The Devil's Harem all 204 chapters

  1. The Nightmare
  2. Martha wants it
  3. The lady next door
  4. Theation, Alex’s new beginning?
  5. Susan, A new friend?
  6. Interview (Part-I)
  7. An Unexpected Encounter
  8. An Unexpected Encounter Contd…
  9. Friends with Benefits
  10. Interview (Part-II)
  11. Interview (The End)
  12. Margaret and the uneasy feeling
  13. Something’s off with Alex
  14. Something more than Netflix, with Martha
  15. The Good news, is not so good
  16. The Unexpected Guest
  17. Baby, I’m Jealous
  18. Let’s go Shopping!
  19. Margaret, the stalker
  20. Alex, the disappointment
  21. First Day at Work
  22. Shattered Dreams
  23. Dinner Date
  24. Dinner Date Contd...
  25. Dinner Date Gone South!
  26. Grateful Susan
  27. Letting themselves loose (Part-I) (15+)
  28. Letting themselves loose (Part-II) (18+)
  29. Letting themselves loose (The End) (18+)
  30. The indescribable rush
  31. Alex's Mysterious Parents
  32. They know about his past?
  33. Something's off with Susan
  34. They are not so evil after all
  35. The First Department Meeting
  36. The First Department Meeting Contd…
  37. Alex in the Limelight
  38. Jessica and her Unfortunate Love
  39. The Soft Touch
  40. Alex in the prison?
  41. Karen is not angry?
  42. Alex to sign an IOU
  43. Overbearing Jessica
  44. Jessica, the big BooBs and pea Brain CEO
  45. His Views on Marriage
  46. Rachel Brown, Doctor's call
  47. Alex's mood swings and yes, he is not pregnant
  48. Another coincidence?
  49. Margaret's Invitation
  50. Margaret Fucked it up!
  51. What is George up to?
  52. Alex and his concern for Margaret
  53. Alex, the lucky bastard
  54. Let's play 'Truth and Dare'
  55. Tipsy Karen
  56. Karen left alone with Alex
  57. Alex and the hobo husband
  58. Alex bickering with the hobo husband
  59. Karen's in a bad bad mood
  60. Is he really the prey?
  61. No matter what, he can't get through her
  62. The reason behind Karen's bad mood
  63. Not everything is for money
  64. I'm ready...
  65. The boy in the dreams
  66. Someone's after Jessica
  67. The Accidental meeting
  68. Do I know you?
  69. Only Annie and Alex are clueless.
  70. Bonding with Annie
  71. Jolly tuning, Grandma Flores and Alex
  72. Martha shudders by a smile
  73. Karen, testing the waters?
  74. Annie and her silence
  75. On the crossroads again!
  76. Martha's last few attempts
  77. Fallout b/w Martha and Alex
  78. Just a regular businessman?
  79. An opportunity for Margaret
  80. You are the first, Alex
  81. Alex, look who's here
  82. Did Margaret blow up her chance?
  83. Karen's Dilemma and Alex clearing it with Susan
  84. Alex making way for himself?
  85. How deep has George hidden himself?
  86. It ain't happening tonight.
  87. Bang... Bang... Jessica
  88. Karen and Jessica?
  89. I fucking fucked your woman
  90. And another slap!
  91. After Jessica, it's Theation's turn
  92. Two celebrities, pole apart
  93. Why does it have to be him?
  94. Alex, you are scaring me
  95. This is the end of road for us
  96. A web of conspiracies
  97. George's fuck-up, chance for Alex?
  98. End of things between Alex and Margaret
  99. That voice again
  100. Detective Alex got an assistant
  101. Club Rosaro
  102. Alex, her achilles heel?
  103. Our Severance is a bit more... intense
  104. It's really not easy for Karen
  105. Love is in the air
  106. Karen and Margaret face off
  107. Everyone is behind Alex
  108. Everyone has their own troubles (Part-I)
  109. Everyone has their own troubles (Part-II)
  110. Let's defend Abir (Part-I)
  111. Let's defend Abir (Part-II)
  112. Suzie on the stand (Part-I)
  113. Suzie on the stand (Part-II)
  114. Karen and Daniel, extinguished flames?
  115. Unexpected turn of events
  116. Back with the ladies
  117. It's a patch up
  118. Alex and Jessica, a silent face-off
  119. Alex and Jessica face-off
  120. Musing over spilt milk
  121. All good things, always come to an end
  122. He had to have the last laugh
  123. From one branch to the other
  124. Beginning of a new inning?
  125. And it's a company retreat
  126. Coincidence? Or is something else cooking?
  127. Siblings
  128. They are fated to cross paths
  129. Alex and slaps... What is this bond called?
  130. The change, it's like night and day
  131. A perfect date?
  132. The leecher from the morning?
  133. Everyone lost
  134. Gun-bait
  135. Troubled Jessica
  136. Breaking barriers
  137. Crossing the line (18+)
  138. Everyone's life is a mess
  139. Who can she believe?
  140. The first enemy?
  141. Jessica is here
  142. Once enemies, now partners
  143. George is scheming something
  144. More trouble for Jessica
  145. Surprise! Surprise, Motherfucker
  146. You are my North Star
  147. Alex in the police station, to surrender?
  148. You are not doing a great job
  149. The text
  150. Margaret knows
  151. So what is going on in Alex's life so far?
  152. What a scoundrel world it is
  153. Quite a reunion it is
  154. Karen, Jessica and now Rebecca?
  155. Do you have onlyFans?
  156. The inconvenience caused is deeply regretted.
  157. A web of events, inter-related?
  158. Fragments of Past, or Figment of Imagination?
  159. Martha's not angry anymore
  160. Is everyone's life fucked up because of a single guy?
  161. A weird tale of Abir and Veronica
  162. Aren't I holding for so long?
  163. Welcome everyone!
  164. Your death is here, dear husband
  165. You have such nice and big...
  166. Lavda Lahsan :)
  167. The cause of trouble is here
  168. May I come in Doctor?
  169. Audrey and Martha
  170. Abir is no more Abir
  171. He is a donkey, but my donkey!
  172. The vicious Veronica
  173. Brad is the sacrificial GOAT
  174. Clipping the tail
  175. Alex to the rescue?
  176. The shorty Ibn is down for the count
  177. The fight is over, and Alex got is reward
  178. The new guy, Brad's fan or Veronica's devotee?
  179. Alex's brother, Damien
  180. Alex is so chivalrous
  181. You are such a jerk
  182. Karen is back
  183. I don't like your husband, period...
  184. Claire and Alex meet again, at the hospital
  185. I will hold the leash
  186. What the...
  187. Annie and Claire meet the family
  188. My princess
  189. Claire dissing Jessica
  190. Mama Claire
  191. Karen got hurt, and a few familiar faces
  192. Familiar faces
  193. How did it happen?
  194. Can you not go?
  195. Alex kidnapped the hobo
  196. Bloody lonely people
  197. Alex and Karen (Part-I)
  198. Alex and Karen (Part-II)
  199. Audrey, Martha's Friend
  200. Martha is swinging the other way?
  201. Damien and Audrey have their own doubts
  202. Audrey sandwiched between Alex and Damien
  203. Never let anyone disrespect your mother
  204. Audrey finishes it up