Chapter 6: Saturday Morning
Be the woman who fixes another woman’s crown without telling the world it was crooked. – Leslie Littlejohn
Reese wasn’t sure how much a mani/pedi cost these days. But he’d be damned if he was going to let his sixteen-year-old niece walk around with his credit card. Since her second hand car was back in the shop, he dropped her off and told her to call him when she was done.
Growing up with sisters, Reese knew a few things about the process. He told her to wear shorts and flip flops if she was going to get her toes done. He also insisted that she wear a button up shirt. She was hoping that meant he was taking to get her hair done.
Dean walked into the nail salon and told the man at the reception counter that she wanted a mani/pedi. He handed her a menu of choices. And suggested that she pick a color.
The large selection of colors had her feeling a little overwhelmed.
“Miss Helen!” the man said to the woman who walked in behind Dean. “You’re late!”
“I know Freddie.” She said apologizing. “I’m sorry. My son had a thing with the Navy today and I had to take the bus.”
“Not a problem! Bian is getting ready for you. Just get regular chair!” he beamed at her. “You want mimosa?”
“Please.” The woman smiled as she walked past the nail stations to where the massage chairs were.
Freddie looked at Dean. “You too young. You want soda? Coffee?”
“A soda is fine.” Dean replied and half expected to get another menu. Instead he listed off the options and she gave her choice and was told to go sit in one of the massage chairs.
Miss Helen seemed to know what was going on, so she went and sat next to her.
“Hi.” Dean said shyly.
“Hi.” Miss Helen replied with a bright smile.
Dean couldn’t help but think that she was pretty. Light brown eyes, almost like honey. Chocolate colored hair. A milky complexion.
Yeah, she should not have skipped breakfast. All she could think about was food.
“My school has a fall dance tonight. I don’t know what to do.”
“That’s exciting. Do you have a date? Or is there a group of you going?”
“My date dumped me yesterday to go with the head slut. I mean, cheerleader. So my uncle is taking me.”
“That’s sweet. What are you going to do with your nails?”
“I really don’t know. This is something my mom would’ve done.”
“I’m sorry, sweetie.” Helen reached over and squeezed the girls hand.
Dean looked at the older woman a little confused and then giggled. “She’s out of town. She works with Doctors Without Borders and she’s in a remote area with bad cell reception.”
“Oh.” Helen smiled. “Well, I’m glad that’s all it is.”
“Miss Helen!” an Asian woman said coming around the corner. “I pick a good color today!”
“You always do, Bian. I have something for you.” She said pulling a small box out of her bag. “A little wedding present.”
The woman looked absolutely surprised. She sat the tray down and then accepted the box as she sat on the little rolling stool. She tore off the red paper and gasped as she opened the small white box. Inside were five bangle bracelets in gold, silver, bronze, and white and green jade.
“I… I Googled what traditional gifts were…” Helen said sheepishly. “I hope you don’t mind…”
Bian looked up at her with tears in her eyes. “Oh, Miss Helen!” she stood up and hugged the older woman. When she stood back up, she spoke to her mom in Vietnamese who came over and looked at the box.
Pretty soon, the whole staff was gathered around. They were all speaking in a mix of English and Vietnamese. Helen looked at the girl next to her who was grinning.
“I’m not sure what I did.”
“I think you did good, Miss Helen.” Dean told her.
Freddie brought them their drinks and patted Helen on her hand. “You honor our family. Thank you, Miss Helen.”
“Thank you, Freddie.” Helen whispered. “You guys have given me a lot over the last year and I just wanted to give Bian a little something for her wedding.”
“Miss Helen, your husband threw away a treasure.” Freddie told her with a smile.
“For a younger and smaller model.” Helen said under her breath.
Dean reached over and squeezed her hand. “Don’t dwell in the past. My momma always says not to look back for long, it’s not the direction you’re going. Just long enough to remind yourself how far you’ve come.”
“She sounds like a wise woman.”
“I think so.” Dean smiled. “But don’t tell her I said that. Got a teenage reputation to keep.”
Helen laughed. “Your secret is safe with me.”
“You want fruit tray, Miss Helen?” Freddie asked.
“Yes, please.” Helen smiled at him.
“Can I get one too?” Dean asked, sheepishly. “I kinda skipped breakfast and I’m starving.”
Freddie nodded and walked towards the back.
Helen shifted in her chair to face the teen a little better. “Tell me about your dress. We’ll figure out what to do with your nails.”
“It’s knee length, and has these long sleeves that come down to here.” Dean indicated just past her elbow. “Oh! I’m Dean. Did I already tell you that?”
“I don’t think so. I’m Helen, and I’ve obviously, never been here before.”
“Obviously.” The teen agreed.
“What color is your dress?”
“Black with burgundy trim here,” She traced a modest V-neck. “I wanted the other one that was cut lower, but my uncle said no.”
“Men don’t understand fashion.”
“He said it was pretty and looked good. So good that he might have to unalive some boy if he treated me wrong.”
Helen laughed. “They can be pretty aggressive at times.”
“Uncles or boys?” Dean asked taking a sip of her soda.
“Both. Just, men in general. I’ve got two sons that would get stupid crazy protective over their sister.”
“I just have my uncle Owen.” Dean shrugged. “But I wouldn’t trade him for anything.”
“You two have a good relationship?”
“Yeah. He’s a good guy. Not just because he’s my uncle. I mean, he gets bonus points for being related to me.”
“Well, of course.” Helen laughed.
“You decide what you want?” a woman asked as she sat next to Bian.
The two women spoke in Vietnamese and Bian blushed. Dean laughed and the two women looked at her in surprise.
“My aunt is married to a Vietnamese man. You’ll have to forgive me, I wasn’t meaning to intrude, I’ve been learning it recently.”
Both women smiled at her and kept their conversation more customer friendly. They spoke with Dean and helped her with her pronunciation.