Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 1

I sat under the branches of the ancient oak tree, my eyes staring blankly ahead. This had always been my sanctuary, a place where I could escape the overwhelming memories that haunted me around every corner of the farm. My long, snow-white hair fluttered in the gentle breeze, a stark contrast to the green of the field around me.

I often thought about how Monica, my foster mom had found me. It was a story she had told me countless times, but I never grew tired of hearing it. twenty years ago, Monica had been walking through the woods behind the farm when she heard a faint, pitiful cry. Following the sound, she stumbled upon a basket partially hidden among the undergrowth. Inside was a baby girl with hair as white as the purest snow and eyes that seemed to hold the depth of the sky.

There was no note, no indication of where I had come from or who my parents might be. Monica, with her kind heart and nurturing spirit, had immediately taken me to the hospital to make sure I was healthy. Despite numerous attempts by social workers to find my biological parents, no one came forward. Monica, unable to bear the thought of me being placed in an overcrowded system, decided to become my legal guardian.

Over the years, I had come to accept my past. I never felt unwanted or unloved because Monica had filled my life with more warmth and affection than I could have ever wished for. She was my mother in every sense of the word, and I loved her deeply.

But now Monica was gone, and the farm, once a place of love and laughter, had become a prison of grief. I couldn't escape the memories of her that were at every corner of the house. To make matters worse, I had started hearing strange whispers, voices that seemed to come from nowhere and everywhere at once. They were faint, but persistent. Sometimes they sounded like my mother, sometimes like strangers. It was enough to make me question my sanity.

Sitting under the oak tree, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, trying to calm the turmoil within me. Monica had spent countless hours with me here, sharing stories about the tree's ancient wisdom that flowed through the land. Monica had believed in things that others dismissed as fairy tales, and though I had always been skeptical, there was something comforting in those old legends.

“ Meara!”

The whispers started again, soft but notable. I tensed, my eyes snapping open. I scanned the field, but there was no one in sight. The sound seemed to come from the tree itself, from the rustling of its leaves. I pressed my palms against the rough bark and closed my eyes, focusing on the whispers.

" Come... find... me..."

The words were faint but distinct. My heart raced. Was I losing my mind, or was there something more to these whispers? I stood up, brushing the dirt off my jeans, and took a few steps back. The whispers grew louder, more insistent.

" I... have come... for you…"

I took a deep breath, trying to steady my nerves. Monica had always taught me to trust my instincts, and right now, my instincts were telling me to listen. As I gazed around the field, I noticed some movement far in the distance, coming from the canopy of trees just at the edge of the forest. It was a fox as white as snow, almost blending into the sunlight filtering through the trees.

Curiosity overwhelmed me, so I stalked closer cautiously. The fox stood still as I approached, its bright eyes watching me intently, as if it was waiting for me. There was something almost magical about it, something that drew me in.

" It is time," the whispers in my head stated.

I paused, my heart pounding. The fox turned and began to walk into the forest, glancing back at me as if waiting for me to follow it. Without fully understanding why, I found myself compelled to follow it. I moved through the dense underbrush, my eyes fixed on the fox as it walked gracefully between the trees.

As I got nearer, the fox stopped and turned to face me.

" I am Merilla, your spirit animal," it said, its voice soft yet commanding. " I have come to take you home to Valtor."

Hesitant, I took a step back. " Wait, if you're my spirit animal, where have you been all these years? Why are you only appearing now?"

Merilla’s eyes softened. " We were separated when we were both very young. Our bond never had the chance to develop fully, and because of that, I couldn't sense your presence until now. Your longing, your sadness, and your need for comfort after Monica's passing awakened our bond. I was finally able to sense your presence and follow it back to the human world."

I frowned, trying to process her words. " So, you're saying my grief brought you here?"

" Yes," Merilla said. " Your emotions were powerful enough to bridge the gap between our worlds. Now, it's time for you to discover where you came from and who your biological parents were."

I hesitated, still unsure. " Why should I trust you? How do I know you're not just a figment of my imagination?"

Merilla's gaze was steady and unwavering. " Trust your instincts, Meara. You know in your heart that what I'm saying is true." I knew what she was saying must be true. How come no one could ever find my parents over the years?

Taking a deep breath, I felt a strange sense of peace wash over me. Monica had always told me to trust my instincts, and right now, my instincts were telling me to follow Merilla.

" Alright," I said finally. " I'll follow you."

Merilla turned and led the way into the forest. We walked the entire night, the forest growing darker and more mysterious with each passing hour. My legs ached, and my eyes grew heavy, but the whispers urged me on.

By the time dawn was breaking, I was on the verge of collapse from exhaustion. Just when I thought I couldn't take another step, we arrived at a waterfall. The sight of it took my breath away. The cascading water sparkled in the early light, creating rainbows in the mist. It was like something out of a dream, a hidden paradise within the forest.

Merilla led me behind the curtain of water, where we discovered a cave filled with ancient symbols that I couldn't decipher. The air inside was cool and filled with the scent of damp earth.

“ Where are we?” I asked eager.

“ This is the gateway to the magical realm, to Valtor.”

Merilla went to sit in front of the wall, and to my amazement, all the symbols started to glow like her eyes. The earth began to shake, and the stone wall started to part, revealing a bright light.

Merilla stepped into the light. " Meara, are you coming?" Her voice echoed in my mind.

I wanted to move, but I was frozen in place. The brightness was overwhelming, making me hesitate.

" Meara, hurry, before the portal closes," Merilla shouted in the mind-link we shared.

Summoning every ounce of courage, I lifted my foot and stepped into the light, then the other. The light was so bright that I had to cover my eyes. As I stepped through, a warm sensation enveloped me, and I felt a strange sense of peace and anticipation.

When the light finally dimmed, I found myself standing in a beautiful, vibrant land unlike anything I had ever seen. The sky was an otherworldly blue, and the air was filled with the scent of blooming flowers. I looked around in awe, my exhaustion forgotten. This was Valtor.

Merilla led me through another thick forest, this one unlike any I had ever seen. The trees here had leaves with a purple hue, their colors vibrant and mesmerizing. The moss that covered the forest floor was a soft, vivid blue, creating a lush, inviting carpet. Toadstools dotted the ground, glowing with a bioluminescent pink light that cast an otherworldly glow over everything.

Despite my exhaustion, the beauty of this place captivated me. My eyes drank in every detail, like sponges soaking up water

As we walked through the magical forest, I couldn't help but notice the birds flitting about in the canopy above. These birds were unlike any I had ever seen. Their feathers shimmered with iridescent hues, reflecting shades of blue, purple, and green with every movement. Some had long, elegant tails that trailed behind them like delicate ribbons

One bird, in particular, caught my eye. It had a slender body covered in midnight-blue feathers that glowed softly in the dim light. Its wings were tipped with silver, and its eyes were large and expressive, like twin sapphires.

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