Her Returned Mate (The Gathering Shadows Series, Book I) Comments

  • tara straight

    so when did Arianna change? she went from a blue knee high dress to a pink slitted dress.

    08/31/2020 02:57
  • Laurie Stolen Suppes

    Good story, but you need a better proofread!

    08/31/2020 02:55
  • Shelly Hendren

    my main thoughts are on editing tbh the story is pretty good but I cringe at half the writing and sometimes the whole word is wrong not just misspelled however the first mystery I think is her father I mean who else could have lost their memory at the same time yet feel close to her the bag guy is obviously her old alpha who was banished but not killed who else would be coming for her

    08/31/2020 02:31
  • Jennyfer Henry

    Need to upload new chapters quicker, like every day would be great, getting bored of having to wait so long

    08/31/2020 02:22
  • Merry G.

    Does anyone else flipping love Monroe? I want a book with him and his mate!

    08/31/2020 00:56
  • Anna Vasquez

    maybe it's Wilsons spirit coming back to get revenge.

    08/31/2020 00:08
  • Shenise Mulberry

    I think the stranger is her Dad or her brother if she had one

    08/30/2020 17:58
  • Kat

    30 coins for a chapter 😶 way too high. Definitely time to delete this app

    08/30/2020 17:04
  • Jodi Rodriguez

    how soon will the ne t chapters be available

    08/30/2020 16:47
  • Zoalie774

    Chapter 4. I like that now that Sebastien knows who is mate is, he is stuck between who choosing Gia or Raine.

    08/30/2020 16:16
  • Zoalie774

    Chapter 3. In ch.3 i love how Rayne met someone that actual was nice and friendly with her compared to Rayne's pack.

    08/30/2020 15:56
  • ppoggirl

    Parker mate need to make an appearance now. she will give up Sebastian and I feel Parker May choose his mate and hurt her even more

    08/30/2020 15:21
  • Zoalie774

    Chapter 2. What I like about Ch.2 is that you read that Sebastien doesnt want to find his mate either.

    08/30/2020 15:12
  • Zoalie774

    For this chapter, i like how Rayne doesnt find the need of having or searching a mate. Bc like that it means that she is independant on her own and that she doesnt like being controlled by someone.

    08/30/2020 14:45
  • Tianna Bradley

    I would LOVE to read this, but I can’t afford the coins 😕 Loved how it started out though!! ❤️

    08/30/2020 13:30
  • J C

    This is great, as someone who has read a lot of stories about mates, I always had an issue with the idea of having someone forced to be with you because something decided you'd be perfect together. I am always a proponent of free will and choice. I will say the way Sebastian has acted would turn me off from him for good and I'd never choose him and would'vewould've severed the bond immediately. While I'm hoping parker and rayne end up together, if they don't I hope she bows out gracefully. I'm excited to read more.

    08/30/2020 07:48
  • Winter_Storm

    This is looking very great! I love the characteristics of Rayne and Sebastion and how different they are to others in there packs. Keep up the good work and remember to show not tell. Although, your already doing that very well!

    08/30/2020 06:39
  • Inaya Mariyam

    wow! the story is interesting!

    08/30/2020 06:34
  • GK Reading

    I have to say... I’m torn... my fingers are crossed for Seb, but he is really letting me down and he just keeps acting like a dick. I get we all make mistakes and it’s pretty fair to think that there would be ware-wolves out there that would question and even challenge the idea of a “destined mate” as well as reject it. Especially if they have feelings for someone else. His feeling were real for Gia and she was around since he was 13... that’s a long time. So frankly, I can understand him rejecting his mate from that perspective. Just like how Ray now has feelings for Parker and even tho I can’t say I’m team Parker, he HAS been there for her. He is her best friend, lover and support. Her feelings for him are real regardless of Seb being there or not. I am extremely frustrated with Ray tho, I understand that Seb was a total dick to her 5 years ago and he is still acting like a brat, but she REFUSES to even acknowledge Seb or his feelings when she herself should understand how it feels to be in love with someone that isn’t your mate. Don’t get me wrong, I understand her being a bitch to him at first, but I feel like she is being just as childish as Seb for hiding behind her walls and friends and not even having a conversation with him... Also, I find it interesting that (at this point from what I have read) no one around her seems to even respect the mate bond or even try’s to play devil’s advocate here and talk to her. They are all just hoping on board with her stopping her heart and hoping they she will come back just fine from that. I mean obviously she will, that wouldn’t be a great ending if she died... lol Idk, I’m just rambling cause I’m pissed at all of them, I would at least think her dad, who knows what a mate bond is and how amazing and powerful it is, would talk to her about what she is giving up. Anyway to the writer, I hope you don’t think I’m disrespecting your writing or characters. I like it very much and am hooked. Keep up the good work! As a a mature writer myself I do understand character development and I know we have all tossed books at wall because of characters before hahaha! :)

    08/30/2020 04:43
  • Deannchris

    mysterious man her father the witch still to bee seen

    08/30/2020 04:38
  • Raven

    at first I thought this was like other apps where over time the chapters would unlock but I see that you have to pay for them and as a single mother of three lil ones that’s just something I can’t do good read so far but I guess I’m out!

    08/30/2020 03:22
  • jj stars

    i can't say a word! it's a very good story!!!

    08/30/2020 03:09
  • Sydney Fitzgerald

    I am kind of disappointed because I am so into the book, but I have to purchase coins to keep reading it:/

    08/30/2020 02:56
  • Peedletuck

    You asked for thoughts about Sebastian’s change of heart towards Jace. So that’s why I came to the comments, I have a lot to say on the subject. Honestly I have a hard time liking stories with children from past relationships. I was kind of surprised when he said to send him off with Gia, but not completely upset by it. I know it’s a harsh view because children are innocent, but the way I see Jace, he would be such a terrible reminder of the night Sebastian turned his back on Rayne. So not only does she need to forgive him for the terrible things he said, for choosing a woman who kicked her so hard she cracked her ribs and for staying with this woman for 5 years after the fact, never bothering to check on her. She will need to be a step mother to a kid that is not even his, and the baby he was so excited about when Gia told him in FRONT of Rayne. I get that Rayne didn’t want a mate. But her past abuse made her distrustful, and she felt like the only person she could count on was herself. Then she meets her mate, and he drove that point home, when he turned his back on her and chose someone else. No one had ever put her first. So if she forgives Sebastian, which I want to happen eventually, definitely not right away. She will be constantly reminded of the night she met her true mate and he, like everyone else, didn’t choose her. Every time she looks at Jace she will remember, he was the Ace in his mother’s pocket to pull Sebastian away from Rayne that night and it worked. It makes me mad that she will have to continue to be reminded of that every day if she goes with him. Again, I realize I sound like a jerk talking about a fictional kid like this, but this is why I don’t like children from past relationships in books. Having a child with someone is so special and it’s just one more first Rayne won’t have with Sebastian. Regardless of whether Jace is his or not, he still experienced having a family with someone else instead of her. What is left for her? He’s already done everything with someone else.

    08/30/2020 02:10
  • Lynn Nicks

    I though these novels were free to read that's false advertising

    08/30/2020 01:52
  • Heidi Stancliffe

    oh my gosh!!! today’s chapter was awesome!!!! loved it!! love this story!!!!

    08/30/2020 01:23
  • Steve

    Great story! Sorry I think Gia needs to die otherwise he will never be rid of her! I hope Parker finds a mate and he and Rayne can remain friends so they can move on. I think Sebastian needs to get the chance to apologize for his mistake, I feel she needs to know that and then they can be a couple! I love the characters and Rayne's group of friends and how the support each other.

    08/30/2020 00:59
  • Samantha packard

    I think its time to reunite Rayne and sebastion and have Parker find his mate. hoe ironic would it be if his mate was gia.....

    08/29/2020 22:56
  • მარი ლელუაშვილი

    It’s great story. I really, really love paranormal stories.

    08/29/2020 21:05
  • Vicki Trewella

    Oh darn you have me well and truly hooked now! Keel well ❤

    08/29/2020 19:58
  • Reader-039177

    I can’t wait for more!! awesome Story.

    08/29/2020 16:22
  • Ann Margaret Concepcion Lomae

    I only just starting this app because of this story I saw on fb, but I am wondering if you can earn rewards or coins instead of buying

    08/29/2020 15:49
  • Kat Jones

    seems like a good story but almost not worth the time it takes to unlock the next chapter. fixing to delete this app!

    08/29/2020 15:26
  • Samantha Finlay

    Omg loving this, Can't wait to see what happens for all of them xx

    08/29/2020 14:08
  • Alex the Wolfia

    This is a really good book so far!

    08/29/2020 13:54
  • Abigail Akiele

    not sure about this yet..

    08/29/2020 13:45
  • Trayla Rose

    it's a really good story with a great plot. I will elaborate when I finish the book.

    08/29/2020 07:11
  • Sheila Parker

    it not letting me go to next ome

    08/28/2020 22:47
  • Jessica Ramsey

    how often are chapters uploaded

    08/28/2020 22:11
  • Kim Almendarez

    I hope Rayne and Sebastian end up together. I could not stand him at first but I think they both have grown into different people they were when they first met. I hope Rayne will realize this!! absolutely love Parker but I have a feeling he is going to end up happy when he finds his mate

    08/28/2020 21:10
  • Kim Almendarez

    when will the next chapter be done?? so excited to read it.

    08/28/2020 20:53
  • Cheyenne Cardinal Mabbutt

    Great story so far! The spelling/grammar errors are killing me though. Words are often missed or swapped in a way that it doesnt make sense. Hopefully it gets better.

    08/28/2020 20:52
  • Heidi Stancliffe

    I love Rayne and Parker! I hope she is strong and rejects Sebastian! He made his bed, he can lay in it. He wouldn’t have cared 2 straws about her if he hadn’t caught Gia. He’s the weak one

    08/28/2020 19:30
  • Greenfr0gify

    I’ve trolled through many of this kinds of apps and stories looking for a good one and am enjoying this book so much! thank you - good luck with your health and look forward to the updates!

    08/28/2020 09:47
  • Kera Burke

    love this book so far. I hope u are feeling better. I have lupus, so I understand

    08/28/2020 07:19
  • BlackSambuca

    is this in a ebook or somewhere else. id rather buy the book outright.

    08/28/2020 05:13
  • Jamilah Nurul

    wow. very amazing story. annoying why just reading it now. a story that is very deep in my heart

    08/28/2020 04:45
  • Reader-465029

    This is one of the best well written stories I’ve read so far. I’m team Seb and I hope in the next chapters his human side continues to come out. Awesome story line

    08/28/2020 03:52
  • Au'Star_lie

    your story is awesome can't wait to see what's next.

    08/28/2020 03:06
  • Kris Cooper

    unicorn! or nor whale! ooh ohh jack-ah-lope! 🤭🤣

    08/27/2020 23:27
  • Marii Solaria

    Hi there! Fellow writer here! I just want to say that your story is amazing, very well-written, and the twists and turns always leave me wanting more. Rayne is such a human character with flaws and insecurities and I can tell how much she loves Parker. I can’t wait to see the character development in Sebastion throughout the story and the adventures that lie ahead for both Rayne and Parker. The world building details are so intriguing. I can’t wait to know more! Once again, you are an amazing writer and I wish you well with your health. Always take time to focus on yourself before your writing. 💕

    08/27/2020 22:47
  • Traci Grabeel

    who wrote this book

    08/27/2020 21:58
  • Traci Grabeel

    who wrote this book

    08/27/2020 21:57
  • Paola Medrano

    i really want to keep reading but it’s to expensive ! especially rn with Covid-19 it’s hard times. one day I’ll finish it.

    08/27/2020 16:19
  • Reader-099801

    I’m pretty much a unestablished book critic. Most of these apps have the absolute worst work I have ever laid eyes on. I was surprised by how well this is written and all the twists and turns it has taken. Patiently waiting for the next update. You have a brilliant mind, chick!

    08/27/2020 16:03
  • Kemi Favour

    I'm enjoying this story so far i'm so excited to read on and see what's next🤗🤗

    08/27/2020 15:07
  • NiCo NiCo

    Sebastian has he’s chances now he wanted her cause his lover cheated on him. hopefully she don’t go back to him. no matter he change or not he choose another women over her so he can just go back to that cheating wh*** and share her with other male. 😤

    08/27/2020 12:44
  • Melissa Scobee

    so far it's a good book

    08/27/2020 10:17
  • Elizabeth Rockholt

    really do love the story , but I would rather pay for the whole story at once and the way I’ve been doing it not a big fan of it ..I guess I’m just used to my Kindle where I purchased the book and read it

    08/27/2020 06:05
  • Ashley Rigby

    loving this book!!! I have the Same kinda issues and reading your book and others helps me so thank you!

    08/27/2020 03:14

    I know people are really upset about Sebastian denying Rayne saying they shouldn’t get back together but isn’t that the whole premise of this book? It’s called “her returned mate” not “her new mate that she found because her old mate rejected her”. If a girl never forgave her alpha mate for doing something stupid, half of these werewolf books would be of no value to read... honestly I enjoy the werewolf books more because I love to see how their relationship literally goes from the worst thing to the best thing. just my opinion though

    08/27/2020 01:54
  • NiCo NiCo

    Sebastian is a ass**** now he found his lover cheating on him made his think of his true mate. he is a selfish prick. he don’t deserve her. hella he can cry baby all he want. I just hope his true mate don’t take him back he deserve what you get. so pathetic of him.

    08/27/2020 01:33
  • Thia Harris

    Is this story anywhere else because I'd love to finish it but cant afford it atm. The is story one of the best starts I've found in quite awhile with only a few grammatical errors that are noticeable. Hard to find im these apps.

    08/26/2020 21:25
  • Bgilstrap

    I am torn between Parker and Sebastian. I want Sebastien and Rayne to be end game. But I love Parker and I think he is so good for Rayne. He was there for her when no one else was. Sebastian need a redemption scene, a good one, before he is worthy of Rayne.

    08/26/2020 19:14
  • Reader-116619

    I know majority of the people are shipping Rayne and Parker but honestly... I can’t wait to see her get with Sabastian! After he works his ass off to get her to forgive him of course. I want Parker to be happily with his mate. I don’t think it’d be fair of him to reject her...

    08/26/2020 07:59
  • Malyssa Christyne

    I'm also team Sabbie lol! I hope in the upcoming chapters Parker finally meets his mate either through his brother & his mate or a new bartender they hire! So when Sabastian goes for his final mission to take his mate home & takes it seriously by talking to her personally 1 on 1 & be truthful about his feelings & regrets & apologizes for the past mistakes & shows her the real him. not the ridiculous immature growl at everyone acting so caveman I'd be embarrassed by him lol. NO TOUCH MY MATE!!! GRRR....MINE!!!! HAHA

    08/26/2020 02:27
  • Reader-254912

    I hope you feel better real soon and I love your book and can’t wait for an update 😉😊

    08/25/2020 23:17
  • Samantha packard

    does Parker keep his mate? does she end up with sebastion?

    08/25/2020 22:54
  • Sandie Rizzo-Link

    never apologize for having an illness. I suffer from Fibromyalgia along with rheumatoid arthritis and was also diagnosed with lung cancer so I do understand. Take care of yourself put yourself first you’re writing is excellent

    08/25/2020 22:16
  • Toni-Dee Downer

    how often do you update?

    08/25/2020 14:28
  • North Rose 🌹

    To all of my lovely readers, some one so kindly decided it would be a great idea to promote another author through me. While I support other authors and their writting efforts, it is VERY rude to do this to another author. Bad Boy please don't do this again. Thank you to all my reader for your feedback and comments. As always stay safe and happy reading.

    08/24/2020 20:00
  • Alaire

    I mean come on, 9 years of your friends and family and pack members saying that your girlfriend is seducing them or their mates. Sebastien is an idiot and doesn't deserve his true mate.

    08/24/2020 07:37
  • Alaire

    I'm team Parker. screw Sebastien.

    08/24/2020 07:35
  • Amanda Jade

    I think Rayne is slightly hypocritical. Bridgette terrorized her for years, and she forgave her. Sebastian was an ass rag yes. But she didn't want him anyway! And I know Parker is important to her. But she can't ask Parker to reject his mate for her. That's the same shit Gia did. I think she should at least give Sebastian a chance to explain himself and his growth just like ahe did bridgette. Otherwise she's just Gia with better motives. I don't know I'm hooked though 🤦🏾‍♀️ We will find out what happens.

    08/24/2020 02:35
  • Bridgett


    08/24/2020 02:34
  • Bridgett


    08/24/2020 02:30
  • Sandie Rizzo-Link

    I am so sorry you are not well. please stay safe. get well soon. loving this story.

    08/22/2020 16:41
  • Anna Kurowski

    the sun rises on the east coast not the west.

    08/22/2020 02:50
  • Ashley Rigby

    really enjoying this book. 30+ coins for each chapter is a bit much I swear you authors are killing my bank account. you write so well. looking forward to more!

    08/21/2020 23:59
  • Kera Burke

    ohhhh love this story. side thought..... how would fake boobs work in werewolf form 🤔 🤣

    08/21/2020 21:23
  • JamieHichew

    loving the story so far!! 😍

    08/21/2020 13:45
  • JamieHichew

    loving the story so far!! 😍

    08/21/2020 13:43
  • Biney Ruelas

    wouldn’t it be crazy if Gia was Parker’s mate? it would make rejecting her so much easier

    08/21/2020 07:36
  • Jessica White

    Time to shake things up and find Parker’s mate. He seems fabulous but his mate might just be a keeper too. can’t wait to see where it goes. Sorry but I’m team Sebastian. We’ve all done stupid, ridiculous things for the love of the wrong person. He learned a lesson.

    08/21/2020 07:21
  • Jessica McDuffie

    I believe the new hire is parker's mate & that is why she wore a sad face before leaving out of the bar

    08/21/2020 06:51
  • Tisha Dash

    wai.. wait. why is Alec deadddd! no! ˚‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )‧º·˚ and author, I love this book

    08/20/2020 17:25
  • Tisha Dash

    wai.. wait. why is Alec deadddd! no! ˚‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )‧º·˚ and author, I love this book

    08/20/2020 17:25
  • Kris Cooper

    This is the thing I will never understand about were culture. you can be an abusive a hole and still get your mate. I am not rooting for Sebastian.

    08/20/2020 04:43
  • Paige Copeland

    I want her to be with Seb. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I get why everyone is team Parker, but there’s a reason the goddess pairs people. Perhaps had he not been a colossal ass, he would have never made all these moves to be a better man. I don’t want her to not be friends with Parker, but I think it would be cruel for Parker to reject his mate because Rayne refuses to give her mate a chance.

    08/19/2020 21:24
  • North Rose 🌹

    Sorry everyone for the Untitled chapter. It will be called Moving Forward With Steady Resolve as soon as I can have it updated. I rushed to complete only noticing after that I didn't write in the dang title. Happy ready.

    08/19/2020 18:26
  • Jessica Flowers Althoff

    It’s a great story. I love how Parker loves her but wonder how he would be with his mate?? I don’t agree with what Seb did but she didn’t want a mate anyway. Seb has been hurt enough, as well as Rayne so they both deserve happiness. If the bond is severed, could she be the second chance mate too, proving that the Moon Goddess has plans for them regardless of what they want?? That’s a twist!! Excited for a new chapter!

    08/19/2020 18:04
  • Taryn-Marie Jenkins

    I feel so conflicted. I really like Parker’s character but I want Sebastian and Rayne to end up together. I hope that Parker’s true mate will be introduced and Parker and Rayne remain friends. I just feel so bad for Sebastian and Rayne’s wolves. Ares has been suffering and longs for his mate while Ruby is settling and likes Parker enough but that’s not her true mate. I like the story so far which is surprising for me since I’m someone who avoids stories with love triangles. Can’t wait to read more!

    08/19/2020 05:12
  • Liliane Mason

    Super appreciated how the flashback wasn’t too intense.

    08/18/2020 21:36
  • Paige Copeland

    I want her to be with him, but not until he works his ever loving ass off to get her back. 😂

    08/18/2020 01:21
  • Kristie Leigh Dunlop

    keen to see where the story goes - looking forward to more chapters.

    08/17/2020 21:37
  • Ruthie Briggs

    omg can’t wait for the next update

    08/16/2020 23:07
  • Au'Star_lie

    Damm this chapter was humorous he thought he could just waltz in like no time passed i love it.

    08/16/2020 22:18
  • Wendy Syri

    Oh I so hope this won’t be a cliche book where she eventually goes back to her. Rayne and Parker deserves each other. Seb is still a selfish asshole. He moved on with his life for 5 yrs not giving a sh*t Rayne. Then when he finds out Gia is the town slut, he decides, “welp, I guess I’ll go get my true mate now”. He doesn’t love her or care about her. Why would she go live a miserable life with him, raising that hoe’s kid and being his breeder? I hope she truly rejects his ass. She’s happy now and she deserves it.

    08/16/2020 20:34
  • Biney Ruelas

    I really hope he leaves her alone.. I hope Parker meets his mate but rejects her.. maybe she's with someone else, idk.. but I totally ship Rayne with Parker!!

    08/16/2020 20:18
  • Reader-254912

    omg 😳 I cant wait this is getting good 🙌🏼🙌🏼

    08/16/2020 16:33