Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 8

I nodded, feeling a mix of anticipation and anxiety. The idea of having powers, something I had only ever dreamed about, was both thrilling and terrifying. I wasn’t sure if I was ready for it, but I knew there was no turning back now.

We continued our tour, with Merilla pointing out different rooms and halls as we walked. I tried to focus on what she was saying, but my mind kept drifting back to our conversation. What kind of powers did I have? Would I be able to control them when they finally surfaced? And what would it mean for my life if they did?

As Merilla and I turned the corner of the hall, I suddenly bumped into something hard and firm. My eyes shot up, and there they were—those caramelized eyes with red specks that sent a shiver down my spine. My body stiffened, and a slight smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

" Careful there now, little one. I wouldn't want you to get hurt now," he said casually, his hands behind his back like nothing had happened.

" Mate," Merilla called out in my mind, startling me further. My gaze darted to her, but before I could react, something even more terrifying appeared from behind the same corner. It was huge, far bigger than a bear, and looked almost like a black lion, but more... menacing.

" W—what is that thing?" I stuttered, my voice barely coming out as I slowly backed away from Kaden, my heart racing.

" Oh, this?" Kaden’s voice held a note of pride as he reached out to stroke the creature’s head. " This is my spirit animal, Luka."

My breath caught in my throat. If that thing was an extension of him, then I definitely didn’t want to mess with either of them. The sheer size of it made my fear spike, and I couldn’t shake the feeling of being completely out of my depth.

" So, it’s true, you are the king's mate," Merilla’s voice rang in my mind, cutting through my fear with her calm certainty.

" What? I am no one’s mate, whatever that means!" I forced the words out, my voice shaking with anger and confusion.

Kaden’s smile didn’t waver. " There is a way we can prove that she is my mate," he said, still so calm, so collected, as if this was all a game to him.

My pulse quickened. I had no idea what he meant by that, but the thought of whatever test he had in mind terrified me.

We headed to the grand hall, a large space filled with gold accents and intricate designs that made it feel like the room was glowing. I could barely focus on the beauty of the hall, though, as Kaden’s calm demeanor only added to my growing anxiety. What was this

“ proof” he mentioned, and why were we gathering people?

As we entered, Kaden motioned for a few of the guards and some other men, perhaps servants, to join us. My nerves shot up even more when I realized I’d be surrounded by all these strangers. What was going on?

Kaden turned to me; his caramel eyes softened a bit as he handed me a piece of cloth. “ I need you to trust me, little one. This is important.”

I hesitated, feeling uneasy about what might happen next. But with Merilla nudging me on and a hundred questions swirling in my mind, I nodded and let him blindfold me. The moment the cloth covered my eyes, my senses heightened. I could feel every breath I took, every slight shift in the air. My heart pounded in my chest as the room went silent.

“ We’re going to prove if you’re really my mate,” Kaden said, his voice calm yet commanding. “ I need you to touch each man’s hand and see if you feel anything.”

His words echoed in my mind, and I struggled to focus. All of this seemed surreal. I had no idea how touching hands could determine anything, but I decided to go along with it.

A hand was placed in mine—rough, calloused. It felt... nothing. Just a hand. I moved on to the next, then the next. Each one felt different, but none of them stood out. The anxiety began to ease as I found that none of these hands stirred anything inside me.

Finally, another hand was placed in mine. It was warm, firm, and the moment our skin touched, a rush of warmth spread through me, almost like an electric jolt. I gasped softly, and I could feel my heart skip a beat. My hand tingled where our skin met, and a strange sense of calmness washed over me.

“ That’s enough,” Kaden’s deep voice cut through the silence, and I felt his hand slip away as the blindfold was gently removed. Blinking in the bright light of the grand hall, I turned to see Kaden standing in front of me, a satisfied look on his face.

“ Now you see,” he said, his tone softening, “ there’s no denying it, Meara. You’re mine.”

My breath caught in my throat as I tried to process what had just happened. There was no denying that something had happened when I touched his hand. But what did it really mean? What did any of this mean?

I stared at Kaden, my mind racing. The warmth from his touch still lingered on my skin, and I couldn’t shake the feeling that something profound had just happened. But what did it all mean?

“ Kaden,” I started, my voice shaky, “ what does this mean? What happens now?”

He held my gaze, his caramel eyes steady and reassuring. “ It means that you and I are connected in a way that’s beyond anything you’ve ever known, Meara. You are my mate, the one destined for me by the Moon Goddess.”

His words hung in the air, heavy with implications. Mate? The concept felt foreign, almost unreal. “ But I don’t understand,” I stammered, trying to make sense of it all. “What does being your mate actually mean? What happens now that we know?”

Kaden stepped closer, his presence both comforting and overwhelming.

“ Being my mate means that our lives are intertwined, that we’re meant to support and protect each other. It’s a bond that goes beyond love or affection; it’s spiritual, elemental. It’s why you felt what you did when you touched my hand.”

I swallowed hard, the weight of his words sinking in.

“ And what happens next?”

A gentle smile played on Kaden’s lips. “ Next, we’ll need to solidify the bond. It won’t be immediate, and it won’t be forced. You’ll have time to come to terms with it, to understand what it means for both of us. But the bond is there, Meara, whether you’re ready to accept it or not.”

The room felt smaller, the walls closing in on me as the reality of the situation settled in. I wasn’t just Meara from the farm anymore. I was something more, something I didn’t fully understand.

Kaden’s voice softened as he continued, “ We are mates, little one. You will become queen of the elemental kingdoms. You’re still new to this world, and I won’t rush you. But you need to know that this bond is powerful, and it will only grow stronger as time goes on.”

I nodded slowly, feeling overwhelmed and out of breath. “ I need time to process all of this,” I admitted.

“ Of course,” Kaden replied, his voice gentle. “ Take all the time you need. But don’t take too long though.” What did it mean to be mated to the Elemental King? What would happen next?

The grand hall was overwhelming. The high ceilings seemed to press down on me as if the weight of everything I’d just learned was too much to bear. The men who had stood before me moments ago, their hands all so different, had blurred into a haze. My thoughts spiraled. I needed space, a place to think, to process what had just happened.

Without a word, I turned and rushed out of the grand hall. The heavy doors thudded shut behind me, sealing off the murmurs of the room and the intensity of Kaden’s gaze. My footsteps echoed down the marble corridors as I fled, my breath quickening. The walls seemed to close in as I navigated the winding halls of the castle, the grandeur of the place only adding to my mounting anxiety.

“ Meara! Where are you going?” Merilla’s voice called out in our link as she followed behind me.

“ I need time to process things. Please Merilla, just give me some time alone.”

Merilla excepted my wishes and stopped following me.

Finally, I found an empty room, a small space with large windows that let in the cool breeze. I pushed the windows open, breathing in the fresh air, trying to calm the storm inside me. Leaning against the wall, I slid down to the floor, pulling my knees to my chest.

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