wasn't on the side by the ballroom anymore, no I was on the side that had all of the servant entrances. I b-lined for the first door. The sound of heavy paws on the ground sounded around me loudly. Panic set in, and my heart thundered in my chest.
By now, I was sure that the elegant silk fabric of my gown had been torn in multiple places and was in tatters from the knees down. I whimpered at the thought of such a gorgeous gown being ruined, but forced it to the back of my mind as I reached a door. I grabbed the handle and twisted it, sighing in relief to see that it was open, and started to push it open when I was tackled to the ground just to the side of the door and out of view from anyone inside.
I went to scream, but a hand clamped over my mouth.
Wrong move.
I bit at the palm and wiggled to try and get away as Kai hissed and shook his hand to relieve it of pain.
"Carson," he whispered, and Carson's large gray wolf approached quietly with Gabe just behind him. "Get me rope and tape," Kai said sternly.
Gabe's wolf was panting and watching me hungrily as Carson walked past him towards the tool shed just outside of the garden limits.
Kai straddled my hips, and pulled out a handkerchief from one of the pockets on his pants. He was wearing the kind that had like a dozen pockets all along the thighs. He balled up the handkerchief and stuffed it in my mouth before pinning my wrists underneath his knees at my side.
I glared up at him, and tried to mindlink Shawn. He clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth.
"Not going to work, love," he whispered, and I glared at him, "I've got a charm on me that makes any wolf I touch unable to contact other's through the link. I've thought everything through."
My wolf started to whine in the back of my mind. I widened my eyes in shock at the sound of it. She wasn't supposed to be awake. I struggled in his grasp, trying to get away from him so that I could bind her once more, but he wouldn't let me up. I felt a growl vibrating in my chest as she started to take control of what she could while I was subdued.
No, no, no, please, no, I pleaded with her internally. As expected, she didn't respond to me and just kept working to take control.
I pinched my eyes shut and fought her to keep my body as my body.
The sound of Carson returning made me open my eyes, and just as I did, I watched Kai take rope and tape from Carson's maw. I whimpered, and looked at Carson pleadingly.
His wolf hung his head, and sat down with his tail tucked between his legs.
I groaned and started to writhe.
"Stop it," Kai commanded, trying to use his Alpha Command to make me bend to his will. That never worked before, I don't know why he thought it would now.