Chapter 10-escape.
This was it, I was finally going to leave. I had my bag ready with the little things I planned to take along with me. I wrote Ma a short and accurate note this time.
I’ll be gone for a while, make sure to take good care of yourself.
I will always love you.
Lucia ♡x
I hung it on the fridge. It was a good thing she wasn’t around, I couldn’t handle the emotions that were sure to follow her finding out I was leaving.
I was putting my load at a hidden corner of the border, a place I was sure no one was going to see it. A place where the scent of my clothes could be hidden.
Making sure that no one was watching, I buried the bag, running back to the house. It had to be perfect. A little slip up and I was sure I was going to die in this pack.
At precisely 11:48 pm I needed to cross that border, no more, no less. Anything other than the stipulated time would be doom. That was the exact time they did change shifts.
I walked back to the house, the nerves eating me up.
I blew out a large amount of air through my mouth. The last time I did things hastily, I got caught. But this time? I was precise, desperate for everything to work out just fine.
I was pacing up and down the room, the nerves not allowing me to think straight.
knock knock
The door swung open revealing Sam. I nearly cussed out. I had forgotten to lock the door behind me, that was really stupid. Imagine if she had walked in on me packing?
“Are.. you okay?” she said, looking at me skeptically.
“Why wouldn’t I be?” my voice came out overly high pitched. I bit my inner lips.
“I don’t know, you look kind of pale.” She came inside the house. “Are you feeling pains again? Do you need-“
“Samantha!” she seemed to be taken aback by the way I reacted so I reigned in my emotions a whole lot. “I’m fine, okay? Just some school issues here and there and that’s it.” She seemed to understand where I was coming from. She couldn’t know, I mean we attended the same school.
“I’m sorry” she looked sad. “I wish I could make them stop but unfortunately no. I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you today,” I almost rolled my eyes at that. There was literally nothing she could do, even if she was at my side. The only thing being at my side could do was her getting the heat out of what I was facing.
“Forget it, what’s done is done. You came to see me?”
“Yes, I came to check up on you, and it’s time for dinner.” I smiled at her shaking my head no. I couldn’t risk It. I could eat and feel heavy, falling asleep.
I could also stay out late missing my opportunity.
The best I could do is stay here.
“I don’t think I can eat there. Things are not really different from school at the pack you know.” And that was true. It was the same set of kids who talked smack about me in the school hallways that said the same thing at the pack. It was just under a different setting.
“Oh, I didn’t realize. I’ll grab our food then, I’ll eat here with you” she smiled, rushing towards the door.
“No!” I screamed in panic.
That seemed to have shaken her because she immediately looked back to face me. I let out a breath to show that I was tired. “Look Sam, I know you care but I am drained, mentally and physically. I just, I just need to be alone and be in the right headspace right now,” I said, putting on a good show of emotions
I really hoped this explanation was enough. I needed to keep her off my back till after I crossed through the pack border
She opened her mouth severally before she finally said. “I’m sorry” she looked guilty, “I just haven’t seen much of you lately and I thought that maybe” She shook her head. “I’m sorry. I’ll come back in the morning.” I could see through the smile. She was hurt
Sam wasn’t the type that liked being excluded from things and she loved to help any way she could, so I knew this was definitely a blow for her.
“Thank you,” I ignored her emotions and closed the door
Not even waiting for her to leave first.
I looked at the clock and sighed.
“A few more hours,” I whispered to myself.
This was it. It was only a few minutes to the time. I started to walk quietly. IT made it less suspicious. It wasn’t odd for someone to want to take a walk around this time.
I even greeted a few, despite the looks they were giving.
I quickened my steps as the time grew closer, I was slightly out of breath at this point. Swiftly, I dug up the bag and continued.
This was it, I could smell it. Freedom.
I was finally going to be free from the humiliation. The pain, everything. I was going to start a new life.
The borders just as I expected were clear of anybody. There was nothing standing between me and freedom.
I quickened my pace, or at least tried to. I was starting to run out of breath. I could feel the invisible thread that bound me to the pack start to stretch thin.
“LUCIA!!” The hairs on my body stood. No, this couldn’t be. I was too discreet, there isn’t a way he would have known. “Come back here. Right now!!” I could feel his rage all the way from here. I calmed myself. He was too far away. There was no way he could catch up with me. I skipped my way quickly until ...
The air was knocked out of my lungs in an instant. The ground came closer to my face. It felt for me, like the whole world was happening in slow motion.
I turned over from the impact. It was Eric. I would know his wolf anywhere. He shifted in front of me stark naked. It bothered me a bit.
Wolves generally were comfortably with nudity, but not when someone’s family jewels were dangling right in my face.
I stood up quickly, the world looking a little blurry. I tried to escape him, but something sharp was pierced to my side from the back. It caused my neck to sting, and knocked me out, not even giving me enough time to react to the pain.