The White King's Favorite Comments
Auras Laura
funny and exiting reading well done👏👏🥰🥰🥰
09/04/2023 09:08Suheila Charafeldine
hope you feel better soon
09/04/2023 09:08BookDragon
Yes!! ❤️🥰 After all Ashen & Cessilia have been through they needed that release!! 😏😉 Loved this update allot!!!!
09/04/2023 09:08I feel really sorry for Jinn
09/04/2023 09:07the chapter we were al waiting for
09/04/2023 09:07I never want the chapters to end!!
09/04/2023 09:07shanaaz shaz
09/04/2023 09:07I feel like Cece is the coming storm along with a little inforcements of Dran, Ghalad, Shareen, Kairen, and Cassie….
09/04/2023 09:07so cute 🤣🤣♥️♥️
09/04/2023 09:07Great Chapter Jenny!! loved it. can’t wait for the next one. I hope she can get back to Ashen soon 😁
09/04/2023 09:07Annie Balotti-Paleen
Bloody Brilliant Chapter Jenny! I am still holding my breath! What a turn! welcome back Cece! we have all been waiting for you! ❄️🌬🐉
09/04/2023 09:07Roseam
Yes!!! I'm so glad they're reunited. Let the retribution commence.
09/04/2023 09:07Maria Patricia
i really want to ask, pray for her dragon 🐉 to be redirected and come back!
09/04/2023 09:07Bonib2
Ohhhh Darsan🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😍😂😂😂😂😂❤❤❤❤
09/04/2023 09:07Reader-789282
Jisel…you’ve been hiding behind your brothers dragon and your pimps for far too long girl. the game is over …BYE
09/04/2023 09:07omg!!! my poor heart!!! okay need to breath and be patient….
09/04/2023 09:06Allison Elizabeth Patel
OMG OMG OMG. Ut is either CECE has returned or DAD has arrived on Daraons dragon and I am happy with either. I am so excited!!!! love the story!
09/04/2023 09:06abobda’sgirl
a love story in the making hope they get their own story, but dying to know about Ashen and cessi
09/04/2023 09:06I know all good things must come to an end bbbuuuttttttt!!!😭😭😭😭 I love this story and TWKF!! please continue with their story!!!
09/04/2023 09:06I laughed so hard at every part Kareen was mentioned. Darsan is indeed a grandma’s boy, she approves Nana and Sabael, bapped Tessa’s head, and asks to save some Yekara soldiers for her to finish them 😂😂 boy do I miss her
09/04/2023 09:06Victoria Murray
I laughed until I cried when he threw Nana! He is my favorite character in any book I've read! That has to be Cece and is it possible she made the storm worse?
09/04/2023 09:06Roseam
Nana is so cute and amazing! Let's see what she and Krai can do. She's becoming one of my favourite characters.
09/04/2023 09:06Woodenheart Plaza
oh, looking forward for another sequel, pls jenny..
09/04/2023 09:06Louise Corcoran
why do I have the feeling that cece will be making a return !! please can you upload atleast two chapters at once this is killing me 😝😆💜
09/04/2023 09:06okay so these two books could totally be a movie Pitch hear me out we need Jason Momoa as the war god of course we need the lady that played Daenerys Targaryen as the war God's favorite we need Tasha can't remember her name the lady from Men in Black to play the grandmother
09/04/2023 09:06Victoria Rand Gentry
anxiously awaiting this next chapter!
09/04/2023 09:06Jael Brown
say what now, CeCe is an ice dragon. wow didn't see that coming. Jisel you are so done
09/04/2023 09:06Mimi
How brave cessi is
09/04/2023 09:06Allison Elizabeth Patel
09/04/2023 09:06Mina
Oh these two are just too cute together ❤️❤️❤️
09/04/2023 09:06Audwin Cole
the suspence killing me
09/04/2023 09:06Tanya Rene Crisco
love it I wait every day patiently for the next up date this series is by far one of the best books
09/04/2023 09:06I cannot remember what color CeCe was
09/04/2023 09:06Mina
Soooooo excited for the next chapter!!! 😍😍😍
09/04/2023 09:06Mina
Loove this chapter!! Sooo happy they are reunited ❤️
09/04/2023 09:06MK NoahCordero
her dragons 🐉 back baby yeya !
09/04/2023 09:06BookDragon
I noticed right away that as soon as Cessilia admitted her fear she stopped stuttering! So happy for her!! She’s going to finally put an end/kill Jinn & Jisel!! They both are nothing but trouble!!
09/04/2023 09:06Maria Patricia
OH by the dragon! I'm going to freaking lost it! really can't wait for the next chapter! Jenny Fox 🦊 thank you so much!
09/04/2023 09:05Wenhilmae Ami
having goosebumps.I want to see this in the movie !
09/04/2023 09:05I love your books! please rest and get well soon.
09/04/2023 09:05Victoria Murray
Am I the only one that checks in a couple of times a day to see if it's been updated even on the days I know it's not going to be?
09/04/2023 09:05Angelica Monteon
on the edge of my seat how and where does this all end
09/04/2023 09:05when he flings Nana in the Air 😂😂😂😂
09/04/2023 09:05Annie Balotti-Paleen
Cece… Cece… Cone on Cece! you are back with a vengeance on your cliffhangers Jenny! anxiously waiting for next chapter!!!
09/04/2023 09:05Cathlyn Nolen-McCollum
Enjoy your time off and I’m sick of Jisel and that old man they need to die or sit down somewhere and zip it for good
09/04/2023 09:05Auras Laura
maibe the tume came for your death darling😁
09/04/2023 09:05I love how much Cessis confidence has grown!! She doesn't need her dragon to make an impact and she's proven that time and time again!! Im glad she didn't give a second thought to Yebekhs words. He only spews hate and jealousy!! Hes disgusting!
09/04/2023 09:05BookDragon
Awesome update!! 👏🙂 It explained allot!! I hope Ashen “plays nice” 😏!!
09/04/2023 09:05that’s showing them girls rule, loved this chapter 😍
09/04/2023 09:05Donna DeNardo Grogan
I never thought you could top the first book. But I loved this one so much. Now my two favorite ❤️
09/04/2023 09:05love the book can't wait to read more
09/04/2023 09:05Cindy A
ohh Jenny you are so good... I hope its cece it has to be Cessi needs her now. I hope that this evens out the battle field that fight has been going on long enough.. can't wait for what comes next.🤍🤍🐉🐉🤍🤍
09/04/2023 09:05or is the War God, Cece, and the rest of the family!!!
09/04/2023 09:04Psylocke
can’t catch a break
09/04/2023 09:04Pattie Guthrie
I missed Grandma. She is there to kick butt and deliver good news lol.
09/04/2023 09:04Jisel couldn't leave well enough alone. Her big mouth just doomed her.
09/04/2023 09:04Kathryn Ngatuakana
omg please tell me it kairen, he sure as hell had to have felt krai and knew something was up!!! Lets go dragon fams, omg jenny you sure know how too keep us on the edge🤣🤣🤣love it love it love it, cant wait for the next update its gonna be tense😁😁
09/04/2023 09:04Reader-925504
love the interaction between Darsan and Nana. so cute!
09/04/2023 09:04this book just keeps getting better and better
09/04/2023 09:04Drawkser
I love this book so much 🥰😍😍 it is full of surprises 🙊🙊
09/04/2023 09:04Its a great read, plot is amazing, characters are awesome! keep it up.
09/04/2023 09:04Reader-925504
I love Nana so much!!!
09/04/2023 09:04Gee Higgins
oh cry me a river Jisel so full of it. oh well u have just managed to piss the princess off, no stopping her now
09/04/2023 09:04Reader-549677
love the books these are one of my favorites!
09/04/2023 09:03Reader-549677
love the books these are one of my favorites!
09/04/2023 09:03Amy Vaughn
I think it would make a great movie
09/04/2023 09:03I love these storys the first one with there parents is still one of my all time favs and this one is right there with it and I am thrilled how the characters have grown threw the story's if these are book books I so need to know so I can buy them and any more that are to come that might go with the other 2 stories because there truly fantastic
09/04/2023 09:03linda
Lovely 😂😂😂👌👌👌❤❤❤
09/04/2023 09:03Gracee
wow!that was epic fighting scenes!and tessa and sabs part was too cute as well..😂 excited for the next chapter!
09/04/2023 09:03Giane Andales
Cece is back❤️
09/04/2023 09:03Roseam
So does that mean K isn't as interested in the lady as I thought or is he just playing it cool? Loved all the interactions.
09/04/2023 09:03Maria Patricia
i can't wait! thank you Jenny Fox 🦊❤️
09/04/2023 09:03OMG!!!! I can't say how excited I am for Cessi. I can't wait for the next chapter!!!!
09/04/2023 09:03Abackpack 01
Jinn is lame.
09/04/2023 09:03Maria Patricia
oh my! so freaking excited! lady kareen! I've missed them all! the funny thing is that i have a feeling that she'll bring an egg for Tessa!
09/04/2023 09:03I'm not ready 😭😭😭😭
09/04/2023 09:03can’t wait to read about Nana and sir Dragon 😅
09/04/2023 09:03Bonib2
Ohhh no more stutters yay😍😍😍
09/04/2023 09:03Kimberly Fuls
woot! go Nana! but omg, what about Cessi and that wench Jisel, and her stupid dragon... I need more!
09/04/2023 09:03Kathryn Ngatuakana
hey is nana uncle still alive??..
09/04/2023 09:03Kathryn Ngatuakana
guys how do we like chapters, i cant seem to find the "Like".
09/04/2023 09:03Soph Hugh
my heart! I am on the edge of my seat!
09/04/2023 09:03Jael Brown
this is going to be good, I can not wait to see what happens next
09/04/2023 09:03Ludmila Bacova
a great chapter bringing another viewpoint to us!
09/04/2023 09:03so happy to see Tessa and sable finally back together!
09/04/2023 09:03Soph Hugh
09/04/2023 09:03Reader-175881
Jenny your feeding my love for romance.. ranea dudley-wilson
09/04/2023 09:02Ludmila Bacova
the action continues ❤
09/04/2023 09:02Ludmila Bacova
Love this book! It's so good I can't wait for next chapter 😁❤
09/04/2023 09:02I'm so agreeing with that last statement.
09/04/2023 09:02Marija Marković
it was great chapter! thank you Jenny!
09/04/2023 09:02Soph Hugh
Battle!!! I am stoked!
09/04/2023 09:02omgggg i got chills while reading the whole chapter lol!!! its so amazing!!!
09/04/2023 09:02SvS 🐝
hahahhahaha love Nana and Darsan 😍😍😍
09/04/2023 09:02Lasirra
is there a update schedule? I have notifications turned on but it doesn't work lol.
09/04/2023 09:02Pattie Guthrie
Jisel and Yekebra both need whats coming to them. Im hoping Cece is healing and on her way back to Cessi with her shiny scales before they turn dark gray
09/04/2023 09:02Maria Patricia
i love this story so much! and all the others as well! thank you so much once again Jenny Fox 🦊 💕 for this awesome chapter 💕
09/04/2023 09:02Anna Marie
hope to see an update soon 🤞
09/04/2023 09:02I am enjoying the book. Please keep up the great work.
09/04/2023 09:02love it
09/04/2023 09:02