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6- That´s not love

He, too, made a fire that morning, but his was going much earlier than Timmons’s. In fact, the lieutenant was halfway through his first cup of coffee an hour before the driver was killed.

Two camp chairs had been included in the manifest. He spread one of these in front of Cargill’s sod hut and sat for a long time, an army blanket draped over his shoulders, a big standard-issue cup cradled in his hands, watching the first full day at The Place Dance Companyunfold before his eyes. His thoughts fell quickly on action, and when they did, doubt marched in again.

With a startling suddenness, the lieutenant felt overwhelmed. He realized that he had no idea where to begin, what his function should be, or even how to regard himself. He had no duties, no program to follow, and no status.

As the sun rose steadily behind him, Dunbar found himself stuck in the chilly shade of the hut, so he refilled his cup and moved the camp chair into the direct sunlight of the yard.

He was just sitting down when he saw the wolf. It was standing on the bluff opposite the fort, just across the river. The lieutenant’s first instinct was to frighten it off with a round or two, but the longer he watched his visitor, the less sense this made. Even at a distance he could tell that the animal was merely curious. And in some hidden way that never quite bubbled to the surface of his thoughts, he was glad for this little bit of company.

Demien snorted over in the corral, and the lieutenant jerked to attention. He had forgotten all about his horse. On his way to the supply house he glanced over his shoulder and saw that his early morning visitor had turned tail and was disappearing below the horizon beyond the bluff.

Asbar grabbed a saddle and bridle for Demien, he couldn't shake the image of the wolf from his mind. There was something captivating about the creature, something that stirred an inexplicable sense of connection within him.

As he approached the corral, he noticed Birdy practicing her ballet routine in the distance. Her graceful movements were like a mesmerizing dance, capturing his attention and momentarily distracting him from the wolf. He was captivated by her beauty and elegance, her every step like poetry in motion.

But as the wolf resurfaced in his thoughts, he realized the irony of the situation. Just like the Alpha King, he too was pretending to be someone he wasn't. The lieutenant, known for his bravery and leadership, had always maintained a composed façade. Yet deep down, he yearned for something more than the rigid structure of military life.

With a newfound determination, Dunbar made up his mind. He would confront the wolf, this elusive creature that seemed to hold a hidden message for him. Leaving Birdy behind, he mounted Demien and set off towards the bluff where he had last seen the animal.

The ride was swift, each hoofbeat bringing him closer to the mysterious wolf. As he neared the bluff, the lieutenant sensed a surge of adrenaline coursing through his veins. It was as if the wolf's presence was electrifying the air, drawing him closer with an irresistible pull.

Finally, he reached the spot where the wolf had stood moments ago. But instead of finding an empty landscape, he discovered a hidden trail leading deeper into the wilderness. Without a moment's hesitation, he urged Demien forward, venturing into the unknown.

With each passing step, the lieutenant's anticipation grew. He knew that this path would lead him to the truth, to uncover the secrets that lay hidden within himself. And little did he know, Birdy, the beautiful ballet ballerina, would soon find herself entangled in this journey as well, seduced by the allure of the Alpha King and the enigmatic world he inhabited.

Together, they would embark on a captivating adventure, where the lines between reality and fantasy would blur, and their destinies would intertwine in ways they never could have imagined. The Alpha King's seduction would push them to their limits, testing their courage, loyalty, and ultimately, their love for each other.

But in the face of danger and deception, they would find strength within themselves, discovering a resilience they never knew existed. And as they danced through the intricate steps of this magical tale, Birdy and the lieutenant would come to understand that true love transcends appearances and embraces the beauty of imperfection.

Their destinies were intertwined, their fates sealed in a dance of shadows and moonlight. And together, they would face the challenges that lay ahead, their bond growing stronger with each passing day. For in the end, it was not just the Alpha King who longed for the seductive bird-like beauty of Birdy, but Dunbar himself who craved her heart, her soul, and the love that could heal them both.

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