Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 1

Ruth's POV

Seated on the bench beside my window, I gazed at the bustling activity outside. My 16th birthday was just around the corner, marking the day I would finally find my mate. However, my parents had decided on a grand party instead of me embarking on a journey to other packs. I let out a sigh and rose from the bench, making my way to the closet. Retrieving my towel and night clothes, I headed into the bathroom for a shower. I glanced at my reflection in the mirror, shaking my head.

I knew I wasn't the most stunning member of the pack. My hair was a mass of curly brown locks, freckles dotted across my cheeks, and strikingly bright blue eyes, with a hint of silver around the edges. My mom once told me that when I was born, my eyes were a mix of green and blue before they changed when I discovered my unique ability.

My mom possessed an impenetrable shield, while my own ability remained a mystery. I had been just eight years old when I first used it, though I couldn't recall how or what I had done. All I knew was that my eyes changed that day, and I had saved my father's life.

Ever since, people in the pack had viewed me differently, and my family remained the only true friends I had. Among them were my twin cousins, Katherine and Katiana, born to my Aunt Jacklen, and Zack, the son of my Uncle Jaylen. They mostly ignored me, but I had grown accustomed to it. My closeness with Andrew, Aunt Carmine's son, was my solace. We were close in age, and our bond had deepened over the years. Then there was my little brother, Jonah, who was a spitting image of my dad, both in looks and behavior.

I stood next in line in the Dark Crescent Pack, a group boasting over a thousand members. My parents had chosen to keep the pack's name from my mom's side out of respect for my late grandfather, a brave protector who had died before I was born. My grandmother had passed away when I was ten, and I believed it was due to grief. She had held on as long as she could, but now she was reunited with her mate. I missed her dearly, but I had managed to carry on.

I shed my jeans and sweatshirt and stepped into the shower, letting the warm water cascade over me as I shampooed my hair and shaved my legs. The previous day, my mom and I had gone dress shopping, and we had selected a navy blue dress adorned with shimmering embellishments around the chest area. It was mid-thigh in length and slightly poofy.

After stepping out of the shower, I wrapped a towel around me and picked up my vibrating phone. "Hello?" I answered, but all I heard was heavy breathing, so I hung up, muttering to myself about the odd call. As I dressed, my phone rang again. "Hello?" I repeated, only to encounter the same eerie breathing. Frustration crept in, and I growled into the phone, "This isn't funny. I don't know who you are, but stop." The breathing ceased, and I prepared to hang up when a voice whispered, "Mine."

"Excuse me?" I inquired, puzzled.

"You'll be mine, sweet Ruth. Mine," the voice asserted, and I hastily ended the call, slamming my phone on the nightstand. Shaking my head, I lay down and reassured myself that it was just a joke. I kept repeating, "Just a joke." I reached for my phone, opened Snapchat, sent out my goodnight streaks, set the alarm, and then rolled over to sleep.

I jolted awake and shot out of bed. "Dad!" I cried out. "Mom!" I tumbled to the floor, tears streaming down my face. "Mom!" I wailed. My dad rushed into the room, and there was a loud popping sound. I shrieked in pain and struggled to stand.

"She's shifting!" my mom exclaimed as she entered the room. "Get her outside!" My dad scooped me up, and I groaned in agony, crying out as another bone popped. When he reached the woods, he placed me on the ground, and I writhed in pain, trying to ease my discomfort.

"It hurts," I whimpered, shutting my eyes and letting the pain lull me into unconsciousness.

I opened my eyes and observed my surroundings. Everything appeared more significant and sharper. I attempted to stand but realized I had four legs. Turning to my side, I saw that my dad had also shifted into his wolf form. He nudged me, helping me get on my feet. I cautiously moved about until I grew accustomed to having four legs, and then I dashed toward a nearby lake, peering down and stumbling back as I noticed my bright silver eyes. I was entirely white except for my eyes, which gleamed silver. Shaking my head, I looked at my dad.

"Just imagine your human form," he communicated through our mental link. I nodded and followed his instructions, wincing as I felt my bones snap into place. My mom handed me clothes and turned away as I dressed.

"That hurt," I murmured.

"I know, sweetie," my mom consoled, giving me a hug. "You did great." My dad shifted back into his human form and donned his shorts.

"I'm proud of you," he said, embracing me. I smiled and walked back to the house with them.

My alarm blared, and I reached for my phone, silencing it. My body still ached from the recent shift, but I summoned the willpower to rise from the bed. After securing my unruly hair into a ponytail, I descended the stairs.

"Happy Birthday!" Jonah’s enthusiastic shout filled the air as he ran toward me. I embraced him, planting a kiss on his forehead.

"Thank you, Jonah," I smiled, and he returned the favor by kissing my cheek. We sat together, sipping cereal, discussing his experiences at the summer camp for the little ones run by our pack. July 14th meant no school, and Jer loved every moment of his camp adventures.

Having finished breakfast, I returned to my room, anticipating Andrew's arrival. He was always fashionably late, but today he seemed excessively tardy. I waited in my room for what felt like an eternity.

"Rutttt!!!" I heard Andrew call as he entered. I couldn't stand that nickname, but he wrapped his arms around me. "Happy Birthday," he greeted me with a smile.

"Thanks, Andyyy," I retorted, knowing he didn't like that particular nickname. He shook his head and settled on my bed.

"It's currently 2:03, and your party starts at three," he announced.

"I'm aware," I sighed. I made my way to the closet, retrieved my dress, and changed swiftly.

"I love it!" Andrew exclaimed in a high-pitched voice, eliciting a giggle from me. I stepped into the bathroom, leaving my hair in its natural curly state, and began to tame it with some mousse and hairspray. Andrew occupied the toilet, waiting for me to finish. It took approximately 30 minutes to complete both my hair and makeup. Donning silver flats, I descended the stairs with Andrew in tow.

The entire ballroom had undergone a transformation with various decorations, a table adorned with a colossal cake, and towering cupcake displays. Food was spread out generously. I located my parents, who were busy welcoming the arriving guests.

"Let's get this party started!" My mom proclaimed with enthusiasm. I giggled and shook my head as Andrew escorted me to the dessert table.

4 Hours Later……..

I found solace in the kitchen, seeking refuge from the never-ending stream of well-wishers. I had heard so many

"happy birthdays" and met countless people, neither of which was my mate. I just yearned for the night to be over. I had a nagging feeling that I might end up rejected. Who would want a mate like me? I was a rare white wolf, which was odd in itself, and I had shifted last night at the age of 16 instead of the usual age of 14. My appearance was far from extraordinary, and I had the sense that I was widely disliked. I felt like a worthless wolf.

Drying my eyes, I emptied my glass, checking the time. It was 7:43, and I had spent nearly an hour in the kitchen. I shook my head, gathering my resolve, and made my way toward the door. Just as I was about to exit, an intoxicating aroma wafted into my nostrils, a blend of vanilla and cinnamon. I followed the scent into the ballroom, scanning the crowd for the source.

My eyes locked onto a tall, brown-haired boy who abruptly spun around to meet my gaze. "Mate," he growled. I held my breath as he approached, and the entire room fell silent, all eyes fixed on us. He reached me, his hand gently cupping my cheek. Sparks of electricity coursed through my skin, and I smiled, feeling the connection. But I quickly pulled away.

"Can we go somewhere else?" I whispered.

"Of course, Princess," he responded in the most enchanting voice I had ever heard. I led him into the kitchen, looking into his piercing green eyes. His brown hair was slicked back, and freckles dotted his face.

"You're so beautiful," he murmured.

"But you're going to reject me anyway," I whispered, my eyes filling with tears. He narrowed his gaze, and I instinctively took a step back.

"Who told you that?" he asked.

"I'm a freak," I whimpered.

"I have these strange abilities that everyone knows about but nobody accepts. I shifted last night, and my wolf is all white with silver eyes. I'm just a freak," I cried.

"Hey, come here," he extended his hand, drawing me closer.

"You're mine. You'll always be mine. I'm not going anywhere," he whispered into my ear. I nodded and wiped away my tears.

"You won't leave?" I asked, still feeling a bit uncertain.

"Never, darling," he assured me. I nodded and leaned into him.

"What's your name?" I inquired.

"Dominic Shan Blake," he replied. I smiled at his name.

"Dominic. I like it," I said.

"And your name?" he asked.

"Ruth Claire Williams," I introduced.

"Well, Ruth, let's go dance," he suggested. I nodded, allowing him to lead me back into the ballroom.

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