Silent Whispers ( Book 1 in The Chronicles of Valtor )

Silent Whispers ( Book 1 in The Chronicles of Valtor )


87.3k Words / Ongoing


“ Put me down you barbarian.” I shouted, hitting hard into his back.
The sound echoed through the dungeon as he slapped me on the ass.
“ How dare you lay a hand on me ? You.. Barbarian!”
“ Behave yourself Little One, or my hand might collide with your perky ass once more.”
“ You wouldn’t dare.” He glared over his shoulder, giving me a smirk. By the looks of that smirk, it clearly showed that he might smack me again.
“ If you want to act like a child, I will treat you like one.” He commented, making me now aware of the situation.
Recently orphaned Meara discovered that there was an entire different world other than the human world she grew up in. After the passing of her foster mom, she was guided through a magical portal hidden in the forest by her spirit animal, Merilla. Once through the portal, Meara finds herself in the magical kingdom of Valtor, the kingdom of elementals where people bared the powers of water, fire, earth and air.
Upon entering the kingdom, she was met with a shocking truth. She was the fated mate to the powerful Elemental King, Kaden, tasked with accepting the mating bond she did not believe in, and taming his dragon form when the darkness consumed him, in order to unlock his human for once more, and prevent him from roaming the kingdom as an everlasting dragon and destroy his own kingdom.
With their bond now unbreakable, Meara and her Dragon king prepared to wield her extraordinary magic FrostFire to shatter the curse that had been placed by her ancestor on the dragon slaughter king of Dravonia and bring salvation to the innocent lives caught in its grasp.

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