His Blazing Witch. Comments
lol I hate short chapters leaves me wanting so much more I’ll be sad when it ends yet I’m excited for the end
09/04/2023 21:20Hannah Baines
Love your stories of silver city I just get annoyed sometimes with the waiting but I understand haha just being impatient for the next chapter I hope there are more to come after this book ❤️❤️❤️
09/04/2023 21:20Elisa Perbel-Mick
09/04/2023 21:20Alicia Flores
Yessssss Liam is back in bussines 👏👏👏😁😁😁😁
09/04/2023 21:20Ta Willow Romero
love love love❤❤❤❤
09/04/2023 21:20xian
can’t wait for the next chapter
09/04/2023 21:20Pam Hernandez
09/04/2023 21:20Lisa
great story, great characters, great author what more do you want???!!!
09/04/2023 21:20Cristin Ronqvist
Nooo what a cliffhanger Jenny 🙀🦊 omg amazing dame girl i cant wait for more 👌😂😉❤️🙈
09/04/2023 21:20Coluber Constrictor
So do we expect that Mara is a fated mate to Liam, but he just hasn't told her yet?
09/04/2023 21:19Auras Laura
perfect for each other👏😊
09/04/2023 21:19Holite Monroe
😬 these two crack me up! will they stop being stubborn lol I really hope Mara gets some answers or is able to get her memories back soon.
09/04/2023 21:19rose Shah
loved it... can't wait untill she breaks the cuts. ..
09/04/2023 21:19oh I hope mara is ok
09/04/2023 21:19Tanya-Mari Bam
The book is still ongoing!!! Now im at chapter 24 and have to wait... Cant wait for rest!!!
09/04/2023 21:19Love it!
09/04/2023 21:19I'd love to read a series on the kids fast forward 15 - 20 years maybe 🥰 Well done Jenny
09/04/2023 21:19rose Shah
what just happend like how is this possible...... why can't she come out..... was it a dream.... I hope clarissa can come out and sort this .... loved it
09/04/2023 21:19Shayla Arhin
thank you for this rollercoaster ride
09/04/2023 21:19Marina Ortega
Cutest couple!
09/04/2023 21:19jyomarie.
great move Mara! ⚡️🌩
09/04/2023 21:19hpearce15
Great chapter Jenny! ♥️ Gosh I hope Kelsi is going to be ok!! Can’t wait to read the next chapter!! Nearing the end!? I hope not! 😉
09/04/2023 21:19Valarie Hyde
oh nooo please not Liam , dont let him die
09/04/2023 21:19Dipti Gupta
I really loved this update 💞
09/04/2023 21:19Summer Stockham
Yes she did have visions. I wonder if that means they are somehow related. maybe she’s like a secret daughter of Syl’s mom or a cousin.
09/04/2023 21:19Marcia Bubb
09/04/2023 21:19Maria Patricia
OH I'm so emotional 😭🥺 I'll miss All silver city! highly recommended story ❤️❤️❤️
09/04/2023 21:18Rebecc S
that's an amazing start!! hope the writer update more
09/04/2023 21:18Winter Rose
Love it!
09/04/2023 21:18Vicki Trewella
Oohhh WOW! 😳
09/04/2023 21:18Gabzzz Rodzzz
yesss this is fun!!
09/04/2023 21:18b1gun3
as cool as that chapter was... I’m really anxious to get back to the story
09/04/2023 21:18Sarah Griffin
(Ch 26) I'm surprised Liam smokes considering he said Sylviana hated any kind of smoke or flame and that smoke made her feel sick.
09/04/2023 21:18Sabrina Webb
loved the rest of the series...the anticipation is killing me!!!
09/04/2023 21:18Sarah Griffin
(Ch 26) Realizing Sylviana's house was condemmed after she died made me feel even worse for Liam. Poor Liam couldn't even go there for comfort or to have a piece of her to hold on to. And he had been practically living there too.
09/04/2023 21:18Denise Meriel Sollano
im still at the edge of my seat every.single.time
09/04/2023 21:18rosie
I love the little touch of referencing Selena’s old mentor. I’m sure she’d know more about maras past also 😢
09/04/2023 21:18Isabelle Kidder
noooo not Liam!
09/04/2023 21:18rose Shah
wow loved it. I hope Kelsi gets better soon.
09/04/2023 21:18Elsa Rodarte
really wish this book would be finished already. losing altitude
09/04/2023 21:18Deli Tamsin Cragg
I love these books. Mates so loving and tender and here my Mr came running up to me earlier and demanded I smell his belly. Gotta love his wierdo ways. Well done jenny I can't wait to have all the books on my shelf xx
09/04/2023 21:18Marcia Bubb
The plot thickens...I love this story and Im teuly satisfied with how it's developing. Very unpredictable...
09/04/2023 21:18Cristin Ronqvist
Thank you so incredibly mutch for al your Hard work and well wrighting and amazing stories Jenny ❤️🥰🐺🤩
09/04/2023 21:18Lally Devon
Wow so much is going on getting anxious really feel like being in Silver City 🌃 amazing 🤩 chapter Jenny Fox 🦊 😘❤️❤️❤️
09/04/2023 21:18genkenry
so Nate decided to hide his identity too.. since as far I can remember in the previous book Nate is the face of their company..I guess they change a lot after what happen.
09/04/2023 21:17MiLENA J
I can't believe it's over! Loved the Silver City from the beginning to the end! I'm sure that I'll re-read it soon! Keep up the great work Jenny!
09/04/2023 21:17Ludmila Bacova
can't wait for next chapter to see what's going to happen next...
09/04/2023 21:17Roseam
Wow! Go Mara, I'm always up for her doing something crazy. Hopefully Bobo will be alright. 💜
09/04/2023 21:17Reader-862173
wait I thought Selena and Nates youngest was only one at this point it time?
09/04/2023 21:16rosie
just what I was waiting for. then again, I love me some air bender 😅
09/04/2023 21:16Brenda Gutierrez
maybe this is the story of the witches mom cuz she was a fire witch.. hmmm
09/04/2023 21:16Anu
thank you very much Jenny...that’s an amazing story....loved it a lot...looking forward to more...
09/04/2023 21:16Patricia Machado-Richard
please let liam be alive pleaee please pleaseeeeeee
09/04/2023 21:16Vicki Trewella
Oohhh... poor Kelsi! 😂🤣
09/04/2023 21:16Reader-201990
Liam! finally!
09/04/2023 21:16Auras Laura
i will miss them🥰🥰
09/04/2023 21:16Christina Nevarez
omg! fire, water, and now lightning!?! 😲
09/04/2023 21:16Bonnie Lancaster
AHHHHH, I'm so in love with your writing. Please keep bringing us awesomeness like this. I love the series all together, but this book is really super creative and I need it. I need more chapters in a week it's that great. Thank you for sharing your amazing stories with us🥰🥰
09/04/2023 21:16Holite Monroe
🥰🥰🥰😍😍😍 Liam!!!! yay!!! they finally meet!!!! I can’t wait for updates!!
09/04/2023 21:16Beatriz Astorga Morales
My god!!! Why can’t all the witches be friends and help each other??? And all together go against that Curse and find another city... 😅😅😅 Ok, ok, ok... I’ll be more patient 🤪🤪🤪
09/04/2023 21:16Reader-207821
🤩🤩🤩 WOW!!!!! Can’t wait for the next chapter. Next chapter me please.
09/04/2023 21:16AieSyah RzeCt
O M G!!! I'm internally screaming!!!!!!!!!!!! i really hope for mara grows up fast n learn about her power.... n also herself!!!
09/04/2023 21:16Jemma
i knew it was Ben at the end of her bed 😂😂😂 actually would of been crying but want to kill him 🤣 hilarious wheh she threw a book at him, poor Ben 😁 he’s more a golden retriever than a “beast” 🤣 maybe Kelsi can see ghosts, she did study Mara’s magic but maybe there’s more to Kelsi she has to discover hmm 👻🤷🏻♀️ or maybe it was just a funny Halloween chapter 😂
09/04/2023 21:15Ieva Igaune
Love this book 😍
09/04/2023 21:15Lyn Yu-Lao
brilliant!!! how often is the update?
09/04/2023 21:15rose Shah
love all you silver city books
09/04/2023 21:15Sarah Griffin
(Ch. 14) Also now that they've officially met and spoken face to face he's going to be even more drawn to her and it's going to be even harder for him to stay away. As readers we will be loving that though!
09/04/2023 21:15Karla Larson
Liam and Mara better end up happily ever after
09/04/2023 21:15Taina Iosefo
Hahaha love these last updates!!! so excited to see/read about Mara being in her wolf form. haha
09/04/2023 21:15Bethan
Oh my days this is just getting better and better 😍
09/04/2023 21:15Beckie Boo
omg I need a other chapter like yesterday I love how Jenny writes you just want more and more xxx
09/04/2023 21:15Latiffa K
Love the ending! hope they can live longer! Awesome story
09/04/2023 21:15Cristin Ronqvist
😥🙀 Great chapter and amazing work 🌹🕊️❤️
09/04/2023 21:15Kellie Fransham
oohhhh the wolf witch cursing the witches!!! that makes so much more sense now! she’s taking revenge on the Luna witches descendents for killing her mate.
09/04/2023 21:15Sarah Griffin
(Ch 26) I'm laughing at how Liam is saying witches don't like direct confrontation. Mara is all about direct confrontation!
09/04/2023 21:15Roseam
I love that they're best friends. Great finish to a wonderful story. 💜😊
09/04/2023 21:14Stacy England
very intense but I love everything about teamwork and getting the job done. great job Jenny Fox
09/04/2023 21:14Lilia Brush
update please!!
09/04/2023 21:14caitmjoycm
09/04/2023 21:14I have some sneaking suspicion that Mara will somehow combine her powers with Nora’s to a) regrow Nate’s arm and b) heal Liam’s eye 🤔🤔🤔 Maybe Selena won’t hate her as much if she can give her husband his arm back. That’s bugged me since he lost it...
09/04/2023 21:14Antonia Mertikas
I think that the 3 of them together can defeat the curse Mara Nora and Selina. It's getting interesting can't wait for the next chapter Jenny 😏
09/04/2023 21:14Auras Laura
👏👏 you are killing us Jenny😍
09/04/2023 21:14Rosie Smith
love it as always 🥰🥰🥰
09/04/2023 21:14zanalista rivermyst
love it dont want it to end I'd follow them on their journey!!!
09/04/2023 21:14Kelly Kegley
I’m guessing the “rock” the human Luna visits and cries at is a grave and the wolfs mate is buried there. I’m also guessing “Mara” is the wolf Luna.
09/04/2023 21:13Reader-257211
09/04/2023 21:13sofia caballero
I want Liam to meet Mara already
09/04/2023 21:13Beatriz Astorga Morales
My god!!! it’s so interesting! I’m so happy Liam is supporting Mara... 🥰🥰🥰
09/04/2023 21:13rose Shah
wow go mara I hope Liam does survive though please update soon love this chapter
09/04/2023 21:13Heather Pershing
I’m sad to see Silver City Series end but I really enjoyed reading all three books. His Blazing Witch was a great read and nice way to wrap up the series. 🔥🖤 Thank you Jenny I just cannot get enough of your stories!
09/04/2023 21:13Anu
yay yay yay.......
09/04/2023 21:13Aliki
found this dragged on a little too much.
09/04/2023 21:13Liberty Care
why did Mara cry when meeting Nora the firts time?
09/04/2023 21:13Reader-555364
Now we’re getting to the bottom of it!
09/04/2023 21:13Becky Biggs
AMAZING!! Honestly Jenny Fox is so clever! 🤯🤩👏👏👏🙌🙌🙌🤓
09/04/2023 21:13Leah Chon
love it . I have a feeling mara’s gonna unlock her full power as soon as she gets the missing peace then we’ll see that darn curse try to mess with her lol
09/04/2023 21:13wait did I miss something? Did Bobo die?
09/04/2023 21:12Maria Patricia
This story from the beginning and each chapter, gets more and more amazing! thank you so much!
09/04/2023 21:12Cristin Ronqvist
09/04/2023 21:12Hollstar
ooooh now we’re getting somewhere! loving this book so far and I’m sure it will end up being just as fantastic as the rest of Jenny’s books! ❤️❤️❤️
09/04/2023 21:12