Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 7

" Yes, he kissed me." She started pacing again.

" If you are what I think you are, then the King will definitely be watching closely."

" What is that supposed to mean?"

" I'll explain later, once I confirm with my mate, Luka."

" Merilla, please take me back home," I pleaded. I didn't want to stay here any longer. Merilla's ears drooped, like she was sad.

" But I just found you after so many years. Can't you stay a little longer, please? I still have so much to show you, and you haven't even met my mate yet," she said proudly.

I thought about what she said. As much as I wanted to leave, part of me wanted to stay and see more of this beautiful place. How many people can say they’ve been to a magical realm like this? And I still needed to find out about my real parents.

" Fine," I agreed reluctantly.

Merilla leaped with joy. " Wonderful! I'll call for the servants to get you cleaned up." She jumped off the bed and pulled on a dangling rope by the door. Minutes later, two servants, or maids, came in. I recognized the redhead from last night, and the other one looked a bit older.

They both introduced themselves. The brunette was Beth, and she gestured to the shy redhead. " This is Vicky. We're here to help you get ready." Beth disappeared into the bathroom and turned on the water. Vicky walked over to the bed and started making it.

“ There’s no need for that. I could have made it myself," I said, trying to be friendly. I walked over and started helping her. She looked surprised but didn’t say a word.

“ Your bath is ready, my Lady,” Beth said, stepping out of the bathroom.

" My bath?" I asked, confused. I wasn’t used to someone else making my bed, let alone pouring me a bath.

After my long, hot bath, Beth and Vicky helped me get dressed in this beautiful sky-blue dress made of fabric that I had never seen before. The gown was a one-piece corset dress, and I was thankful they were here to help me get dressed. Beth laced up the corset, and with each pull on the strings, it felt like it got harder to breathe.

“ Does it have to be this tight?” I asked, gasping for air. “ Oh yes, my lady,” Beth said firmly.

“ Try taking short breaths, my lady,” Vicky added in a faint, soft voice.

Women here must have learned not to breathe, I thought, because I didn’t know how I would be able to do anything in this tight dress.

After Beth and Vicky finished pinning my hair in a neat updo, I looked at myself in the mirror. The sky-blue dress was beautiful, but I still couldn’t get used to how tight it was. My breathing felt shallow, and I had to remind myself to take short breaths like Vicky had suggested.

Merilla looked at me with her eyes shining with excitement. "Are you ready for a tour of the castle?" she asked, her voice filled with enthusiasm.

I nodded, curious about this place that seemed more like a dream than reality. Merilla led the way, her fox tail swishing back and forth as we walked down the grand hallway.

The castle was even more magnificent than I had imagined. The walls were made of white marble, with gold accents everywhere. Large glass arch windows reached up to the ceiling, letting in so much light that it made the gold on the pillars and staircases shine even brighter. The air smelled faintly of roses and fresh linen, a comforting scent that seemed to be everywhere.

We passed through the Grand Hall, a massive room with chandeliers that looked like they were made of diamonds. The floors were so polished that I could see my reflection in them. At the far end of the hall was a long table with enough seats to fit a hundred people. Whoever this king was, he sure liked to show off his wealth.

As we continued through the castle, I couldn't help but ask, " Merilla, what exactly is a spirit animal for?"

Merilla stopped walking and turned to me, her expression softening. " A spirit animal is a gift from the Moon Goddess," she explained. " When a person is born with elemental powers, the Goddess gives them a lifelong partner—a spirit animal—to guide them on the right path."

I listened carefully, intrigued by what she was saying.

" Your spirit animal grows with you," Merilla continued.

" As your elemental powers evolve, so does your spirit animal. It will change into a new form, one that reflects who you are at that point in your life. It’s not just a companion; it’s a part of you, an extension of your soul.”

" So... does that mean you’ll change too?" I asked, trying to wrap my head around the idea.

" Yes," Merilla said with a nod. " As you grow stronger, I’ll change as well. My form will evolve to match your power and personality."

We continued the tour, and Merilla showed me everything from the library to the training grounds. Each room was more impressive than the last, and I found myself getting lost in the beauty of the place. But no matter how beautiful it all was, I couldn’t shake the feeling that I didn’t belong here.

As we walked back toward my room, I couldn’t help but think about what Merilla had said. The idea of having a spirit animal that was connected to me in such a deep way was both comforting and overwhelming. I had never imagined that something like this could exist, and now that it did, I wasn’t sure how to feel about it.

Before I could dwell too much on it, Merilla nudged me with her nose. “ Come on,” she said. “ There’s still so much more to see.” And with that, we continued our tour, my mind spinning with thoughts of what the future might hold.

As we wandered through the grand halls of the castle, I couldn’t help but be amazed by the sheer size and beauty of everything. The walls were lined with tapestries showing scenes of battles, celebrations, and important moments in the kingdom’s history. The floors were polished marble that gleamed under the soft glow of the chandeliers hanging high above. It felt like every corner of this place held a piece of a grand story, one that I was only just beginning to understand.

Merilla walked beside me, guiding me through the halls with an air of familiarity. She paused occasionally to point out a particular piece of artwork or explain the significance of a statue. I listened closely, trying to take it all in. This new world I had stumbled into was both fascinating and overwhelming.

But there was one thing that had been nagging at me, something I couldn’t shake. I finally decided to ask.

" Merilla," I began hesitantly, " what exactly is a spirit animal for? I mean, why do we have them?"

Merilla stopped and turned to face me with a warm smile. " A spirit animal is more than just a companion, Meara. When someone is born with elemental powers, the Moon Goddess grants them a spirit animal as a lifelong partner. This animal is there to guide them, to help them stay on the right path. As the person’s elemental powers grow and evolve, so does their spirit animal. It changes form, becoming a new animal that better represents the person’s personality and their connection to their element at that point in their life."

I nodded slowly, trying to absorb everything she was saying. " So, the spirit animal isn’t just a reflection of who we are right now, but also a guide for what we might become?"

" Exactly," Merilla confirmed. " They are an extension of us, tied to our very essence. As we grow, they grow. As we change, they change. It’s a bond that is unbreakable, and it’s meant to help us become the best version of ourselves."

I was silent for a moment, processing her words. The idea of having such a powerful bond with a spirit animal was both fascinating and daunting. It made me wonder about my own potential, what kind of powers I might have.

" Merilla," I asked tentatively, "do I have any powers?"

Merilla chuckled softly. " Of course, you do, Meara. I wouldn’t be here if you didn’t."

I frowned, confusion settling in. " But... why haven’t I ever seen these powers? And what are they?"

Merilla’s expression softened. " Your powers haven’t surfaced yet, probably because you never grew up in the Elemental kingdom from a young age, with parents encouraging you to summon them. Elemental powers often need nurturing and guidance, especially in the early years. Without that, they can lie dormant."

" So, there’s no telling what elemental power I may possess?" I asked, my voice a mix of curiosity and concern.

" Not yet," Merilla replied gently. " But you will learn in time. Being here in Valtor, surrounded by the elements, may help awaken your powers. Just be patient. They will reveal themselves when the time is right."

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