The Song in the Alpha's Heart Comments

  • Beth

    I am loving the plot in the book. DizzyIzzy has a fantastic imagination and easily hooks you. Be aware, this is an ongoing book, so be patient as we wait for more chapters. #whatsapp

    09/13/2023 12:32
  • Ayshe Smith

    this is such a well written and just generally excellent story. the character development between both the male lead and female lead genuinley surprised me. big congratulations to the author and I'm waiting to read more brilliant chapters!!!

    09/13/2023 12:32
  • Paula Almeida

    This story sounds really good. this poor Alhora will go through so much pain and suffering throughout her life that I really hope she has a happily ever after. I also want her to get revenge on her first mate that rejected her and on her family who treated her so poorly. I can’t wait to find out what happens in the story. #whatsapp

    09/13/2023 12:31
  • Sharon Chambers

    I admit I have read both the original and this new version of this story multiple times. I love both! It made me laugh and cry a lot! I very much recommend this and werewolf's heartsong if you are considering. #whatsapp

    09/13/2023 12:31
  • Branka Vinčić-Šarengaća

    #Whatsup Love the book! Interesting story and characters.

    09/13/2023 12:30
  • Jodie Maslanka

    I fell in love with the original and all of the characters, but this version of the story has just expanded on this love for all of the characters. #whatsapp

    09/13/2023 12:30
  • Nadine

    This is such a great story. I’m disappointed at the amount of errors but the story more than makes up for it. The level of detail is incredible and all the emotions the author has made me feel…just wow! #whatsapp

    09/13/2023 12:26
  • Mirela

    On my opinion, the fist version of the story it's much better, the story line is more flawless. I find this one here is rushed and the connection between the chapters is missing. So I prefer the first one. #whatsapp

    09/13/2023 12:23
  • Rafael

    I like this story. I one of my favorite stories. I like the characters a lot. I like the series also. and I wait for new chapters. I think is great that this is the story of werewolf heartsong from a different angle and with more details. #whatsapp

    09/13/2023 12:21
  • Jess

    I am several chapters in and I’m really enjoying the remastered version of this story. The writing is very well done. There is a good attention to detail in the description of characters and such. I am very impressed so far! #whatsapp

    09/13/2023 12:20
  • Reader-882101

    this is a freaking amazing story, sends you through so many emotions. The plot is written wonderfully, and the characters and their development!! just fantastic!! good job to the author!! #whatsapp

    09/13/2023 12:18
  • B!tch Tchaikovsky

    I loved reading werewolf alora heartsong and think I would love to check this book out #whatsapp

    09/13/2023 12:17
  • Nadia Ogle

    Loved reading DizzyIzzy's Heartsong books. The song in the Alpha's Heart was so inspiring and loved the kickass herion. #whatsapp

    09/13/2023 12:15
  • sarah caridad

    This book is great. The story flows well and is well written. you can fully imagine the characters. Definitely worth a read if you like this genre of books or ereaders. #whatsapp

    09/13/2023 12:14
  • Erina Hamilton

    read the original and loved it..have read all of the authors works and reccomend them all. loving the rewrite can't wait for more chapterseven though im aware of what happens! #whatsapp

    09/13/2023 12:11
  • Aisha Ali

    I've read the first few chapters of werewolve's heartsong and planning on reading the rest soon when I have time but I loved this version of the book more so I will be reading this one instead the author did a good job with the books #whatsapp

    09/13/2023 12:02
  • Ashley

    The storyline is very interesting and as you read you become so invested in the story and can not stop reading. I love the characters especially the female lead. It is well written and very detailed. I look forward to reading the whole book. #whatsapp

    09/13/2023 11:58
  • Lulu

    I am currently reading Werewolfs Heartsong so I admit I started reading this with a little bias. I can't make an unbiased assessment on this restructured version. I appreciate how this version has a prologue and you're already planting the seeds of curiosity in the budding relationships. There are minute changes in how Alora is presented in this version that lends itself to less of a connection than in the other version. I say that for myself as, again, I'm a bit biased. I don't think reading the 2 books at the same time would do anyone good but I am deeply intrigued to see how this version compares at the end of the day. At the end of the day, it is an incredible storyline with well developed characters that capture your curiosity and pull at your heartstrings. #whatsapp

    09/13/2023 11:57
  • Ana Mirta Ramirez

    love it, loved the original version and loving this one even more, the storyline is much more detailed, is a different way to immerse yourself into the story and feel like you’re there too, the only thing that so far I feel is lacking a bit is the emotional part of the story and what Alora has lived through and what’s still happening to her. other than that I love it and I am so glad you decided giving it a second chance to this story. #whatsapp

    09/13/2023 11:53
  • Joele G

    I’m really enjoying this author books. I must say it’s really well written. Just enjoying the suspense of the storyline in this book. It’s really a page turner. Can’t stop reading it must know what happens next. #whatsapp

    09/13/2023 11:48
  • Amal Samir

    The intro intrigues you to read the book to know what will happen next. It seems interesting and fun to read. I really love this kind of stories. I love how the hero helps his mate to find her true self. #whatsapp

    09/13/2023 11:39
  • Vicki usher

    This book sounds so good. I read werewolf's heartsong well I didn't quite finish it as it was still being written. I did really enjoy what I did read but can't remember the whole story. With is version it's like a fresh start I just know I will enjoy. Love the author so know it will be well written #whatsapp

    09/13/2023 11:39
  • MissElly83

    Just in the beginning it looks like a lot of other stories, but then it changes and it does it for the best. The story could not sound so original, but it's a good one, and it's really well written. I love the main characters development and the dinamics between the two. #whatsapp

    09/13/2023 11:39
  • Reader-214667

    WoW I liked how this story was written !! This new version of the original story brings something more that improves the story. I recommend if you like those themes 😊if you’re still wondering… go ahead and start reading ! #whatsapp

    09/13/2023 11:39
  • Dear Reader

    I really enjoyed the original version of this story. this version has so much flavor and is much more intense. I am preferring this version over the original. I appreciate that the author was like, “nah I can do this even better” especially since the original was so good and statisfying. #whatsapp

    09/13/2023 11:30
  • Kate Miller

    I’m loving the remastered version so far and can’t wait to continue. I stared with Werewolf’s Heartsong before finding the remastered version of the book and so far it is just as amazing if not more so! #whatsapp

    09/13/2023 11:23
  • Tricia Freligh

    I have read the first book and loved everything about it, but this book give so much more details that I feel you benefit from reading both books. This author is absolutely amazing. Thank you for all you give us. #whatsapp

    09/13/2023 11:14
  • Kitty-694016

    I absolutely adore this book! I am checking for updates at least three times a day and love all the twists and turns. the character development is amazing and keeps the reader hooked. I look forward to reading any book this author creates #whatsapp

    09/13/2023 10:37
  • Katja Rohne

    this is another lovely rendition of a damsel in distress werewolf style that helps the heroine come out of her shell and show others what she is truly made of. the hot alpha doesn’t hurt either so enjoy 😉#whatsapp

    09/13/2023 10:26
  • Loretta Oxyer

    Will you be completing this book?

    09/05/2023 07:20
  • Reader-529378

    pleaseeeeeeee needing a update soon

    09/05/2023 06:30
  • No zy

    is this book complete? does it have a sequel?

    09/05/2023 06:22
  • Bridgette Montpetit

    has something happened to Dizzylizzyn (the author)

    09/05/2023 06:20
  • Reader-543929

    need more updates

    09/05/2023 06:18
  • Rita Ball

    When is Dragon's Heartsong coming out and when are the updates on the other 2 books??

    09/05/2023 06:03
  • Lonnie Miller

    #bingeread This rewrite is so much more than I expected! I thought Werewolf's Heartsong was so good, but you are doing an amazing job of improving the plot progressions and developing the characters even more. I am enjoying the this book even more and can't wait for the updates.

    09/05/2023 06:00
  • Ava

    When is this getting updated again? I’ve been waiting over a month

    09/05/2023 05:52
  • Sharon Chambers

    I like a lot of your commenters love this new version of this story. The original pulled at my heartstrings and it feels like you have taken a story that I loved and made it even better! I am so hopeful that you will finish this rendition so that I can continue to fall in love all over again with these characters and this world! I hope you are well in your personal life! Thank you for gifting us with your talent!

    09/05/2023 05:46
  • Kimberly Reyes-Barrios

    when are the updates?

    09/05/2023 05:35
  • Reader-543929

    more updates please love this book

    09/05/2023 05:32
  • Colette Creron

    Impatiently waiting for updates, story so good I find myself checking a number of times during the day. Hope author is well, mean while I'll go back to waiting ❤️📖🤩

    09/05/2023 05:32
  • lauri Martin

    can you by chapters in bulk, or is it only individually?

    09/05/2023 05:28
  • Tiffany Oswalt

    have we heard anything about when izzy is going to put more of the rewrite out? loved the original but the more details with this one is 🔥🔥 please keep going 💙

    09/05/2023 05:28
  • And now a succubus! Nice apportion addition!

    09/05/2023 05:12
  • Sarah Fuller

    I was just wondering why you decided to change the pov style of the story, I started reading werewolfs Heartsong and loved how there were the pov's from different characters and for some reason I can't seem to connect to the characters aswell in this version even though it has all the extra bits in it

    09/05/2023 05:03
  • Sara Bottorff

    what book should read after Werewolf's Heartsong it's been 2yrs since I read this series is Witch's Heartsong next or Dragon's Heartsong

    09/05/2023 05:00
  • Reader-727523

    How often do new chapters drop?! I need more chapters!!!!

    09/05/2023 04:51
  • Pamela Pfaff

    I absolutely adored the original “HEARTSONG” but this is completely brilliant-so much more depth and detailed-I am throughly enjoying the rewrite-keep up the wonderful work-😺🌷🐬🇾🇪🇲🇨

    09/05/2023 04:46
  • Kirsty Davidson

    do you have an update schedule? it's been 2 weeks with no updates

    09/05/2023 04:43
  • Madison Renee Stone

    gives me cold chills reading this part 🥺

    09/05/2023 04:40
  • Kai Brown

    I have read all you books and I love how you wrote this one because it is so similar but yet so different from the original I can’t wait and can’t stop from looking for updates in chapters to see what happens next!!!!!

    09/05/2023 04:40
  • Marlayna MacLacklin

    this book is amazing!!! When will there be more chapters available?

    09/05/2023 04:38
  • Kimberly Reyes-Barrios

    hi. is there a schedule on how often the chapters come out?

    09/05/2023 04:34
  • Another excellent chapter ❤️

    09/05/2023 04:30
  • Kimberly Reyes-Barrios

    should I just go ahead and read the unedited one instead?

    09/05/2023 04:25
  • Adele Rosencrance

    Oh my goodness, this is so much, much better than the original. THANK YOU!!!

    09/05/2023 04:19
  • Jessica Szombathelyi

    is there. schedule for updates on this book. already read through the original

    09/05/2023 04:08
  • Reader-466442

    is this book completed?

    09/05/2023 04:07
  • Reader-543929

    love this book need new chapters

    09/05/2023 03:58
  • Wow! Loving the 'extraness' (I know that isn't really a word 😂) of this rewrite. I can't wait to read about their interaction.

    09/05/2023 03:55
  • Cassie Martin

    So very much love what she has going here.... really, really looking forward to an update. Please and Thank you!

    09/05/2023 03:52
  • Ava

    Patiently waiting for next update. I love this story and the original one.

    09/05/2023 03:48
  • Adele Rosencrance

    Wonderful, really Loving this THANK YOU!

    09/05/2023 03:44
  • Adele Rosencrance

    Oh this is so much better! Loving all the details you've added, makes everything come together much easier,THANK YOU!!💖

    09/05/2023 03:43
  • Tina Burke

    love the extra details. miss the ones that prove the extent of abuse by her sprite and how she felt she couldn't prove the abuse because her human doesn't scar.

    09/05/2023 03:33
  • Adele Rosencrance

    Great rewrite❤️

    09/05/2023 03:05
  • Ava

    I just went to the older version and over half of it is gone and being replaced with this one. What’s going on?

    09/05/2023 03:05
  • oooh this completely changed title

    09/05/2023 03:05
  • Reader-097863

    I LOVE this book!! I have not read the original, but I am absolutely dying for more chapters and for Damien and Alora to be together ♥️

    09/05/2023 03:04
  • Ava

    Thank you for the update.

    09/05/2023 02:57
  • Ava

    Excellent story revision even though I love reading the original story repeatedly also.

    09/05/2023 02:55
  • Kimberly Bullard

    I would love more chapters please

    09/05/2023 02:52
  • Ava

    Thank you for the awesome updates. You are truly blessed

    09/05/2023 02:47
  • Ava

    Thank you so much for the updates. I look forward to them every day. I still read the first version because I think it’s awesome also.

    09/05/2023 02:40
  • Sandra Carson-Price

    How long was Ember in college if she had both pregnancies and the care of toddlers while still in school but her kids are 5 years apart? I understand she's a doctor so may be including medical school, but everyone else seems to finish advanced degrees in about 15 minutes.

    09/05/2023 02:33
  • Adele Rosencrance


    09/05/2023 02:17
  • Amóra Banks

    okay so rewrite to be accurate?

    09/05/2023 02:11
  • Krysta Schutte

    I'm not going to lie that one made me cry

    09/05/2023 02:09
  • Ava

    Thank you for the update loving this version of the story like the original story.

    09/05/2023 02:02
  • Adele Rosencrance

    Am really enjoying this rewrite, so much more detailed, LOVE IT!!Thank you💕

    09/05/2023 01:50
  • Angela Pickrem

    DizzyIzzy, i think that break you had was good for you. your creativity has come out in full force along with your humour. Although you had a rough go for awhile, it has helped you with the craftiness of your stories.. I absolutely love it. keep up the amazing writing you keep us captivated.

    09/05/2023 01:40
  • Reader-543929

    need some new up date

    09/05/2023 01:34
  • Ava

    Thank you for all the updates.

    09/05/2023 01:31
  • Reader-518721

    I really love this series but for some reason the author has seem to not want to update any of it, it makes me sad. I really like to see the updates and finish reading the series. It’s really good.

    09/05/2023 01:22
  • Cindy Paeth

    Thank you so much for this update. it so good. I can wait for the next one of they are as good as this one is. ❤️

    09/05/2023 01:00
  • Loretta Oxyer

    Please continue. I love all your books.

    09/05/2023 00:59
  • Reader-489172

    Does anyone know when the last update was made and if there is a schedule to when updates are put out?

    09/05/2023 00:55
  • Burnadette Hooper

    I love this book but it needs an update as soon as possible. We've been waiting for too long. I've sent messages via FB but didn't get a reply. please update soon this is a great book but it's been way too long and fans are getting frustrated or at least I am!

    09/05/2023 00:52
  • Burnadette Hooper

    Please update soon...we need the next chapters

    09/05/2023 00:30
  • Angela Noneya

    when will there be more chapters?

    09/04/2023 23:57
  • Zoe Reynolds

    is there any more updates

    09/04/2023 23:54
  • Christina Foster

    will there be an update anytime soon I really like this book

    09/04/2023 23:49
  • Marvin Vanderkust

    8l9z This story for my attention in an instant. I will put it library, because it is a must read

    09/04/2023 23:45
  • Lindsay Erickson

    will this be updated anytime soon?

    09/04/2023 23:39
  • Maria Cecilia Reyes-Meliton

    8l9z I loved Warewolf's Heartsong, this looks to be just as good if not better version of that story.

    09/04/2023 23:34
  • Vicki usher

    8l9z# such I wonderful writer keeps you at the edge of you seat. I have read the original but had to read this too.

    09/04/2023 23:33
  • Gemma Butler

    8l9z I loved loved loved the original ‘Werewolves Heartsong’ so can’t wait to read this version

    09/04/2023 23:32
  • Alexandra Nala S

    Can't wait to read the reaction of the frost and northmountain clan alphas.. and what they do to their spawns..

    09/04/2023 23:32
  • Ava

    I’m patiently waiting for update.

    09/04/2023 23:21
  • phigment27

    why won’t you update. it’s not right. you get us hooked and then weeks go by with no info.

    09/04/2023 23:19