Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Monday July 23rd Pt. 1

Monday, July 23; 3pm

It’s been two days since our arrival at White Ridge and the only comfort I have in being here is that Dr. Moore is patient and kind. I don’t remember them moving me to his house. The last thing I do remember is his conversation with the beta and making plans to get in contact with my father and with Alpha Black. I have no idea if that has happened as I’ve refused to come out of the room he put me in. I was barely able to move from the medical observation room I woke up in, to the efficiency bedroom that Jamie and I will stay in for however long we’re here. Beta Greene helped Jamie and Dr. Moore’s personal omega, Sara, gather our things from the prospect’s apartments and bring them to Dr. Moore’s house.

Despite having free access to my medication my fear is overwhelming and now that dad has stranded us at White Ridge even my wolf has his doubts about returning. He’s gone unusually quiet after apologizing for being so adamant that we leave when I really wanted to stay.

We are supposed to leave today but the latest update from this morning is Alpha Redmen is proving difficult to get on the phone. Even more surprising, according to Beta Greene, everyone involved in the prospect program at Red Fang is refusing to speak to him. They were supposed to be here at noon but we’re two hours past that and no word of their arrival has happened. We were instructed by the beta not to pack our stuff until they had confirmation that someone was coming, making me even more nervous.

Dr. Moore is giving me Zofran regularly. It was either take it and eat or submit to a feeding tube. It became easier to eat when Jamie started bringing me the food wrapped up yesterday. I’m crazy nervous as I head down the stairs. Beta Greene requested that Jamie and I meet with him in Dr. Moore’s office. I’m having a hard time believing that anything good is going to happen with this meeting considering the news we received this morning.

I meet Jamie at the bottom of the stairs. He’s far more familiar with the house, partially turned hospital, than I am.

“I was beginning to think you wouldn’t show. Try to relax. Alpha Andrew and Beta Michael may be transferred here from the council but they are concerned and are working very hard to help us.”

“When did you find that out?” I ask, barely finding my voice.

“Beta Michael accidentally let it slip at dinner last night. They said they would give us more information about Alpha Whiteman and this pack at this meeting.”

I nod my head as I take the final steps off the stairs.

“Cole,” I stop my progression as Jamie grabs my hand. I don’t have time to fight him as he wraps his arms around me, pulling me into a tight hug.

“I know you’re scared but please trust me to know who’s out to hurt and betray us. You are my alpha and I will not abandon you. It doesn’t matter what it takes to get you back to Alpha Black, I will get you there.”

A quiet thank you is all I can manage as I return the hug and lean my head on his shoulder. Why didn't I realize how comforting the scent of my best friend was before now?

“Feel better?” He asks as I lift myself up off him. I nod silently.

“Come. His office is this way.”

I follow silently through the house into the hospital portion, which appears to be much larger. It takes longer than I would have liked to get through the maze of halls making up the hospital half of this mini mansion, upping my anxiety in the process. We come to a stop in front of a closed door at the end of a long hallway, knocking lightly before waiting for an answer. The door opens from the other side without the answer Jamie seemed to be looking for.

Unfortunately for me, Jamie steps aside and motions for me to enter first. While I recognize this is common courtesy towards alphas, even after Alpha Black helped us discover that we are as fated to be together as mates are, I have asked him repeatedly not to treat me as an alpha.

“I’m not an alpha.” I grumble quietly as I walk past him.

I follow Dr. Moore about half way into his office before turning quickly and attempting to run out. Unfortunately, Jamie has anticipated my fearful reaction to being in an alpha’s office and blocks the way. A loud grunt echos off the bare walls when we collide.

“Close and lock the door.”

Jamie’s voice is calm but stern yet I’m so blinded by my sudden panic that I’m struggling to place who he’s talking to.

“I didn’t have you enter first because you’re an alpha. I know what these meetings do to you and it’s important that you’re able to attend these meetings in order to hear and understand the information they need to give you.”

He speaks gently near my ear as he holds me tight, waiting for my panic to subside. The room is silent except for the sounds of footsteps making their way behind me.

“They want to give us some insight into the White Ridge pack before we meet with Alpha Whiteman. They are also trying to understand why your fear is so high. Why you chose to return home if things are so bad that you change your mind as soon as the established plan changes. I haven’t told them details. Only Alpha Black knows about our torment.”

I lean my head against his shoulder with a quiet apology.

“We understand from your comments that talking with us, knowing that we are part of the council, is difficult for you to do but we do need to be able to talk with you about what’s going on and considering your reaction towards us when you got here, we felt meeting with you might provide some comfort when we have to meet with Alpha Whiteman.”

I stand and turn towards Dr. Moore when he finishes.

“Do we have to?” I whisper, embarrassed at my own fearfulness of this pack’s alpha.

“Yes, Cole, we have to. He’s the one making the calls, scheduling the phone conference with your father and Alpha Black.”

“Please don’t make me be there when he talks to him. Please. I don’t want to be here. I don’t want to go back to Red Fang. I want my mate. I want Alpha Black. I want to go home.”

Tears are streaming down my face like a pup who’s lost his way.

“I thought Red Fang was home?” Beta Greene asks, confused.

I shake my head as I turn back to Jamie. Lying my head on his shoulder again, cursing myself for acting so childish.

“Home is where they love you.” I manage to choke through the sobs that have enveloped me since I woke up here Saturday morning.

“I’m sorry, Cole, but I think it’s best that we continue the conversation in here. Jamie felt that sitting away from the desk might make it easier for you to relax so we decided to have this meeting in my library. Jamie, if you could guide him back here through the door the two of you can have your choice of seating. We’re going to take a few minutes to gather some drinks and light snacks. Hopefully it will be long enough for the two of you to settle down and get comfortable.”

I wrap my arms tightly around Jamie, completely defeated and lost. My mental health has completely crashed as my pleas continue to fall upon deaf ears. It takes everything Jamie has, both in physical strength and aura, to move me into the library while I fight both him and my mental battles. I’m desperately trying to calm myself, knowing that it’s only with a calm mind that I’m going to be able to comprehend the plans in play at the moment.

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