The White King's Favorite Comments
Haha love Tessa and her snarky comments. Loving the story; can’t wait for more!!! Great work author!!! 👍🏼 😊
09/04/2023 08:16Satui Maui'a Laufau
Oh this duo is the BOMBdotCOM! This kingdom and their King don’t realize how much they actually need someone like Cessi as their Queen & Tessa as their head warrior! I’m so happy she is standing up for herself. what her dad told before she left is finally coming into play and I LOVE IT! Tessa, please chop off Jisel’s head please?!? thanks Jenny!
09/04/2023 08:16Deehdee Dingal
OMG!!! next chapter pleaseeeeee.
09/04/2023 08:16Roseam
What a great chapter. Tessa has experimented, obviously that intimidates Sabael. I predict they'll have many ups and downs in their relationship. Nana will make an excellent councillor.
09/04/2023 08:16Tabatha Rhoderick
love, love LOVE it
09/04/2023 08:16p0fiu
Tessa is badasssss!!!!!! Show Nana’s older brother how it’s done!!!!! can’t wait for the next chapter!
09/04/2023 08:16Alialicia
I’m like Tessa... super happy for Dar and Nana (most saw it coming) but can we please go save Sab now. I’m stressing over her le for her!! lol
09/04/2023 08:16ppoggirl
how do they know each other?!!!!😮
09/04/2023 08:16Reader-555364
Awesome!!! 👍😁😁❤️❤️
09/04/2023 08:16Moonlight Muse
cece must b her dragon maybe?
09/04/2023 08:16p0fiu
FINALLLYYYYYYYYY!!!!! Cannot wait for what’s to come!!!!! but I see you Tessa! You go girl and get your mans 😏
09/04/2023 08:16lmao... I can’t with Tessa! this is Messandra and Anour all over again. Anour was quite and Messandra was bold. Poor Sab, he is so sweet. Tessa is going to drive that man nuts. but I died at her drunk ass 😂. I can’t wait for her to wake up the next morning. Yay to them having date night❣️
09/04/2023 08:16Mulenga Mwamba
just how much older is Ashen than Cesilia? in the beginning it said 3years now it’s saying over 5 years🤷🏾♀️
09/04/2023 08:16great power move
09/04/2023 08:16Satrupa Mohapatra
I guess jisel is not what she looks .It make sense as their own tribe suffered with the same circumstances so she helped them but I don't feel she will be an enemy to Cassi still something is a bit weird
09/04/2023 08:16Mie Ricafrap
they have a past! omg! cant wait for their interaction next
09/04/2023 08:16Penny A Foxie
69 argh this chapter made me so emotional! beautiful chapter, when I thought of the water god helping Cass and reuniting with her…wahhhhhh
09/04/2023 08:16They know each other??
09/04/2023 08:16Yes, I’m here for Nana and Darsan. I think Basat will be a good match for Kassian.
09/04/2023 08:16Great chapter, Jenny!! Cessi is kicking butt and taking names! Playtime is over, little girls and boys! Cant leave out Tessa and her witty zingers!
09/04/2023 08:16Cessilia stay, Jisel gtfo
09/04/2023 08:16Ahlie
ashen better teach jisel a lesson... she's so bold. you can't have cessi if she's still with you
09/04/2023 08:16ppoggirl
I hope Cessie show her strong side to these other contestants- I don’t want them thinking she is a push over.
09/04/2023 08:16Maria Patricia
so many answers! OH! amazing plot!
09/04/2023 08:16nemone van Der bliake
ooh they've definitely been close before- and what happened to cece?
09/04/2023 08:16So is Jisel the way that she is because of her background (and possibly the Kierens 2nd brothers daughter) or is this all a game to her? It's too early to consider her an ally.
09/04/2023 08:16love the drama!!! always excited for the next one
09/04/2023 08:16Cindy A
omg that was a great chapter cant wait for more... I wonder what the real deal is with Jisel... I hope that Tessa and Sabael can talk whatever is bothering him out I believe they like each other.. so nice to see Cessi is making friends she will be a great Queen... loving this book so much❤❤❤❤
09/04/2023 08:16Love the gesture some of the tribes did to support our Cessi. But I'm confused... was Cassandra really only 17 when she was first pregnant!!?😰
09/04/2023 08:16Amy Vaughn
I love it
09/04/2023 08:16Wendy Virginia
09/04/2023 08:16M NC
oh it’s on ceci is going to put her to shame I’m sure the blade may be laced with poison
09/04/2023 08:16Tessa has her mother’s spirit in her. She is such a great character.
09/04/2023 08:16Selene Murf
Oh my, I just dont know what to do with myself!!! I knew they had to know each other!!! From the throne room... Cessi knew The white King would be there in her room too... Jenny Fox you're suspense is killing my domestic routine! 😁 Cant wait for more
09/04/2023 08:16Jenny you did it again, another great cliff hanger leaving me on the edge of my seat. Absolutely love your work here. Thank you for sharing your talent.
09/04/2023 08:16Roxyfoxy
Girl Power!!! loved it
09/04/2023 08:16PoisonedPix
oh wait!!... oh Jenny what are you spinning!!
09/04/2023 08:16Ange
Please let Krai eat Jisel. Cannot stand her smug attitude.
09/04/2023 08:16pinkaxela
Urghhh I'm so worn out right now🥴🥴 What is this girl??
09/04/2023 08:16Becks C
Anothet great chapter 😊
09/04/2023 08:16Ludmila Bacova
omg omg omg - can't wait for next chapter!!!
09/04/2023 08:16ARK MOTHER
I love all of your books. I'm at work this Saturday...dying to hit breaks to get in a chapter. my hearts broken over cece. I'm also worried when the mistress told know that you are not the only monster here.... love all of Jenny's twists
09/04/2023 08:16Jemma
if only more young girls and women could be raised in families like hers where they are taught to be strong and confident in not only who they are but also there sexuality.. so they can not be made to feel humiliated or ashamed/shamed by men like that. so Important
09/04/2023 08:16Sarah Pascoe
Jisel is a manipulative women. she has a plan.
09/04/2023 08:16Sanah Soliman Lestat Hym
ohmygosh! Cannot wait for the next update Jenny! 😍
09/04/2023 08:16I might have to go back and reread the war god just to fill the time waiting for the next chapter!
09/04/2023 08:16Beatriz Astorga Morales
Love Tessa! 🥰 I’m beginning to hate Jisel and hoping Krai eats her soon... 😏😏😏
09/04/2023 08:16Jemma
Cessilia is magnificent and yes I’m using that word 😂 she is on a different level!!! she just keeps getting better and better! 🔥💜💪🏻 .. she’s so smart, she is right about the clans he knows it that’s why he’s so angry 👌🏻 Cessilia putting men like him in there place he doesn’t like that! he knows she’s the best and his ultimate threat/downfall.. like she said they’re scared of losing what they have 😉 , that’s twice he’s tried to humiliate her and failed miserably 😁 he will be his own undoing stupid arrogant greedy vile man. he knows she can change everything hence his attempts to belittle her but she just keeps obliterating him 😻👋🏻 they won’t be as unstoppable or powerful as they think they are once all the other tribes know they can work together as one 🙌🏻 I was a little upset as I thought we was going to get our Tess and Sabeal chapter ☹️ but then Cessilia just blows me away each time 😎 I can understand why we haven’t had Tess/Sab yet as Ashen/Cessilias story has so many important issues but 😩 I want Tessa and Sabeal to have there moment, talk or whatever 🙏 Tessa likes him sooo much! 💗
09/04/2023 08:16Allison Elizabeth Patel
wow. just wow. ok someone needs to kill the whore. she is getting on my nerves so much!!!
09/04/2023 08:16I love it!!!
09/04/2023 08:16Gee Higgins
now this is exciting
09/04/2023 08:16Reader-935058
I love Tessa last line. cutting ties with family who betray them. haha. Cassandra almost died because of one mad uncle. wow, learning a lot from the last two chapters. great chapter!!
09/04/2023 08:16love this story can’t wait for More 😁
09/04/2023 08:16OMG I'm really loving Tessa!!!
09/04/2023 08:16Reader-935058
Ashern being cock blocked. by a dragon. Good one Krai! Love is in the air tonight! Love this chapter!!
09/04/2023 08:16chp 22: lots of juicy action in this chapter. I need to reread in case I missed something. So good!
09/04/2023 08:16Alyssa Ling
is there a mistake with the names nana and naptuine?
09/04/2023 08:16Ooooohhh… this is getting better with each chapter! I feel like the granny might be the old Dragon King’s sister or something 😋
09/04/2023 08:16BookDragon
WOW, what an update!!! 😲 Go Cessilia!!! 🙌💪🏻!!! Loved it Jenny!!!
09/04/2023 08:16efff yeah! cessi showing her badass side, she's gonna be a great queen specially with warrior Tessa by her side! can't wait for Cessi and Ashen next chapter!!!!
09/04/2023 08:16Reader-791093
Beautiful story i know Ashen is going to pick Cessi
09/04/2023 08:16Jackie Sutton
got to chapter 30 and it waint let me read further how long do u have to wait for next update
09/04/2023 08:16Angela Stevens
Seriously that's why a lot o f readers get put of with these ongoing books...because you get chapters every so often was a fan of first book not so on the second book...
09/04/2023 08:16Melissa Gilbert
when is the next update would love it if the chapters for a little bit longer but I'm loving the story I loved the first one and I'm loving the sequel
09/04/2023 08:16loving it so far ;)
09/04/2023 08:16will love for Tessa or Cess to knock this queen down a notch or two lol
09/04/2023 08:16OMG I loved that Darsan is interested in Nana. She deserves a good guy!
09/04/2023 08:16Marija Marković
great chapter, thank you Jenny
09/04/2023 08:16Allira Turner
awe that's a nice chapter
09/04/2023 08:16Bevchrismaggie Krupp
love this story. cant wait for more!
09/04/2023 08:16literally reading “she will come back” made me so happy! I thought her dragon was dead 😵
09/04/2023 08:16BookDragon
Good update! But what the heck is going on with the King?? It’s great learning about the Eastern Empire but hoping to see some interaction between Cessilia and King Ashen!! Kinda feel bad for Tessa who is trying, a bit too hard I think, to catch Sabael’s attention 😏!! I hope she does though !!
09/04/2023 08:16Alicia Flores
Cessilia is so wise like her mom... Ashen and her are going to make a hell of a team and ofcourse Tessa will help too but I am still worried abouth Jisel I think she is crazy and smart thatvis a dangerous combination
09/04/2023 08:16Ani Ram
M confused.. Hw Sarai(dragon of War god's sibling who was killed) in TWGF is alive while Cece is dead?
09/04/2023 08:16release more chapters please
09/04/2023 08:16Bonnie Hlongwa
I keep wondering what exactly happened to Cessi’s Dragon
09/04/2023 08:16Jonelle Henrickson
Jenny! Once again, I am left speechless! Amazingly informative and surprising chapter! ❤
09/04/2023 08:16Latiffa K
love Cessi's confidence!
09/04/2023 08:16Selene Murf
Tessas' unfiltered comments, Yassim the Wise and our Pure Cessi, what a great mix... After re-reading these chapters, patiently waiting for updates, I see now that Ashen the White, was sent to The Gods... The Dragon Empires' Gods!! 🤦🏿 🤦🏾♂️ 🤦🏽♀️ 🤦🏼♀️
09/04/2023 08:16Kristin McLauchlin
09/04/2023 08:16Its magical.
09/04/2023 08:16crystal smart
This book is so good! I can't wait for an update. This book is as good as the War God's Favorite!
09/04/2023 08:16pinkaxela
Uuuuwuuuu Tessa😘 *CLAP CLAP*,, Mannn that whole conversation was hot!!
09/04/2023 08:16Ludmila Bacova
A bombshell revelation at the end...
09/04/2023 08:16p0fiu
I loved seeing Cessi stand up to him!!! So much hurt and so much emotion in this chap. There’s so much he doesn’t know and she doesn’t know. My heart hurts for the both of them 😩💔
09/04/2023 08:16Lally Devon
omg 😱 that’s was an epic chapter Jenny Fox 🦊 your the best 😘❤️❤️❤️
09/04/2023 08:16oh I can't wait till the next update!
09/04/2023 08:16Emma Hart
Just putting this here..... What if Cessi's scales turn white.....
09/04/2023 08:16Sandra G Corbett⁰⁰.(
The flow of the author's English may not be American or the Queen's English, but it fits with the overall fantasy nature of her work. It is in that fantasy mindset & "voice" that the reader ought to set out to enjoy this author's works. This voice sets the overall stage and adds to the drama of the work, it doesn't detract from it at all.
09/04/2023 08:16PoisonedPix
poor Krai! hopefully the vitamins will make his scales more shiny ^_^
09/04/2023 08:16Cathlyn Nolen-McCollum
very interesting hot a lot of answers
09/04/2023 08:16Beatriz Astorga Morales
Super chapter!!! Love Krai! Love Sabael (I like very much Tessa being all cheeky to him, trying to making him fall for her 🥰🥰🥰) I hope Sabael gives her an opportunity 😅😅😅
09/04/2023 08:16EJ Murphy
I really love this story but wish updates werent so far apart. would love to know what other stories the author has written.
09/04/2023 08:16Reader-935058
it a sign! but of what? Krai is there too. and Nana promised him some food to. great chapter, love the pda between her and the king. but I keep going back to the sign, what stab her hand?? something is up.
09/04/2023 08:16Loved it
09/04/2023 08:16Reader-397104
I can’t wait to see what happens next when they feed Krai
09/04/2023 08:16Awesome..As always looking forward for the next chapters... my thoughts for couples would definitely be darsan and Nana .. Kassian and Bastat or Ishira
09/04/2023 08:16Leah Danielle Pyhala
Chapter 21 had me in tears. So much pain in the King and Cessi.
09/04/2023 08:16Jaycee Rae-Lynn Lyons
I keep checking everyday to see if you have put out another chapter
09/04/2023 08:16Andrea Jones
soooO good!
09/04/2023 08:16