4: Bite Me, Prick
I glared at him as he started to unwind the rope from itself. I bucked my hips upward quickly. He gasped, and glared down at me. "That's not going to do anything, love."
I furrowed my eyebrows and did it again. And again. Throwing all of my strength into dislodging him from my hips to free my legs.
He groaned, and sat back firmly on my thighs. I huffed through my nose and bucked upwards again, this time it lifted him just enough for me to get one of my wrists free. As he scrambled to recover it, I pulled back and slammed the heel of my palm right into his sternum. He dropped the rope, and tumbled back onto my legs as he gasped.
I yanked my legs out from underneath him, and stood up quickly, kicking him in the groin as he knelt with his legs splayed wide open.
"Asshole!" I growled out at him, my voice sounded slightly different to my ears, and I knew my wolf was close to surfacing. I clenched my jaw and looked to the wolves that were behind him. They started to prowl forward. I took a step back, and my back hit the wall of the palace. My breathing went ragged as I realized how screwed I really was.
Then I remembered that I wasn't exactly defensless. Especially now that I could link my Alpha.
Shawn, I linked quickly, Kai, West wing. Servants entrance to kitchens, help. Carson and Gabe. I took in a sharp breath and lowered down into a defensive position as their ears flattened against their skulls.
We'll be right there, Shawn linked back.
I clenched my jaw, "bring it, boys," I said challengingly. Gabe lunged first, and I forced myself to duck out of the way, letting him collide with the wall harshly. A whimper escaped his lips as he got to his feet again. The top of his head was starting to bleed a little. I grinned. Carson rounded on me, and started trying to heard me towards Gabe.
I quickly pulled my shit together, and extended my palms out to either side of me so that one was facing each of them. I pinched my eyes shut and called on the magic in my blood before I sent out a spell that had them flying away from me.
"Leave me alone!" I shouted, looking between them both and trying to step away.
Before I could get closer to the door, Kai had his hand wrapped around my ankle and was dragging me down. I kicked at him with my free foot, "get off of me!" I screamed.
Footsteps sounded then, and I breathed out in relief, "Shawn!" I looked toward where the footsteps had come from, but was met with a golden mask of a wolf instead of my Pack Alpha. If the mask wasn't enough to give it away, the stance of the new presence in this party was enough to give away his identity. It was the King.
Kai let go of my ankle and rose to his feet quickly, he cut a glare to the two wolves, and they both rushed to me once more.
I shouted, and swung my fists as they got too close.
I collided with their maws a few times but not enough to keep them off of me.
I panicked internally as they started to subdue me while Kai assessed the threat of the King before him.
"I see you accepted my invitation," The King said calmly.
Carson and Gabe had me back against the wall once more.
Kai didn't respond to him. Gabe bared his teeth at me, willing me to submit to him. I growled at him, and felt my wolf snarling inside my mind. She took control of my body briefly, snapping my jaws at him in a threatening manner.
He huffed, and Carson whined. He pressed his wet nose into my palm. I pushed him away. "Don't fucking touch me!" I glared at him, and breathed heavily. I tried to call on my magic once more, to push them away as the King clearly wasn't much help in this situation, but it wouldn't surface.
I cursed under my breath.
"What are you doing all the way out here?" The King asked. Kai opened his mouth to respond but the King growled, "not you. Her."
I looked at the King, and the two wolves in front of me briefly did as well, "excuse me?" I asked.
"What are you doing all the way out here?" He repeated, and shifted his weight so that he could see me better behind Kai, "I've been looking everywhere for you."
I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, "pardon?"
His eyes flashed black, and then returned to their green color, and he frowned, "do you not know?"
I looked between his eyes searching, trying to find the answer to his question in them. And then a gentle breeze carried his scent to me and I froze to my spot.
Mate, my wolf said. Then she said it again. And again. And again.
"Mate," I whispered, looking into his intense gaze.
I cursed internally, I didn't want this. I'd taken every precaution. I'd masked my scent semi-permanently before showing up here, I'd triple checked that my wolf was asleep, I'd even gone so far as to douse myself in perfume on the off chance that the masking spell I used wore off. Granted, I'd done those things to prevent Kai from sniffing me out, they also worked as preventative measures to finding my Destined Mate. This wasn't what I wanted.
But his scent was already getting to me, and delicious sparks danced along my skin when he looked at me, and I felt myself being pulled towards him internally like he was a magnet.
A smile reached his lips, and he reached behind his face to take off his mask. He pulled the ribbon and then took the mask off, revealing his face entirely to me as he whispered back, "mate." And he was beautiful. He had high cheekbones, and a defined jaw. His eyebrows were thick and well groomed, and his lips were plump and pink and so unbelievably kissable. His smile revealed sparkling white teeth that glinted with the moonlight, and my breath caught as I took him in in his wholeness. He looked rugged, but in a classic kind of way, and I loved it. He had little scars trailing down his neck into the exposed parts of his chest from where he left his button down unbuttoned. I wanted to run my fingers through his locks of dark brown hair and feel how soft it was, and then trace each scar on his chest and neck until I've touched every last one. My wolf purred and I felt the sound rumble in my chest. I quickly snapped control from her to stop the purring.
Kai looked between us, his face turned into a grimace.
"Take her away," he snapped to Carson and Gabe. They both whined loudly, and stepped away from me. I couldn't tear my eyes away from the King to process what they were doing other than that. He was captivating. My wolf howled inside of our shared space, and I felt my heart racing as he looked up and down from head to toe. He licked his lower lip before meeting my eyes again.
"You've ruined your dress," he chuckled.
I looked down at the tattered remains of my gown, "correction," I mumbled before looking back at his lovely face, "the roses ruined my dress. I took no part in the massacre."
He laughed, tilting his head back with the sound. My silly little heart stuttered in my chest, and a smile reached my lips. I wanted to hear his laugh on repeat. It was the best sound I'd ever heard.
He tilted his head back to address me, "should I have the roses punished for damaging private property?"
I nodded vigorously, "yes."
He smirked, and stepped forward, but he was shoved back aggressively and it was then that I remembered the people present with us.
Kai stepped in between me and the King, and Gabe stood to his left. Carson stood beside me still, clearly standing guard so I didn't run.
"Don't step any closer to my fiancee," Kai snarled. The King's eyes widened as he looked between Kai and me.
"He is not my fiance," I growled, glaring at the back of Kai's head. Carson carefully placed himself partly in front of me, clearly trying to protect his Alpha from me.
"Traitor," I spat the word at him, and he whined quietly.
The King tilted his head to the side as he addressed Kai again, "so she's not your fiancee, and she clearly doesn't want to leave with you, so you're attempting to kidnap her and falsely imprison her wherever it is that you've settled," the King said calmly, slipping his hands into his pockets.
Almost there, are you alright? Shawn linked me.
Yes, for now. Hurry, I don't know if the King has sent for any of his guards.
The King?
I chose not to respond to that.
"She is mine," Kai snarled once more. The King had him pressed up against the wall in a flash with his forearm pressed to his neck. His eyes were dark with his wolf's presence. Gabe jumped backwards, not even trying to fight the King for his Alpha's life.
"Mine," he growled in Kai's face.
Kai thrashed in his grasp, but he was no match for the King's wolf.
I swallowed thickly, "your Majesty you can't kill him," I said quickly.
He didn't so much as budge. I stepped forward, but Carson pushed me back making himself a barrier between the King and I.
He growled at me warningly.
I glared at him, "he's going to kill him," I gestured to the scene before us. Kai writhed as his face started to turn purple.
Carson's wolf looked up at me, giving me a look that said "he could kill you too".
I sighed, "neither of us want Kai dead, let me intervene," I snapped.
"What's going on?!" Shawn's voice came from the kitchen. She appeared in the doorway with Cris, Morgan, and another man.
They looked between me and the King. Carson snapped his attention to them briefly, and I quickly shoved him away entirely and moved to behind the King.
"You can't kill him," I said desperately, "if you do you'll lose support of your rule."
"Mine," The King growled as he put more pressure on Kai's neck. I gasped, and put my hand on his shoulder.
"Please," I whispered, "don't kill him."
He looked over his shoulder at me briefly, and I nodded, "please. I wouldn't forgive myself if he died," I whispered, swallowing thickly once more as the King's black eyes assessed me carefully.
"Mine," he growled once more. I choked back the anxiety and anger I felt at being spoken to as if I was a possession.
"Please," I repeated.
He looked at Kai briefly, and bared his teeth at the barely concious man before letting him go and scooping me into his embrace.
He wrapped his arms around my waist and placed his nose in the crook of my neck, lifting me a little so that he could get as much contact with my skin as possible, "mine." He said again.
I swallowed again, and looked at Shawn who was gaping at me with her eyes wide and then my brother who had his brows furrowed.